~From Bi~

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Harry longingly stared at Draco Malfoy in pure jealousy. He sat reading gay times so carefree in the eighth year common room, not engulfed in the world and its reactions. Ever since Draco came out, Harry felt two emotions towards him, love and jealousy. He only wished he could be as free as draco was, being able to kiss other men without the consequences or endless amounts of press. However, that will never happen. "Harry just go ask him for advice." Hermione often told him, but harry just shook his head. That would never happen, so he decided to do the next best thing, write an anonymous letter asking for advice instead.

Dear Draco Malfoy,
I am writing this letter for advice but anonymously because it's kinda, well absolutely private. I see you quite often being openly gay, reading the gay times and being so free and I want that with desperation. I'm not gay, I'm bi (well I think) and I just wish I had the confidence like you. Please reply with some advice.

After taking a deep breath, he sent it on his way, eagerly watching to see when an Draco would get it. He walked into the common room, eyes to the ground as he tried to ignore Draco's presence. He felt his way around to the window seat and stared onto the cold Hogwarts ground, trying to distract himself from the apprehension and fear he was experiencing. A tap on the window pulled him out of his thoughts as he saw a dark brown owl holding a letter in his mouth. He pulled open the window, let the envelope fall into his hand and stared in utter shock. It sent already! He was expecting it to get to him tomorrow! He gulped, stood up and walked over to Draco. The blonde boy tilted his magazine and looked up at Harry who was shaking slightly.
"Uh um it's for you." Harry said quickly, trying his hardest not to jumble up his words. Draco's nimble fingers plucked the letter out of his hand and instantly went to open it. Harry perched against the closest armchair, trying to slow down his heart. Draco's eyes glided over the text and he smiled. Draco Malfoy smiled!
"Aww." He said before tucking the letter into the magazine, blocking a torso Harry's eyes had fixated on. Harry looked up at Draco, pretending to look confused and hoping he wasn't failing. "It was a young gay- Well bi who wanted my advice. It's cute." Draco said.
"Um do you get those often?" Harry asked, not really sure which answer he wanted. If he got loads, he might receive some generic answer he sends to everyone. But if Harry's letter was the only one, he might get a more personal letter, a look into Draco's life. Harry wasn't sure which one he'd prefer.
"Nah only one or two." He said as he toyed with the corner of the envelope which was sticking out. "You can normally tell who they are though." Harry's eyes grew wide with fear and he felt like he was going to faint. "Normally a first year who will be looking at me earnestly."
"Oh cool." Harry could barely form that answer through pure fear.
"Why you asking anyway? My fan club bigger than yours Potter?" He sneered before getting up to leave.
"You wish!" Harry shouted at the laughing man as he exited before flopping down into the now empty armchair in a pool of confusion and fear.

After a long walk contemplating the writer of his mysterious fan mail.
"You're not dwelling on some stupid fan letter are you?" Pansy asked as he flopped down on the end of his bed.
"My dear, it's not just any fan letter, it's someone pleading for advice from me. Quite heartwarming actually." Draco replied as he grinned at the parchment.
"Write back then and come back to me!" She whined, missing her best friend.
"But I wanna know who it is?"
"Then ask." She replied in a bored tone.

Dear bi,
I feel honoured to be your gay of choice for advice! My only advice is to ease into coming out. If you're in a safe environment with loving people, slowly you can become who you really are. You'll need a hard shell but you'll get there one day. Regarding family and other non students, do it in a letter if you don't wish to say it to them at your next meeting. The main point is that you're going to be safe. Anyway, enough of that. I want to know about you. Here are some questions:
1) What year are you in?
2) What's your gender?
3) What's your house?
Feel free to add in any more info as I want to figure out who you are.
-Draco Malfoy, your local and amazing gay!

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