Chapter 28

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Liam's POV

"He's-."the nurse starts. "He's what!"Niall yells. "He's in critical condition,the bullet wound in his side will take a long time to heal,he probably won't be able to walk like normal for a while."she says. I burry my head in my hands,and shake my head back and forth,I'm such a terrible person,I can't believe I said that to him. "Liam it's not your fault."Zayn says putting his arm on my shoulder. "Yes it is! I told him he's stupid and immature,and he's the one who said not to go in there,but I was too stupid to realize he was right!"I sob. They sit with blank faces,I guess I am a terrible person.

"Liam,we know you didn't mean it."Zayn says. "Yea but he doesn't!"I yell. "I'm sure he does,your friends he knows your not that mean."Harry says. I shake my head and sit down on the little bench in the entry way. Just then a girl runs in with a worried face and tears running down her face. "Eleanor."Niall says hugging her. "Where is he?"she cries. "He's doing fine,don't worry."Niall says,he lied. "Can I see him?"she asks sniffling. "Why don't I ask."Niall says letting go of El.

"Excuse me,do you think we can go see Louis Tomlinson?"Niall asks the women at the desk. I don't know what he expects to hear,Louis' in too critical condition. "Sorry they're having surgery on him,you'll have to wait."she says. "Ok."Niall says. He walks back to Eleanor. "Sorry El,we can't."Niall says. She sobs. I think we'd all go comfort her,except we don't really know what we would say...we're broken too.

"Sorry Eleanor,but don't worry,you've always got me."Justin winks. I see Harry give Justin a death glare that pretty much stabs him with the air. "Ya know,I'm pretty good-"Justin starts,but an angry Harry interrupts him. "Justin I swear,try one thing with El and I will take you,your mother and your scronny little family and stab them in the night,so fast you-" Harry says. "Ok Harry calm down."Zayn says. "He's trying to take another guys women!"Harry exclaims. "Yea but that's a little out of hand!"Zayn says. "I'll tell you what's a little out of hand!"Harry yells. "Just shutup! Ok!"Eleanor runs out into the garden crying.

"See what you've done now!"I yell,running into the garden outside the door. Eleanor is sitting on a stone bench surrounded by flowers and plants. "El?"I say quietly. "Go away."she sobs. "Listen please let me talk."I say. She nods. I walk up behind her and sit down. "Justin was being a real jerk in there,I'm sorry."I say. "I know,I'm just..."she sniffles. "What if it doesn't go well?what if the last thing we ever said to eachother was bye!Liam I-I don't know,I just..can't think."she sobs. "Tell me about it."I sigh. "What do you mean?"she looks up at me with her brown eyes. "The last thing I said to him was he's stupid and immature,and he was being the smart one! I'm just so stupid!"I say. "Liam-I." "I know you hate me,I didn't know what I was saying,I'm just stupid."I say. "Liam I don't hate you,I know you don't mean it,nobody ever does,Liam your the most sincere,loving boy I've ever met,other than Louis of course,and nobody can ever think that you would mean a thing like that,even Louis wouldn't,he knows you,and even if you never get to tell him what you really think about him,he knows and he'll never think for a second you don't love him,and that's all that really matters."she says. "El,that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard."I say. "Let's get inside,it's cold."she laughs.

We walk inside and sit down,everybody seems to have calmed down now. We hear someone yell clear from down the hall and then static of electricuting. Then we hear it again,the longer we wait for another sound,the more worried Eleanor's face gets. "I cant believe he didn't make it."I hear a nurse mumble from down the hall. Eleanor jumps up and turns around the corner. "Who!"she asks,her face bright red. "Nothing."the nurse says. "No who!"Eleanor exclaims. "El calm down."Harry comes up behind her. "Who!"she cries. "We're very sorry to inform you this,but Louis didn't make it."

"NOOO!"Eleanor screams. "No!Let me see him!"she yells. "Sorry,but-" "Let me see him!"she sobs starting to run,but Harry grabs her waist holding her back. "Let me see him!"She balls. The sobs and screams of everyone goes muffled as I run out the door. (A/N. Imagine 'You and I' playing in the background starting from the beginning.If you never heard it,Look it up!) I run down the streets crying,my face soaked in tears,I sob thinking about everything...

I figured it out,I figured it out from black to white. Seconds and hours,maybe they had to take some time. I know how it goes,I know how it goes from wrong to right. Silence and sound,did they ever hold eachother tight like us,did they ever fight like us?

I run till I lose all my energy,my sobs making it harder for me to keep going. I collapse on the ground and start crying. I don't know where I am,I'm lost and cold...and so much worse. I'm in the middle of nowhere,nothing but a street lamp,nobodies around,I'm alone. I curl up in a ball,the cold air beating against my bare skin. I ball into my knees,the guilt weighing on me harder and harder.

" Louis."I cry. I don't know what to do so I just keep repeating those words until my throat is so sore I can't speak.

I open my eyes and see a bright light,almost blinding. It stays for five whole seconds then moves on,leaving the empty darkness. My cries have finally died down a little,I get up and stretch slowly. I have no clue where to go,but I start walking anyways. I walk until I see the hospital and run up to it,half crying,unsure of what I'm doing. "Hello."a doctor says. "Where is he?"I ask. "Who?"he asks. "Where is he!"I yell. "Sir you need to calm down."he says. "Where is he!"I feel a sharp sting in the back of my neck. I walk inside anyways,everything's blurry. Candie and everyone else is sitting there,with red eyes and puffy faces. I look around and fall to the ground,shutting my eyes. "Liam,Liam."muffled voices fade as I drift off.


I wake up in a hospital bed,the air is cold,it's empty. The window shades are wide open,letting in sunlight. "Liam!"Candie runs in throwing her arms around me. "Candie what's going on?"I ask. "You came to the hospital last night,remember? The doctor said you were going a little crazy,so he gave you a shot,and then you came in acting like you were drunk,and then out of the bue-" "Woa,Candie slow down."I say. "What do you mean? I have to talk fast the times about to come."she says. "Time? What time?"I ask. "The end."she says. "Wait what's the end?"I ask. "Come on! It's here the planets are colliding!"Louis runs in with a wound in his side. "Louis?"I ask. They both jump into the sky leaving me alone on the bed. "Liam,get up."Niall yells. "Liam get up!" "Liam get up!"


"Liam get up."I wake up on the side of the road,same as where I fell asleep,except it's day now. The last thing I remember was a blinding light. "N-Niall?"I ask. "Get up,we have to get to the hospital right away."he says. I get up and get into his car. "What's going on?"I ask. "I drove around looking for you,the boys are still at the hospital,and...Louis' still alive."he says. "What!"I exclaim. "They said it was some kind of miracle,they were about to,ya know...but then the monitor just started working and he's breathing,but he's gonna have to stay at the hospital for a while."he says. "Oh my gosh."I sigh. I start breathing heavily,in excitement I guess. "Bro calm down."Niall laughs. "Sorry,I'm just so...surprised."I say.

We pull into the hospital and walk in. Candie immediately runs up to me,squeezing the life out of me. "Where have you been?"she asks. "Just walking around."I say. "Well you look awful,let's get you cleaned up."she says dragging me out the door. "What about Louis?"I ask. "He's sleeping."she says. "Oh."I say. We get into her car and drive home. I can't believe Louis' alive,I can't wait to talk to him,I really messed up.

Hola! Happy Thanksgiving y'all! I ate a lot,it was yum. Thankyou for reading and voting,I'm very thankful for a popular book,sortof;) Ya know what'd be cool? If my friends voted! Seriously I have more strangers,not that I'm complaining,I like when strangers vote,it makes me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! Well have a good day. Vote,share,comment!:D Jesus loves you<3

Tragedy// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now