Chapter 17: One. Last. Time.

Start from the beginning

"I will, Father."


With Stephen mostly out of the picture, Brooklyn feared this would be her life now; where she existed only in the instances she was with Father Mathias. When she wasn't with him, she drifted. Her days would be productive by something short of a miracle. When she was with him, she was alive. Every nerve ending that had gone dormant in his absence came back to life in his presence with the full intention of making up for lost time.

Week after week they saw each other and the more time that passed, the harder it was for her to ask him the ultimate question: Where did she stand in his life? And it was one she needed to ask before she could make any decision about leaving or staying. Not even during her confessions, that she began doing every Sunday after mass, was she able to bring up the topic.

Then, she finally decided that she would. Mass ended and she left with everyone, only to return to the confessional shortly after. Brooklyn sat and waited, anxious to get it over with. As she waited, she quickly started to lose her nerve. Father Mathias was always on time. She peeked out into the nave and found it empty. A few more minutes passed and Brooklyn went to look for him in his office.

"I don't understand where anyone got these ideas from," she heard her Priest say through his office door.

"There is no proof, Father Mathias, but there has been a lot of concern about your conduct with one of the parishioners."

"This is absurd!"

"Father, you have an upstanding reputation and have bettered many churches during your service. We'd hate for that to be tarnished by rumors and believe maybe it's best to relocate."

Brooklyn covered her mouth to hide her gasp.

"But I have just settled in here."

"I know this is unfavorable, but it is for your own good."

"I will think about it."

The man cleared his throat. "Father Mathias, if I may, many of us have made mistakes. We may be men of the cloth, but we are not impervious to the lure of a beautiful woman. I recommend you end your affair before proof of it arises, or leave. But I strongly suggest you leave if there is love involved." The man lowered his voice. "Between you and me, I have fallen victim to the devil's temptations myself. But God forgives. Still, before you can receive his forgiveness, you must correct your failure."

Brooklyn sagged against the wall next to the door. If there's love? She almost wished she hadn't implored Father Mathias to admit his feelings and was afraid that he'd take this man's advice.

"Is that all?" said Father Mathias.

"Yes. I'll wait for your answer."

Brooklyn stepped back from the door when it opened. The man that had spoken to Father Mathias saw her and seemed to know exactly who she was, because he shook his head before passing her.

He stopped. "Young lady?"

"Yes?" she said meekly.

"If you love him, you will let him be. He has a bright future ahead of him. Do not ruin him any further with your advances." He continued on, not giving her a chance to lie, and she was grateful for it.

"Father?" Brooklyn knocked on the door that had been left ajar and stepped inside the office. She found her Priest with his face buried in his hands.

"Good afternoon, my child," he said without looking up.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, not hiding the fact she had listened in on his conversation.

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