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It's Saturday morning and Harry is ready for his family brunch. His mom agreed to let Louis attend and Harry is texting him, waiting for the boy to arrive. It's on Saturday instead of Sunday because school starts Monday and Harry works practically the whole day tomorrow.

There's a small knock on his door and Harry moves off the couch to open it for Louis. The boy is wearing jeans and a black button up, while Harry is wearing a white one. Louis smiles at him and leans up to kiss his cheek.

"Hey, cutie," Louis greets him. Harry just rolls his eyes and moves back to the couch. Louis takes off his shoes and follows after him.

"It smells good," Louis hums happily. He sits down next to Harry, but he's basically on his lap. Harry just wraps his arms around him and sits him there knowing Louis likes to sit on him.

"Yeah, moms been trying to make it perfect. I think it's because you're here," Harry admits.

"I've eaten here before though," Louis points out. Harry just shrugs and grabs the remote. He turns on some cartoons and Louis happily faces the television, leaning against Harry and playing with his fingers that rest on his stomach.

"You have huge hands," Louis mumbles. Harry shakes his head fondly and just kisses him behind his ear. Sponge Bob is on when his grandparents let themselves in. Harry turns to face them and smiles.

"Hi, granddad. Hi, grandma," Harry greets them. Louis starts to get up, but Harry holds him close.

"Hi, love. Who's this?" his grandmother asks. She's smiling softly at Louis and Louis smiles back at her, feeling nervous.

"I'm Louis," he introduces himself. He stands to his feet despite Harry's whine and shakes both their hands.

"Is this the boy you were talking about last time?" his grandfather asks. Harry blushes and nods.

"He is quite cute," his grandmother nods in approval and now both boys are flushing.

"I told you last time he was a looker," Robin says as he enters. He hugs Anne's parents and they move to sit in the two big chairs. Louis moves back to Harry's lap and Robin sits next to them.

"When are the other two arriving?" Robin asks. Harry wishes he didn't ask because as soon as he asks there's a knock on the door.

"Speak of the devil," Robin mutters. Harry tenses as he hears Robin greeting them and as they enter the room his uncles eyes zoom in on him and Louis.

"Who's this?" his uncle asks.

"I'm Louis. Nice to meet you," Louis says politely. He stands up to shake the mans hand, but he avoids Louis' small hand and instead looks at Robin.

"You allow that?" he asks. Louis looks taken aback and Harry stands up so he can pull him back on the couch. Louis moves back to his lap, his eyes not leaving the other man.

"I don't see why I wouldn't?" Robin replies in a bored tone. His uncle shrugs and sits on the love seat, his wife moving next to him.

"So, Louis, how old are you?" Harry's aunt asks.

"Seventeen. I'll be eighteen in December," Louis says with a fake smile. Harry's thumb his stroking the outside of his thigh, but it's more comforting to Harry than Louis.

"So you're in high school too?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Anne walks in and smiles at the group. She sits beside Robin and can sense the tension in the room.

"Isn't it lovely that Louis could join us?" Anne tries to break the silence. His grandparents smile and agree, which calms Harry down slightly. Louis grabs his hand because he can feel how tense the younger boy is.

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