Clark sighed. "What should we do with the two of you?"

When our video call with Axel ended, I finally able to take in the sight of the rest house. It was filled with Christmas decorations. "I wanted to surprise you for Christmas, but you end up surprising me instead." Kuya said.

"I thought you're busy during Christmas." I told him.

"Well, I cleared my schedule, when I heard Mom and Dad couldn't leave New York and you kept on insisting on spending Christmas here." He replied.

"Damien invited me to spend it with his family... that's before we had the fight, though..." I sighed.

Kuya Martin put me in a headlock. "Stop sulking... You have me here, don't you? Or am I not enough?" He suddenly started tickling me.

"Hey..." I complained as I laughed.

After taking me out for lunch, I asked Kuya to bring me to Peter's grave. With roses in my hands, I walked towards Peter's grave as my heart pounded. It had been too long since the last time I visited his grave, and after everything that happened, being there made me emotional.

Somehow it reminded me of the days I spent with him, the days we were together. I wondered how things might've turned out if he was still alive. Would he be happy for me and Damien?

That's the only thing I was sure of, that even Peter was still alive, I would still somehow find my way to Damien. I know I would still fall in love with Damien, no matter when or how we meet.

After all, Fate brought us together.

I walked towards Peter's grave alone as Kuya stayed in the car.

"Hey, I'm here..." I said as I placed the roses on his gravestone. "I know, it's been a while, and I'm sorry if it took me this long to visit you again. A lot of things changed after you were gone... Damien and I are together now, I hope you're okay with that. Look, Peter, I know I shouldn't be troubling you anymore, but, there's this doppelganger that's making me confused, and causing trouble for my relationship with Damien. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you are... if your soul is really trapped in that person, give me a sign... I want to help you, but I just don't know how... you don't deserve to be involved in all of these, you should be resting and at peace now... I'm sorry Peter, but please, for one last time, I need your help..."

It felt good to visit Peter for a long time. Somehow, I felt a lot more positive.

"Do you feel better?" Kuya Martin asked when I went back to the car.

"Yeah..." I replied.

"Good. I don't like you being sad, Teo." He said as he held the back of my head tenderly.

I fell asleep on our way back to the house, and Kuya Martin woke me up gently. I was still a bit groggy when I walked out of the car, I was about to open the gate when I heard someone call my name.

"Teo!" I turned around and saw Damien walking out of the Cruz's front gate.

I froze on my feet as Damien approached me. Seeing the worried expression on his face, hearing his voice call my name again, it made my eyes well up. Without saying anything, Damien pulled me closer for a tight.

His touch made my heart race, but it also made tears fell from my eyes. I just missed Damien so much that having him embraced me again made my emotions suddenly pour out. It also made me realize how much I need Damien in my life.

After being so anxious about him being angry at me, after that scary episode last night, I needed Damien's touch more than ever. It made me feel safe, it made me feel calm.

Seize the Miracle, Capture your Love [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now