Twenty Five (Clark)

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I can't believe that Axel still couldn't remember what he said to me. It had been a week, for crying out loud! How can he be so clueless? What's even more frustrating was the fact that I was letting those words get into my head.

We were on a feeding program, and I didn't want to ruin my mood that early Sunday morning, but I also didn't want to avoid him – the more you avoid Axel, the more he would bother you – so, it was a dilemma.

I was unloading the boxes of apples from the van when Axel approached me. "Need help?" He asked.

"Nope." I had enough of his help. The more he helps, the worst things become for me. "Do something else. I can handle this perfectly well on my own."

All week I had been patient with him, I mean I didn't even try to avoid him or drive him away. That would only make him suspicious and more bothersome.

"Okay, what's the deal?" Axel suddenly asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked back, confused as to what he was asking about.

"You've been sarcastic to me for a whole week. I mean it's a new level of sarcasm, even for you. Is this still about the party? Come one, just tell, what did I do?" I had no idea how he figured it out, but it was annoying that he did.

"You didn't do anything, okay." I told him, quite impatiently. "I'm just being a bit oversensitive..."

"About what? Just tell me, Clark." He insisted.

"Why are you so stubborn? I already said it's nothing, so why can't you just leave it at that?" I snapped.

"I'm sorry... It's just that, the whole week I've been thinking that I messed up again, that I did something to make you angry..."

I sighed, hearing him. I felt bad, all of a sudden. "I didn't mean to make you feel guilty, Axel. Trust me, you did nothing wrong, it's just that... I've been struggling with something, and I can't help but think about it when you are around."

"This is about Nelson again, isn't it?" Axel sounded concern. "You should really stop thinking about that asshole."

I looked around, making sure that no one could hear us. "You got it wrong with Nelson, Axel."

"What do you mean? Are defending him now?" He sounded revolted for some reason.

"No!" I denied instantly. "He is an asshole, but you're wrong about him and me and Marissa."

"I don't get it." He said.

"You think Nelson stole Marissa from me, don't you?"

"Yeah." He replied with conviction.

"Well, he didn't." I finally said it.

"You weren't involved in a triangle with those two?"

"I was. What I mean is, you got it all wrong. Nelson didn't steal Marissa from me, I took Nelson away from Marissa. I stole him from her." They say that the truth will set you free, but at that moment I felt even more caged.

It's just that telling Axel the whole truth meant getting closer to him, and the closer I get to him, the more I fall for that idiot.

"What...? You mean...?"

"Yeah..." I told Axel everything that happened between the three of us. And he listened. He didn't say anything until I was finished. He just listened there while he looked at me with a different expression in his eyes.

They weren't mischievous for a change, they were kind.

"Oh god, that guy is even worse than I thought. He's not an asshole, he is a complete shit." He muttered. I looked at him, quite surprised by how angry he sounded. "Sorry, I didn't mean to patronize you or anything, it's just that... Fuck, that guy is really a jerk."

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