Chapter 14

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I walk off the plane,the strange girl is in front of me. When I get into the airport I text Paul saying that I'm here,but then I see the girl walk out of the building with her hoodie off...


I dart towards the door swinging it open,she turns back seeing me run and starts running too,she eyes her car but knows she won't have enough time and keeps running. I run and run and run,she turns a corner and I almost lose her but thankfully she trips,I catch up but she's up and running again,we're downtown Spain,it's beautiful,but we're kinda ruining it. "Candie!Stop,wait up,why are you running?"I yell. She ignores me and keeps running. She should know I'm never gonna stop running,I can run for a long time. I'm still running but right before I almost have her a big flower cart comes through and I crash right into it flying in the air,I get up but I've lost her,she's out of sight. I make it back to the airport and check my phone.

The Robinsons are waiting in a silver SUV outside,it's got a green license plait on the front that says I <3 Spain. The parents are both 43 years old,and they have 2 kids,Liliana,and Robert,10 year old twins,they have everything you need,don't get too attached you won't be there long.

I read his text,and walked outside. There are tons of silver SUVs here,I just gotta find the right one. I walk around till I hear a pounding honk from behind me,I turn around and a family in a silver SUV are waving and screaming for me to come over,I guess Paul told them what I would look like. I check the license plait and it's the one,so I jump in the car real quick and then the talking begins.

"I'm Launien."the mom cheers up."I'm Drazdel,and this is Liliana and Robert,the twins."the dad says. "I'm Liam,I'm 20 and I'll be pretending I'm 18 while I'm here."I explain. "Well we're glad to meet you,now let's get home and settled in."Launien says. We pull out of the airport and drive down the road,I just can't stop thinking about Candie,I'm gonna find her,and it's gonna be soon.

"So Liam,what do you like to do for fun? Other than sing."Launien asks. "I like to run."I say,I really do like to run."How fun!"she exclaims. I think she's a little too peppy. "Liliana thinks your cute!"Robert blurts out."You weren't supposed to tell!"Liliana exclaims. I have sunglasses and a hoodie on still,I don't know how she thinks I'm cute. "Well you don't have to worry about people finding out your real identity,nobody in Spain knows who you are."Drazdel says. "Good."I say. We pull in the long fancy driveway,the house is huge and very nice. "Hope you like your room."Robert says. We all pile out of the car,and walk in the house,it's even bigger on the inside.

I walk up the huge staircase,following Robert. "This ones yours."he says flopping on my huge bed. This room is huge,not really modern(at all) but it's got furniture and a bathroom. "Thanks."I say. "Your welcome." Robert smiles and walks out. I open the dresser droors,clothes in every one,and in the closet. It's already 9:00,so I get in bed and fall asleep.

"Liam,time to get up and go to school."I wake up hearing Launien yell. I moan and get out of bed. I grab a gray polo out of the closet,because that's all there is.Polos. And I put on some blue jeans. I brush my teeth and all that stuff,then head downstairs. "No time to eat,the bus stops down the road,you can walk,bye Liam."Launien says handing me my backpack. I wave and walk out the door. I get to the bus stop and a group of kids are waiting by the stop. The bus pulls in and we all pile on the bus. I find an empty seat near the back and sit. I really shouldn't be in school,but appearantly it will help as being a 'normal' kid.

Paul is supposed to get me back to London,but I haven't heard from him in a while. So I take my phone out of my pocket and ask him when I'm gonna get out of this place. To my surprise he answers.

Wait till Friday and then leave to the airport in the night,I'm sending a package tommorow,it will have money in it so then you can wait and go.

His text read. It's Monday,I do NOT wanna wait till Friday to leave.UGHHHHHHHHH. The bus stops and we all pile out. This school isn't that much different than regular schools. "Oh poor little Billy has to go to the nurse!"a group of kids tease. "Can you believe Homecoming is this Friday night." A group of girls screech. Bullies,cool kids,and bystanders fill the halls. I wander through looking for the principles office. I find it and walk in.

"Hello Liam,I was expecting you."the principle says. "I'm Mrs,Briggs."she adds with a smile. She's very young for a principle. "Nice to meet you." I say. "So here's your list of classes and this is your locker combination,and number."she says."Thankyou."I say."Anytime."she smiles. I walk out of the office and look for my locker number. "Oh my gosh that new guy is cute."I hear another group of girls whisper. "Shutup he might hear us!"another one yells. I find my locker and do the combination,I don't have any books yet so I don't have much to put in there. "I'll go talk to him."one of the girls say and walk over to me. "Hi I'm Elizabeth,and you are?"she says. "Liam."I say. "Well,welcome to our school,bye."she says and runs over to her friends. I can hear giggling and screeching,I grin and walk to class when I hear the bell ring.

First up is English,yay. I walk in and sit down at a desk in the back of the room. Kids yelling and gossiping echoing in the room. "Hey new boy your in my spot."a big,tough guy walks in. Of course I'm in somebody's 'spot',well I honestly don't care. "I don't see your name on it."I say. Ohhhs are hears all over the room. "It's MY SPOT." He states,he looks ticked. "Well you should've got here sooner."I say. He is mad. He throws his fist at my face,I stop it twisting his arm back in lock position. "OWWWWW!!!"he screams. "Hey!hey hey!Stop that!"Mrs.Briggs runs in. I release his arms and Mrs.Briggs takes us both to her office.

"Care to explain."she says sitting down behind her desk. "I took his 'spot'."I say. "Seriously Michel?"she sighs. What kind of bullies name is Michel? "No he just twisted my arm back for no reason!"Michel exclaims. "WHAT NO!"I yell. "Sorry Michel but we all know you,you have detention after school,now off with you boys back to class."Mrs,Briggs says shewing us out of the room. The rest of the day is normal, and now I have to get on the bus...with Michels friends.

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