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A/N: This is gonna be long also trigger warning of mental illnesses and mental instability in the character of George. Sorry if the portrayal is offensive, I do not wish it to be, I'm just basing it off of portrayals I've seen in the media. If you do have any problems with it, please tell me so I wont make the same mistake in the future. Enjoy!

Draco stood by Harrys desk impatiently. The only flaw of his job was that once a month, he had to assess Harrys wellbeing for his auror programme. Well he says flaw but he didn't mind having to inspect Harrys body, its just that it has to be for a boring medical reason! Plus Harry was always late and today was no exception. 

"Ahhh Malfoy its doctor day! Half a muffin?" He said excitedly while holding out half a chocolate chip muffin. Draco shook his head and denied Harrys half eaten, extremely unhealthy food, which was totally a hard decision (not). "Oh and go easy on me, I'm a little bruised from catching someone earlier." He added through a mouthful of muffin as he walked into his office. Harry shared an office with Ron and whenever Draco was around, Ron was far away. The blinds closed and Harry peeled off his shirt. When they had first started doing this, Draco thought of all the other ways, this same scene could happen if it wasn't just a medical thing. But unfortunately it never leads to anything.

"Anything causing you trouble?" Draco asked as he prodded around Harrys chest.
"Well my landlords upped my rent so that's annoying." Harry replied paired with a cheeky grin, Draco rolled his eyes in reply.
"I meant with your body Potter. Body doctor, not head." Draco sighed.
"Nothings wrong with my body Malfoy, its beautiful! He gasped, put his hands on his chest and sulked.
"This is why I don't specialise in pediatrics." Draco muttered. "I meant injury wise." He said.
"Oh. Couple bruises and I think I might've pulled a muscle in my right hip but i'd say I'm doing good." He said as he propped himself up on his desk.
"Okay i'll check your hip. Strip down to your boxers." Draco said quickly. He'd seen Harry naked but the thought of him in his boxers made Draco blush. He distracted himself with boring paper work before there was a knock on the door. He glanced at Harry.
"Well I can't answer in my boxers." Harry said. Draco opened the door a crack.
"I'm terribly sorry but Harry is currently In a-"
"I know I know. Can you just pass his handcuffs onto him." Ron said as he held out a pair of silver handcuffs. Draco sighed, nodded and accepted them before shutting the door.

"For you." He said while giving harry his handcuffs. "I'm just gonna pull these down slightly, tell me if you feel any pain or discomfort." He started to feel around Harrys hip when harry made a surprised noise. "Did it hurt?"
"No, I'm stuck." Harry said simply. Draco looked up to see Harry had got his hand in one of the cuffs.
"You actual idiot." Draco said and Harry just laughed.
"Go into my trouser pocket, that's where I keep the key." Draco went through all the pockets and to his dismay, found them empty.
"Um Potter they're empty."
"What? Oh um come and see if you can break it or use a spell." However as soon as Draco placed his hand on the other cuff, it snapped onto his wrist.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Draco shouted.
"Oh fucking Ron! He's messed about with my handcuffs!" Harry gasped.
"Well lets go see him now! I gotta get back to work!" Draco shouted as he pulled Harry off the table.
"Slight issue." Harry said, referencing to his nearly naked body.
"Uh call him in here or something!" Draco said, nearly screaming. Harry did as he was told and a few moments later, Ron casually walked in.
"Whoa mate, clothes do exist." Ron said with a laugh, pretending to shield his eyes. Draco just scowled.
"Just undo us Ron." Harry sighed.
"Slight problem. I cant for a week." He said quietly.
"WHAT!" They both screamed.
"Not my fault, its the spell." Ron replied.
"Ron just go. Malfoy you're going to have to live with me." Harry sighed.

They both flooed back to Harrys apartment, Draco in a horrible mood.
"What am I going to do about work?" he stressed.
"Tell them you caught the flu and cant come in incase you infect the patients." Harry suggested. Draco sighed but done it anyway, getting the week off. They both moped in silence, not knowing how the rest of the week will go.
"Well if you're going to mope, I'm off for a shower." Harry said going to get him. Draco instantly dragged him back down.
"No your fucking not." He spat.
"Oh come on, you see naked people all day long. You've seen me naked! I feel gross and sooner or later we'll stink. I'll have a one handed shower and then you can have a one handed shower." Harry groaned.
"Fine but if u do one thing wrong, I'm chopping my hand off and accepting the fact I may bleed to death." Draco replied paired with a scowl.
"Charming." Harry muttered before getting up and dragging Draco with him.

~Drarry one shots~ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant