Chapter 25

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Knock Knock Knock

Iiiiiiiii got ittttttt."Niall yells. "Paul!"he yells. I run to the door. "Hello boys."he smiles. "So what's the surprise!"Louis yells. "Let me sit down first."Paul laughs. We all sit in the living room,even Candie and Olivia. Paul looks nervous as he starts talking. "Don't freak out please."

"Don't worry,we're all perfectly sain."Louis says. "I find that hard to believe."Paul says. "Whatever just tell us!"Niall exclaims. After 50 years of small talk Paul FINALLY starts talking. "Well...Justin Beiber's not dead."






I am dieing

"WHAT!"Niall yells. "You didn't kill him Liam,you hurt him pretty bad,but he's not dead."Paul says. "Well tell him to stay at least a million miles away from us!"Zayn yells. "Well that's the thing,Justin will be...staying with you until the tour."He says. "WHAT!"We all scream at once.

"WHY!"I yell. "One Direction is going to take Justin in while he's hurt,and bond with him."Paul says. "What kind of sick person are you?"Louis shakes his head in discust.

"One Direction needs to do something nice and caring,remember you influence half the world."Paul says."It's for charity."he adds. "Well I'm NEVER going to bond with him."Harry says. "You don't actual have to,just act like bestfriends when your in public."Paul says.

"Stab me."Zayn pouts. "He'll be here tomorrow."Paul says. "But how do we know he won't kill us!"I yell. "He was under pills during the whole thing,don't worry he's not anymore. He barely even remembers anything."Paul says. "Great."Niall says carcastically.

"Well I'm gonna go,see ya guys."Paul waves. "See ya."I say. "Ughhhhhhhh,stab me,just stab me."Louis sighs. "I don't give a crap about charity!"Harry yells. "Calm down guys,it can't be that bad,I mean he won't remember."Candie says. "Yea whatever,it will still be a stinkish 2 months."Zayn says. "Well I'm gonna go make dinner,Livy you can do laundry."Candie says. "Yea,see we don't sulk about it."Olivia says walking out.

"He tried to kill us,and take everything we had!"Niall yells. "We have no right to have put up with all his crap."I say. "I don't know about you guys,but I'm not 'bonding' with him."Louis says. ""Harry agrees. "Let's watch tv."Niall says turning on the tv. "Ooo oooo Spongebob!"Harry yells. "Since when did you like Spongebob so much?"Louis asks. "I don't know...I just do."Harry says.

After 30 minutes of tear my eardrum out Spongebob it's time for dinner. "DINNER."Candie yells. We all go to the kitchen and fill our plates. "Where are you going?"Candie raises her eyebrows. "Where the tv is,Football games on now."Niall says. "No tonight we're all gonna sit and eat together at the HUGE table that has never been used."Candie says. "But-"Louis starts. "No buts,sit down!"she huffs.

We all hurry and finish out spaghetti so we can go watch the game. "Why so fast?"Candie asks. "Game."Harry rolls his eyes. Candie gives him an evil glare. "Save room for desert,I made chocalate cake."Candie smirks. Niall gasps. "I'm done where's the cake?"Niall throws his fork on his plate. "Still in the oven,now go,get out of my face."Candie says. We all jump up and run into the living room.

After a while of watching they start loosing. "What!"Niall yells. "C'mon!"Zayn says slappin' the knee. "You guys can do better!"Louis yells. "Come on guys not much time left!"Harry yells.

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"we all yell. "VICTORY!"Louis yells. "I'm guessing they won?"Candie yells from the kitchen. "OH YEA!"I yell. "Well come eat your cake!"Candie yells.

Hia,sorry about the short chapter😁. Next one will be better! Hope you liked it though,tell me what you honestly think,I like honesty,it helps for a better book,I won't be affended. Go read 'My Uncle Simon?' I'm co-writing it!😃


Jesus loves you!<3

Tragedy// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now