Chapter 33

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Zayn's POV

I walk down the steps and join Harry and Louis by the vending machine. "Come on we gotta keep up with them."Harry says. We speed walk through the airport and follow them sneakily to their car outside. "Wait what about our car?"Louis asks. "Over there! I had the other plane bring it with the rest."I point to our car. "Come on."Harry says.

We all pile in quickly and pull out following the 2 men. "Canada is cold."Harry shivers while driving. "It's the same as it was in London."Louis snorts. "Yea but it's still cold."Harry says. We keep following them for hours and I don't think they're ever going to stop.

"So where exactly do you think they're going?"Louis asks. "Who knows."Harry replies. "I'm not sure this is safe'"Louis says. "Safe or not they're leading us to Liam,Niall,Candie,and Justin."I emphasize the Justin. "He's right Lou."Harry says. "I just feel guilty about not telling El."Louis frowns. "Same here."I agree. "Sorry guys."Harry looks down at his lap. "It's not your fault Haz."I say. He just nods and keeps his eyes on the road.

"Um guys look."Harry points at a sign up ahead. "What about it?"Louis asks. "Look what it says."Harry begins to read it out loud. "Steep snowy hill ahead,drive at your own risk." My stomach sinks in,we can't get up this hill. The truck I'm front starts up the hill like it's no big deal.

Harry stops the car,and gets out. "What are you doing?"I ask hoping out of the car with him. "We're walking."He says starting up the hill. "You can't be serious."Louis says. "Well I am serious and that's what we're doing."Harry stomps up the snowy hill. I roll my eyes and motion Louis to follow.

Liam's POV

Drip drop. Drip drop. The sounds of pattering water keeps me alert,I can't sleep no matter how tired I am. Candie and Niall aren't safe without me,the only reason being they don't know when to shutup around Justin.

"Liam."Candie whispers. Her voice is dry and scratchy,we haven't had water for a day. "I-I can't do this anymore."she blinks tears out of her eyes. "Yes you can,we all can."I assure her. "I,I don't know Liam,it's not right,it's not right to live like this."she cries. "We won't live like this much longer."I say. "Yes we will,even if we get out of this Justin's never gonna leave us alone,he won't stop."she whispers the last words. He won't stop.

"Candie,I can't promise we'll get out of this,but if we do,I won't stop."I promise her. "Water!"Justin yells leaping off the stairs. He throws water bottles at all of our faces expecting us to catch them. "Oops."he smirks and walks back up the stairs. "I got it."Niall has a bottle of water in his tied up hands. "Now I just gotta figure out how to open it."Niall frows. I finally manage to get my bottle on my lap. I look over at Candie and Niall,they're already jugging the whole bottle down.

Crap. I keep struggling to get it open and finally let out an exaggerated scream. I gasp when I realize I opened it. "Go Liam!"Niall starts clapping. I chug down the whole bottle and throw it across the room. "Wow."Candie sighs. "Feel better?"I smile."Much better."she smiles.

All of the sudden Justin storms down the stairs and rushes toward me. His anger bursting out of his body,I've never seen him so furious.

Candie's POV

Justin's face is lit with anger. He holds a knife in his right hand,grasping it harder every second. "Come with me!"he unties Liam and drags him into the dark hallway. "Wait!"I scream. Justin throws Liam against a wall,turning to face me. "What are you doing!"I cry. "What do you think?"he growls. He continues dragging Liam down the hall. Niall screams at Justin words I can't understand. My face goes red and I can't control my screams. "NOOO!LIAM!!!!!"I scream. Niall finally lost breath. "NOOO."I cry. "STOP."my cries become more desperate everytime. The last scream...isn't mine.


Okay prepare for a speech.

I love to write,it's fun. I don't usually have time,it stinks. It encourages me when I have a lot of votes,but nobody is voting anymore-_- Yea so I'm not gonna update ever again.

UNTIL I GET 400 VOTES!!!! My friends don't read my book so I need my random people to help me!
👊 I can't write when nobody votes,because well yea. And I wrote half this chapter listening to timber which doesn't really go with the flow of my book but I love that song,it's my jam.

If you want me to ever update again then please vote my people vote! And in my next update I will share a secret:) Yea so pleeeeeease vote comment & share! FOR NARNIA!!!!!!!

Oh and Jesus loves you<3~Merry Christmas

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