Chapter 13

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I wake up in a hospital bed,the cops are standing outside the room,along with Paul. I look around,nobody is in here. Paul walks in."So you finally woke up"he chuckles. "Is Olivia alright?"I ask,a little afraid of the answer."She's real brused up and burnt but shes ok,still hasnt woke up though"Paul answers. We sit in silence."I know about everything"he leans close and whispers."I know where you guys are at and what you did to get there,but the cops don't,I suggest we keep it that way." he adds."Can I go back?" I ask."I"ll tell the cops you came back to get a watch or something and was going right back to the country you came from,and I'll take you back to the old house without them knowing"Paul says."Ok"I say. Then it hits me.The kitten. I left the kitten in the car.

"Paul I came to the flat to drop off a kitten for Candie and I left it in my car!"I say."Oh yes I found that and put the kitten in my car with water."he says."Wait where are the orphans and Perrie and Elinor gonna live now?"I ask."Perrie and Elinor are going back to their own flat,and as for the orphans,well they'll be living on the streets."Paul says. "Living on the streets!One of them is injured and they're all probably sick now,they cant just live on the street!"I exclaim. "There really is nowhere they can go,their new orphanage isnt done being built yet."Paul frowns. "Then let them stay with us."I say."Liam they cant your in danger."Paul says."I don't care its better than living on the street isn't it!"I say."This really isn't a secret anymore"Paul says. "As long as Justin and the police don't know,its still a secret."I say.

"Well I'll have to find a way to get the orphans over to your place,but all your little girlfriends can't know,as far as they know your in a foreign country and the orphans are staying at a homeless shelter."Paul says."Wait,why would you tell the girls the orphans are at a homeless shelter when all the homeless shelters shut down years ago?"I ask."Because I didn't want them to worry so we just told them that's where they'd be,but no visitors."Paul replies."Can I get up now?"I ask."Yea"Paul says walking out of the room to talk to the police.

I get up and search the room for some clothes,because I am not walking around in a hospital gown. I find a pair of jeans and gray t-shirt in the small closet. I put them on and walk out of the room. I wander down the halls till I see a nurse."Excuse me,do you know where Olivia's room is? She's an orphan."I say."Yes,that one right there."she says pointing towards the door behind me. I walk in and she's still asleep,shes covered in scars and bruses,and her foot is in a cast,i guess thats from when I dropped her. Not to mention tubes are running through her nose.I feel really bad,but then good because I saved her life.I sit on the chair right by the bed.

"Hello Liam."Olivia says. I turn my head. "You finally woke up."I say cheerfully."Why did you come back?"she asks."Well,I came to give Candie a present."I say. Then it hits me,where is Candie? "Where is Candie?"I ask."I don't know I heard her in the kitchen making tea,then she said she was going to the store. I heard the door slam,but after that I fell asleep."Olivia says. "Oh"I reply.

"You saved my life"Olivia says."I guess I did." I look down."Your my...hero." she smiles. I look up and give her a slight smile. I've never been anybody's hero. "Liam."she says shyly. "Yea Liv."I reply."Where are we going to live?Both our homes were destroyed."she says. "Your going to come live with us!"I say."You mean in another country?"she asks confused."Oh no,we're actually living an hour away from here."I say. She reads my mind and asks no more questions. "Well I gotta get going see you son Liv." I say getting up. "Wait,where's everybody else?"she asks. "Mrs.Jones is in the hall I'll send her in, and the orphans are at the house waiting for Paul to get there." I say. "Ok bye Liam."She smiles.

I walk out telling Mrs.Jones Olivia's awake and she can go in. I check out of the hospital and run into the FBI. "Come on we're taking you to the airport right away." they say dragging me away. "Wait!Wait!"I yell."Let me say goodbye to Paul." I exclaim. I really need to talk to Paul or else I'm going to a foreign country with nothing but the clothes I have on. "Wait let me talk to him." Paul runs up. Thankgoodness. Paul drags me away from the FBI. "They're not gonna trust me to escourt you myself,so I'll have to put you on the plane."Paul says. "WHAT!"I exclaim."Your going to have to trust me ok,I'll text you when you get off the plane what you need to do,but don't go home with any family at that airport ok,cause the FBI have alreay chosen a new family."Paul says. "Ok fine,but there's something I really need you to do."I say. "Anything what is it?" Paul asks."I need you to tell the boys EVERYTHING,and I need you to find Candie." I say. "I'll get the FBI on it."Paul says. "NO,no FBI find her alone."I say. "Ok."he relies.

We walk over to the FBI,they take me and put me in the back of their SUV. As we drive away I see Paul get the kitten out of the car and uses its paw to wave goodbye. I laugh and wave,and then frown again at the thought of getting on that plane.

We get to the airport, we walk in and of course I put a hat and sunglasses on,and a fake mustache. I look at the passport the FBI have given me. I'm going to...


I'm going to Spain! Throughout all the tours and stuff I've never been to Spain. The FBI walk me too the gate where I get on the plane. "Ok it's time Liam."One of the FBI says. I walk onto the platform leading to the plane,I keep my head down and pull my hoodie over my head and take off my hat.

I walk down the aisle and find my seat. I sit down and to my luck I'm sitting right by a fat harry guy. I pull out my phone and realize I cant really do much because the big harry guy is watching me down. This is third class so everybody's a bunch of weirdos.

"Come on Earl!Just grab the blasting chicken and sit down!"a big hobo looking lady yells. "I'm trying Judy!"the hoboish man yells back. Ok I know its third class,but this is ridiculous. And there she comes putting her fat butt right into seat next to mine,so now I am surrounded by big harry weirdos(that would be an understatement).

"Hey doll face do you mind letting me borrow your phone I need to contact my daughter Jenny,oh she's just a ball of cinnamon apple crisp double dipped in caramel chocolate with homemade butter scotch cream on the top!"she says. First of all NO never would I EVER let her 'borrow' my phone,and that comment about her daughter made me wanna punch her.

"Um sorry no."I say in my best American accent. "Well then Jenny will just have to milk the cows with the old bucket."she says throwing her arms in the air. I ignore the rest of her blabbering and put my earbuds in trying to forget about everything.


"Please buckle your seat belts as we land in Paris,France."a voice says. I buckle up and sit back. Half the people leave the plain including Judy and Earl. I really wonder what their doing in Paris,France. Other than buy foreign livestock.

More people get on the plane after everybody exits. Farmers,bankers,chefs,but then there's one girl that really catches my eye,she sits down in the row across from me,she has a hoodie on covering up her face,but I can still see the familiar face underneath,but not enough to recognize her.

The seat beside me is empty now so I can see the side of her face clearly. Not that I'm a stalker or anything. Paris,France isn't very far from Spain,well kinda. The man beside me is asleep so I can get on my phone. I have 5 unread messages,from Louis,Zayn,Harry,Niall,and one from Zayn again. All of them saying,"WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!!!" I reply and say that Paul will tell them,which he probably already told them.

I fall asleep again and when I wake up. The lady says through the intercom telling us to buckle up. I buckle up and watch the girl across from me this is the first time she's moved the entire flight,that I've been awake anyways. I haven't took my sunglasses off the the whole time,so nobody knows who I am. Finally we land and I start to walks off the plane.








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