Chapter 46-The End

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This is short and sadly the last chapter, so don't get salty because it's not long:) Love you.

I wake up to the sounds of the city, and quickly remember that today starts the first day of not being on tour. I look around my hotel room, realizing it's a complete mess.

The best thing right now though is probably to go back home with my family. I put my clothes and shoes on and walk out of the room, I brought nothing with me so no use in just stating.

Checking out and finding a taxi I call my parents to let them know I'll be home in a couple of hours. "So here I am driving Liam Payne to his house." The driver says in amazement. I laugh, "So have you listened to any of our music?"

"Um, my daughters favorite song is Life Story." He answers. "Life Story? You mean Story of My Life?" I ask, a bit offended. "Yeah whatever, I don't keep up with the new hip music." He mutters. I laugh and reach in my pocket for my phone, remembering I actually brought it with me.

And it's dead, of course.


"Here we are." The tact driver says, waking me from my nap. "Thanks." I say, handing him the money. I hop out of the car and walk through the gates of my parents house, after typing in the lock combination. I walk down the king driveway and finally get to the house.

"Liam!" My sisters scream, running into my arms. I smile, "Ruth, Nicola!"

"We've missed you so much Liam." Ruth says, dragging me into the house. Once we walk in I can see mom and dad talking in the kitchen so I run in and squeeze the both of them. "Aw Liam it's been 2 months but it feels like forever." My mom continues to hug me while I struggle to get loose. "Whew, you don't smell to hot." My dad laughs while backing up a bit.

"Okay well I'll go shower then." I roll my eyes and start upstairs. "Oh and try to look nice, we're having some people over for lunch." My mom calls as I run upstairs. I yell okay and grab some clothes out of my room, then heading to the bathroom.

Quickly I shower and change into fresh clothes. I run downstairs and walk into the living room to see 3 people standing and talking along with my parents. "Liam, these are the Smiths, you remember Sophia right?" My mom asks, gesturing to Sophia. I look over to her instantly get chills, she was my old school crush, never dreamed I would see her again.

She gives me a shy smile and stupidly I blush, why am I still blushing? "Hello." I wave and come up to shake her hand. "Why don't you two go take a walk outside." Mrs.Smith suggests. I nod, Sophia and I walk out into the beautiful air and begin to walk behind the house.

"Congratulations on finishing your second tour." She smiles. "Thanks, it was definitely something else." I say. "I can only imagine." Sophia says, admiring the sky. "Everything we went through, it was-." I start but can't find the words to finish. "Tough." She says, finishing my sentence. "Yeah." I mumble, smiling but it fades into a frown and once again I can feel my eyes begin I water. Then I feel a warm hand grab onto mine and squeeze it.

I look down to see our hands intertwined with each-others. I feel warmth take over my body and chills down my spine. Something about right now has me feeling nice. And I simply just squeeze her hand back.

We begin to walk through the trees, just silence between us. But it's a comfortable silence. And for the first time in a long time, I'm comfortable.

The End

So, in a few weeks it will have been a year since I got wattpad and in a month it will have been a year since I started this book. Close to tears right now, I'm finally ending this. And I have learned a VERY valuable lesson. Even if your books isn't loved by thousands of people, it's loved by one, and really all you need is one reader to keep you going. Because Jesus only had 12 disciples and that just says it all. Thankyou to everyone who read this and if you want I'll write an epilogue. This was a long journey for me but my life on wattpad will never end. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking when I started this but I'm glad I did. I'm ending this where I started it, in a blue recliner.

Sincerely~ Livy, thankyou for the memories.

Jesus loves you:)

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