~Nurse malfoy~

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Harry POV:
What's happened? My head was ringing and i couldn't open my eyes. After about 10 minutes of figuring out how my body works, I opened my eyes to a bright light. Fuck. It's the end already. I didn't get to do half the things I wanted in my life! "Where the fuck am I? Is this the afterlife? Mum? Dad?" I groaned.
"Ah Potter, you're awake." A voice said.
"I must be in hell then if you're here Malfoy." I spat.
"Unfortunately I'm not allowed in hell. Satan is scared of the Malfoy's. You're in the hospital, you ran into a wall at a train station and have been in a coma ever since."
"Wait so how long uh doctor?" I asked confused and panicked.
"Yes doctor. Five years." He replied. Wait, so I was never wizard. I've lost 5 years of my life?
"Wait what? I shouted, needing some answers on what had happened.
"I'm joking Potter, you flew into a wall and it was apparently my fault for distracting you. You've been in a coma for five days." He laughed and perched on my bed.
"Shouldn't you be reporting my awakening to pomfrey." I spat. I'd rather have her than Malfoy any day.
"No because you're in my care now. Apparently that's my punishment, to nurse you back to health. I guess I should probably drug you or something." He said while rolling his eyes.
"You better mean giving me my medicine Malfoy or I swear to god I'll turn you into a slug." I threatened. He laughed as he grabbed a syringe and filled it with a pinkish liquid.
"I gotta give you one syringe of this twice a day and some other shit after meals or something." He said as he prepared the needle.
"Sounds like your an expert." I said sarcastically.
"Shut up and show me your arm." He sighed, obviously annoyed that he had to do this. I rolled up my sleeve and his eyes widened slightly.
"Wait. Do you know how to do this?" I quickly asked as I pulled my arm away. He sighed and nodded so I slowly put my arm back. He injected me and I felt myself go slightly dozy.

"You know what Malfoy. You're an idiot." I slurred. I was feeling things that had to be the drugs fault. He was attractive and that was wrong. Not cause of the fact he was a boy, cause I never really liked anyone, let alone a boy. But the fact that he was Malfoy.
"So like how are you feeling? Dead?" He asked awkwardly.
"Fuck me you're hot." I slurred, too drugged to realised what I said.
"Excuse...what!" He said shocked.
"I said I'm feeling a little hot." I blurted out quickly.
"Oh um, lemme just pull back your blankets." He said as he pulled it back slightly. I had just realised how close we were. I could feel his breath against my cold skin and it helped warm me up from the sudden burst of cold air on me. Shouldn't of said I was hot.

"Do you have to go to lessons?" I asked, trying to change the subject to his subjects.
"Nope, had to sit here and wait for you to show some sort of sign that you didn't die." He said sounding bored as ever. The light from the window illuminated his face, highlighting his facial structure. I had never noticed how sharp his jaw was or how prominent his cheekbones were before. An awkward silence engulfed the room. He sat there staring at the wall and I stared at him. What was he thinking? What intricate thoughts were conjuring up in that mind? Probably ways to kill me when giving me my medicine. "Potter I'm bored. Do something interesting." He groaned as he slumped into his chair.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Faint or like fall out of bed and break everything. Or maybe die!" He suggested.
"Very funny." I muttered.
"Actually don't die, too much effort for the trial and id have to buy a new arrangement of suits to go to court in. Frankly I cannot be bothered with all the fittings." He rambled. The thought of Malfoy in a suit made me go dizzy and released butterflies into my stomach.
"Potter you've gone pale and your eyes have gone weird. Are you actually dying?" He said, sounding slightly panicked.
"Dizzy." I barely made out as the world around me span. Then suddenly it went black again and all I hear was "and the award for most dramatic goes to Potter."

*couple hours later in the middle of the night*

I woke to the feeling of emptiness. When the hell was the last time I ate? Carefully, I moved myself into my side, to see the kinda-attractive-but-shouldn't-be boy lying on a mattress on the floor. Images of the tantrum he probably threw when he saw that flooded my mind. I reached out to wake him. But because I am extremely bad at judging distances without my glasses, I reached out to touch him a little too far and fell onto his mattress. "Potter! Fucking hell!" He shouted as he woke up startled.
"Ow." Is all I could make out.
"What the fuck are you doing? I know you're all concussed but you sure you don't have fucking brain damage?" He spat.
"I was trying to wake you to tell you I'm awake and probably would need some more medicine." I groaned. His mattress was far from comfy and I didn't understand why he couldn't use one of the beds. There was no one else in here! He glared at me, obviously annoyed at my waking him up. "Potter. You could've just said my name or something instead of falling onto this pathetic excuse of a mattress." He said angrily.
"Just sleep on a bed for the night. Pomfrey hasn't been in here when I was awake and you can draw the curtains around it or something." I suggested.
"I'm already in enough trouble for nearly killing the chosen one." He muttered.
"You could sleep in my bed." I whispered.
"I said, you could sleep in my bed." I said slightly louder. The courage inside me was slowly fading away as I realised what I was doing.
"I'm not gay Potter. And even if I was, you'd be my last choice." He said while slightly blushing.
"Shut up Malfoy! I'm wide awake so I could stay down here and you could sleep for a couple hours." I replied. His eyes shifted up into the bed and back to me.
"You sure?" He asked quietly.
"If it means you'll snap at me less then yes Im sure. I'll wake you if anyone's coming." He nodded in reply. He looked weird all tired. I was use to him being pristine and clean but now he looked run down, covered in a fine blonde stubble. His skin was grey and he had dark circles like a panda! When was the last time he had slept? Did he stay up for me? Probably not.

~Drarry one shots~ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