Chapter 31: Meeting of the Supreme Black Dragon and the True Dragon

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Ancalagon - No reason.

Ophis - I see. Is that all?

Ancalagon - My second question is where is Great Red?

Ophis - Probably sleeping in the Dimensional Gap.

Y/n - Dimensional Gap? What is that?

Ophis - Indeed. The Dimensional Gap is the gap that exists between the three worlds (Earth, Heaven, and the Underworld) and is considered a void world. The Khaos Brigade uses the Dimensional Gap as a means of traveling. It is my and Great Red, the True Dragon's birthplace. The Dimensional Gap was originally the home of Ophis and is currently being occupied by Great Red. Nothing can survive within the Dimensional Gap without magical protection. Anyone without such protection dies within a matter of seconds after being exposed to the "nothingness" within the Gap. She explained.

Y/n - I see. *as you faces Ancalagon* Do you want to go to the Dimensional Gap?

Ancalagon - I've changed my mind. Let meet him someday.

Ophis - No. You can meet him right here, right now.

Ancalagon - Really? How?

Ophis - I will call him.

Ophis then closes her eyes and uses telepathy.

Ophis - 'Great Red. Wake up, someone wanted to see you.'

Great Red - 'Someone wants to see me?'

Ophis - 'Yeah. The Supreme Black Dragon wants to meet you.'

Great Red then yawn and when he heard the words "Supreme Black Dragon", he gasped is shock and he said telepathically,

Great Red - 'Y-Y-You mean The Black Dragon God??'

Ophis - 'Black Dragon God? What do you mean?'

Great Red - 'He defeated the Previous Black Dragon God, naming Balerion.'

Ophis - 'I see.'

You then faced Ancalagon and said,

Y/n - Is it true that you defeated Balerion to claim another title?

Ancalagon - Yes, it's true.

Great Red - 'Okay. I will come to that place to meet the Black Dragon God.'

Ophis - 'Yeah. Ancalagon is waiting for you.'

With that their connection broke and Ophis opened her eyes.

Ophis - Great Red should be coming here soon.

Ancalagon - Okay.

Ophis - Say Y/n, what is your title?

Y/n - Me? Well I am the Omni God.

Ophis gasped in utter shock and said,

Ophis - O-O-Omni G-G-God? She stutters.

Y/n - Yup.

Ophis suddenly bowed down to you and you chuckled and said,

Y/n - Oh, there is no need to bow down to me. You can just call me Y/n. Also, don't disrespect me and everything will be fine.

Ophis - Are you sure, my lord?

Y/n - 100% sure and quit using "my lord" and stuff.

Ophis - If you insist. Y/n.

Then suddenly a violet portal appeared and a humongous red dragon came out with four wings.

Ophis - Everyone, I would like you to meet, Great Red, The True Dragon.

Great Red - Hello everyone. He said in a draconic voice.

Ancalagon - Hey Great Red.

Great Red - M-My lord, so you are here.

Ancalagon - I see that you have also a title, am I right?

Great Red - Yes, my lord.

Ancalagon - And please quit using my lord and stuff. Ancalagon is fine with me.

Great Red - Okay, Ancalagon.

Ancalagon - I know, let's have a duel.

Great Red - D-Duel?

Ancalagon - Yup. I just need to warm up for the upcoming Rating game. You see, my host wants to have a Rating game with Sirzech and Rias's cousin, Sairaorg. So I thought I needed to warm up a bit.

Great Red - Yes Ancalagon. I would like to have a duel too.

Ancalagon - Great! Transform to your human form and let's get strated.

Great Red - Yes!

Ancalagon and Great Red descended down to the ground and transforms to their human form.

(Ancalagon's Human Form👇)

(Great Red's Human Form👇)

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(Great Red's Human Form👇)

(Imagine he has four wings)

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(Imagine he has four wings)

To be continued...

Presence of the Supreme Omni God (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora