~Backpacking P3~

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A/N: DAY 6!!! ONLY 8 MORE DAYS TO WRITE/READ WHOOOOP!!! I've been writing this for centuries, so I really need motivation. I've literally been writing this since early August ( I think) and it still isn't done. Hopefully, I can finish it off so you won't have to wait in between parts for me to write it and maybe when it's done I'll upload it into a separate fic so you can reread it all together if you would like that? Okay onto the thingy:

"Did you travel a lot as a child?" Harry asked as they walked down the quaint backstreets of Florence, eating/making a mess of his ice cream.
"Only around Europe and to stay with other families and relatives," Draco replied.
"So you've been to Italy before?" Harry asked, feeling sort of disappointed as he thought they were both experiencing this beautiful country for the first time.
"Yes but not to Florence or Rome. Only to large mansions up in the alps or secluded areas. Plus, I never actually left the mansions so technically I haven't really been to Italy." He explained.
"Oh good! I thought I was experiencing this beauty all on my own then!" Harry exclaimed as he skipped down the lane and revelled in the quaint shops and relaxing atmosphere.
"I'm experiencing a whole different beauty," Draco muttered to himself, watching Harry like he was one of the attractions tourists flocked to see.

They only went to two places that day; the Boboli gardens and the Duomo. But they didn't look around separately, with one trailing after the other, they looked together. Holding hands, they marvelled in the beauty surrounding them and the person they were spending it with. Draco believed he had never been to somewhere so romantic and tranquil as the Boboli gardens and vowed to one day have his marriage ceremony there. Forcefully, he had to stop himself from imagining marrying Harry and recreating this trip as their honeymoon; that was a thought for his dreams.(A/n: When I reread this, I thought omg I could write that honeymoon trip but no way am I putting myself through this again) Harry on the other hand, found the gardens depressing. He knew how much his mother would've loved the flowers and everywhere he turned, he painfully imagined how different it would've been if he came here with his parents. Lily would fall in love with the delicate flowers, James finding the lily's and secretly picking one for her. He would also try and make her, and Harry laugh by running into the fountains and probably getting them kicked out. When Draco asked to leave, Harry practically ran out the gates. However, the Duomo was breath-taking. The enormous, medieval cathedral loomed over their heads.
"We'll definitely burn if we go in there." Draco laughed as they stood at the large doorway. But Harry longed to go light a candle for all of those who had passed and all he missed, so dragged Draco inside. He had never been religious, but after the gardens, he had to do this. In the end, he ended up lighting seven candles to honour those close to him and he felt as if a weight had been lifted off his guilty conscience. He could've done more to save them.

*Wow soz for the depression. I'm writing this an hour and a half before my 16th birthday (I think I accidentally said I was 16 to someone before so sorry for that, must've clicked the wrong number) so whoooop a birthday themed time skip to the next day, yayyyyy cake and stuff* *Oh my god my birthday was nearly 2 months ago ahhhhh this is taking me forever!!!!*

The duo arrived in Venice at 9:20 am, full of energy. But Harry was feeling an entirely different emotion, due to Draco's outfit. He was wearing a tight pair of grey, soft shorts and a dark green, tight fitted shirt. Harry never believed it was capable for a Malfoy to tan and sort of hoped he'd burn, but Draco skin had a golden glow to it, making him irresistibly sexy and Harry was feeling desperate by the time they got to the hotel. He flopped down onto the soft freshly made bed and groaned as his sore, train battered, body hit the inviting sheets. Draco sauntered about the room, inspecting every millimetre to see if it was up to his standards and from what he could see, it was. The ministry had outdone themselves on this one! Draco turned and faced the boy on the bed, who was hungrily looking at his body, causing him to raise an eyebrow and say,
"can I help you?" Harry looked Draco in the eye,
"please," he whined, and Draco practically pounced on him. Harshly, he ripped at Harry's clothing, making Harry harder by the second. He bit down on Harry's lip, making him groan and allowing Draco to take full control of the situation. Harry pushed up into Draco, longing for some form of contact to give him a hint of pleasure, but Draco pushed him down and held his hips, taking everything at an agonizingly slow pace.
"Come on Draco, I can't wait any longer." Harry moaned, feeling frustrated and shaking from anticipation,
"You will wait patiently and go at my pace, or I'll walk away," Draco warned. Harry nodded quickly and decided to lie their submissively. He felt almost addicted to Draco and knew this was going to be a problem. 

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