~Muggle Machinery~

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Draco Pov:
"First of all to the law department to pick up the surgery papers, then to admin and then back in time for Mrs Millers surgery." I muttered to myself for the hundredth time. I was trying  my hardest to calm myself down as doing things quickly was never my forte. Suddenly, I stopped. Where had the stairs gone? I glanced around, looking for a reporter or a kid about to jump out and announce their horrid prank. I didn't have time for this. I glanced around again, people were passing like nothing was happening. Could not see what I was seeing? I glanced again at the metallic looking doors, squinting hard to see if anything wasn't right.

"Those are elevators, or lifts as we call them in England." A voice said. I snapped my head round, about to shout at them. I stepped back as I realised who it was. Harry Potter.
"Oh um Malfoy, haven't seen you here before!" He awarkdly laughed as he pressed a button on the wall.
"What did you just do? Why did you press the button? Calling some aurors on me to take me away?" I snapped defensively. He stared at me, raised an eyebrow and slowly removed his hands.
"Calling for the lift..." He replied slowly. Now it was my turn to be confused. "You do know what a lift is right?" He added. I looked down at my shoes, embarrassed that he knew something I didn't. "Well you press the button and one of these silver doors will slide open, you go in, then you press which floor you want to go to and it'll take you. These ones only go up and down, but I heard they're  going to add ones that go left and right." Harry explained.  I stared at the doors and suddenly they slid open, making me gasp.

He walked into the small box.
"You coming or waiting for the next one?" I walked into the box and stood as far away from Potter as I could, which wasn't by much. He pressed a button with the number 7 engraved onto it and look at me.
"Same floor." I replied as the doors closed. Suddenly the machined jolted and I grabbed forward, my hands lying on Harrys arm.
"Whoa there!" He laughed. Quickly I snatched my hands back and scowled at him. How dare he laugh at me!
"So the law department huh?" He said awkwardly, as I watching a small screen above his head,  tell me we're on floor 2. "I'm getting some more arrest sheets, you?"
"Surgery sheets." I replied. "Has anyone told you how exciting your conversations are Potter?" I smirked. Floor 3, god this is slow!
"Well Malfoy, saying this the first civil conversation we've-"
"WE'VE STOPPED!" I shouted as the now comforting hum of the box had stopped. Harry noticed as well as he glanced at the panel above his head, which had turned off.
"Oh." Was all he could say. He held his finger down on a golden button that had a red glow to it and a bell rang.
"Hello?" An annoyed sounding voice said.
"Um hi, it appears the lift has stopped somewhere betwe-"
"POTTER JUST SAY IT! WE'RE TRAPPED IN THIS STUPID, TINY, METAL BOX AND WE'RE GONNA DIE!" I screamed. Even if we get out of here, i'll miss the surgery and be killed by my boss anyway! Harry glared at me.
"I'm sorry about that." He said sweetly, I went to shove him out the way but he used his spare hand to push me against the wall, rather harshly. "We're somewhere between level 3 and 4."
"Did he say Potter?" The woman said squeakier than before. I rolled my eyes and he done the same thing that shocked me.
"Uh yes, I'm Harry Potter." He sighed and the girl squealed.
"And I'm Draco Malfoy, so now we've all met, get us fucking moving or out of here." I spat.
"Oh Draco Malfoy." The woman said, like she was disgusted. It stung slightly, but im use to it and i guess i deserve it. "I'll see what i can do."

I kicked the wall of the box and sunk down to the floor.
"Stupid muggle machinery." I muttered, hitting the wall again. Harry slid down and sat next to me.
"Actually i think its good the ministry decided to venture into muggle machinery. Theres toasters and a microwave in the cafeteria now." Harry replied.
"Well no one asked for your opinion Potter." So my life was now over. I'd either die in this lift with Potter or get to work late and be fired, which will result in my death. Either way, im pissed off.
"By the way, the way the woman said your name was wrong and i'll file an employee complaint against her. Harry said. I looked over at him with a small smile.
"Thanks but i deserve it. Plus you grow use to it after a while." I sighed. I get it everyday. Patients that reuest another trainee healer to heal them, People not wanting me to help in their surgery and even co workers that refuse to work with me. I've had to grow use to it.
"Well you shouldn't have to! Its not your fault. No offense, but you parents kinda forced you into it all." He replied, sounding slightly stressed.
"Thank you Potter, but i still done it." I replied.

