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There are times in which you would have already set your mind on something as you feel that it's what you really want but then things change so suddenly that you can't even explain and you then realise that this is what's best for you.

This was exactly what happened to me. A few weeks after Ali and i had that discussion, having just returned from Umrah and our tour in France and England, a Muslim journalist visited us.

She was very kind and talked wisely. She knew what happened to me through a friend and had come all the way from Canada to hear my full story. She said if she could publish it and any TV show is interested, i could get my own live TV show to help lives.

I was overwhelmed with joy because that was really what i wanted and it was the best way to help those out there who needed guidance and love. I expressed my gratitude to Allah that night by performing 'Sujudush shukr'.

Ali unlike some husbands nowadays expressed his happiness too. And he promised to render me any help which i might need.

The next day, Ali told me that his company had organised a small congratulatory party for me. I almost cringed remembering the first party they had organised for us. It was huge and i was shy through out. But it did go pretty well.

The party was at the company and it was serene and very calm. Ali was glued to me through out the party and i was more than glad. Many of his co-workers brought me gifts and expressed their happiness.

I shook hands with the ladies and let Ali handle the men. The party finally ended a little bit after 3 in the afternoon and we went back home immediately.

"Thank you so much." I smiled at Ali.

His handsome face broke into a grin "You are very welcome."


"Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh! I would like to welcome you all to my show once more. I'm so glad for the support that you've all shown. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala reward you all."

"The topic for today is 'Jihad', i'm sure most of us know what it means but for the Non-Muslims present here, i will explain better. Jihad is an Arabic word which means 'striving' and it literally means striving in the cause of the Almighty."

"It doesn't only refer​ to war because there are other jihads too. For example, striving to stay away from sins. This is also a jihad, a jihad with the inner self. Today i'm going to talk more about the jihad of war."

"There is a really bad practice that has been going on for sometime now that those doing it believe that they are doing the right thing. This practice is killing innocent lives and saying that it's jihad, that you're striving in the cause of Allah. SubhanAllah!"

"Is there any place in the holy Qur'an where Allah said killing innocent lives is good. My brothers and sisters in Islam, don't let any cleric deceive you. If he tells you that doing that will lead you to Paradise, tell him to do it first." There was a round of applause and i continued.

"Turning yourself to a suicidal bomber will not get you to Jannah. Killing the innocent will not get you to Jannah, being a killer is not the ways of a Muslim."

I sighed "Those clerics lie to you and bring out a verse in the Holy Qur'an where Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala tells us to fight for the sake of Allah with your wealth and your souls."

My eyes welled with tears "We Muslims are not killers, those out there taking innocent lives and saying they do it for the sake of Allah are not Muslims. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during wars never killed innocent lives. Before the commencement of any war, he tell his people not to kill children, not to kill old people, not to kill women and not to raise their swords against a harmless person."

"These people that claim to be killing for the sake of Allah, kill children, kill women and believe that they are doing the right thing. SubhanAllah!"

There was another round of applause "I am proudly saying it here that we Muslims are not killers and any Muslim out there taking the lives of innocent people claiming that it's for Allah, is not a Muslim. I repeat, they are not Muslims."

I wiped the lone tear that managed to slip out of my eyes "Last week, i visited Africa, most especially Nigeria, and i heard the most saddest story ever of some girls that were kidnapped and turned into suicide bombers. They call them 'Chibok girls', SubhanAllah! Most of those innocent girls died and for what reason. Mothers crying for months, in the hope that the government will bring back their girls."

I let my tears fall freely "It's so sad that the people behind this hideous action actually call themselves Muslims. I believe and can testify that they are not Muslims. This is not the ways of Muslims. We don't kidnap innocent kids for almost a year and start making them kill themselves."

I looked at the audience and saw that most had tears in their eyes.

"Please let's help those out there who are in need. Please let's not be selfish and extend our hands of help, not only to our countries but to other countries too. I pray that the Almighty helps us and guides us to the right path. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh!"

There was another round of applause and cheers. I offered them a small smile and left the stage.

My manager, Bilkis, gave me a thumps up as soon as she spotted me.

"You're a natural!" She smiled widely.

"How many more minutes before the next show?" I asked looking at the script she thrusted my way.

"Forty five minutes left, we can get there in less than ten minutes."

I nodded, going through the notes "Any messages?"

"Your husband was around. He came during the show and left a few minutes ago."

A wide smile appeared on my face. He hardly missed any of my shows. As he promised, he always supported me. Whenever, however and wherever, he always has my back.

Two years into my marriage and everything was still going great. Alhamdulillah!

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