Time went past and the lights began to flicker above. Before we knew it. we were engulfed in a cloak of darkness. (A/n also my new emo name.)
"Fucking great!" Harry spat. I fumbled around for my wand. Nope that was Harry's leg, that was the ground, that was.... Harrys wand? But in the end i found it.
"Lumos." We both whispered and our wands shone brightly.
"Hi again." He said with a laugh, which made me giggle. "So Malfoy, Surgery sheets? Are you a rich doctor now?" He purred, his eyes gleaming from his wands light. I moved my wand so he wouldn't see me blush.
"I wish! Im a very poor, in a lot of debt, trainee healer. Well i was, i'll be fired now." I replied, my chest hurting from the truth.
"What! Why?" He asked, sounding raged.
"I cause too many issues and now i'll be missing a major surgery run by my boss who hates me." I replied.
"Well thats bullshit. I know theres positions here for healers, personal ones to go with the auror. Maybe you should apply? At least do it so i can have a break from a bunch of screaming girls and actually interview someone who wouldnt give me the kiss of life for a papercut." He replied.
"I would like that job but a) im not finished my training and im sure you need to be a skilled healer to be out of feild and b) like anyone would work with me." I replied. "So your an auror?"
"Yeah, its uh kinda interesting and i guess just the step up from what i was already doing. Plus I work with Ron, as the running around has helped him out a lot mentally and Hermione works at the ministry so its all good." Harry replied.

The darkness was making me extremly tired and it took all my willpower just to not fall asleep. Plus the only thing working in the lift was a tiny speaker playing a cheesy piano song on repeat. Harry had even made lyrics to go with it.
"Stuck in a lift, We're stuck in a lift, Two boys who are bored are stuck in a lift, stuck in a lift, please save me before one of us has to peeeeeeee. Cause we're stuck in a lift-"
"Please shut up." I groaned, knowing that stupid song would be stuck in my head for a week. Harry sighed.
"Do you have any food?"
"No i tend not to eat before surgery." I replied. Harry flopped down on the floor and let his wand roll away, groaning throughout his dramatic act.
"I've definetly lost my job by now but for some reason i dont care."  I sighed, shaking my head to keep myself awake.
"Good, then you wont be in a rush to get back to work and you can go to lunch with me." Harry said, grinning from ear to ear. This woke me right up.
"The micrawave in the dining area sounds splendid." I replied, with a warm fluttering in my heart.
"First of all its a microwave and second of all, I think i can afford something a bit better than the cafe." Harry replied.
"Okay uh sounds cool."
"So its a date?" He said.
"A WHAT?" i shouted in shock.
"Oh um, did i get the wrong message?" He stuttered, getting up and standing away from me. Even in the dark, i could tell he was embarrassed.
"What? If you're asking if im gay, yes i am. However, I don't use it as a conversation opener." I replied, slightly amused.
"Well yeah of course, thats totally understandable. So um, you wanna go grab lunch after this at that new fancy resturant in hogsmeade. Ron and hermione went and it seemed-"
"Shut up Potter." I said before getting up and kissing him.

Suddenly the lift groaned and we stared to move, not just to floor 7, but a whole new life.

A/N: hellooooo! That ending was kinda predictable oops. Sorry for the lack of updates in like a month, ive been super busy and the one i was writing deleted itself so i had to pull this together. Also thank you so much on 11k reads!!!! Its mental that people want to read my mess!! I'll attempt to update more regularly in the future but i have some hetic months ahead of me so sorry in adavnce. byeeeeeeee

~Drarry one shots~ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon