Chapter 45

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I'm not sure what to think at this point, everything is different. I thought I would be okay by now but I'm not really. Everyone seems to think I'm fine because well, I act like it. But on the inside I'm not fine. I'm anything but fine.


"Ready?" Niall skips up to me while I'm looking in my assigned mirror backstage. "Yeah." I give him an assuring smile. "This is our last show of the tour, wow I can't even believe it." Niall shakes his head back and forth.

"It seems like it's been forever." I sigh. But before Niall can answer a security man walks in and reminds us it's time to start.

We nod and join the rest of the boys out on stage where we play the last show of this tour. The end of the Take Me Home Tour, wow.


"Hahahaha." I hear Niall's laugh from all the way across the bar. I watch as everyone has fun, with their girlfriends, friends. And I small smile creeps upon my face, but quickly fades.

"C'mon Liam have a drink, it's a celebration! Not to mention we're at hit favorite club." Louis nudges my arm. I sigh and give into his words. He laughs and orders me a drink. "So how's it going with Eleanor?" I ask breaking the science. "Great, I mean she's wonderful really. Why do you care?" He laughs knowing I don't get too sentimental with their girlfriends and family.

"Just trying to make small talk." I laugh. "Sir." The bar tender hands me my drink. "Come on, you need to have some fun for a change." Louis drags me to a corner of the club where the Zayn and Harry along with Perrie and Eleanor are standing around.

"Liam!" Harry smiles, obviously drunk. "Hey I'll be back." He slurs and walks to the bathroom. "So how's it going Liam." Perrie yells over the noise of the busy club. "Good." I say taking a drunk from my glass. "Well I'm gonna go dance see ya around Liam." She waves and drags Zayn with her.

"So what do you think of meeting another girl?" Louis smirks making Eleanor giggle a little. "I think a little too soon." I laugh. "Well if you change your mind a know a girl." Louis winks. "Leave him alone Lou, he probably won't care for another girl for a while." She says. "Yeah she's right." I reply.

He shakes his head and grabs El and walks off only to trip over his own feet leaving El rolling her eyes and walking away. I laugh and head back go the bar for another drink.

And just as always a night at the club flies by and before I know it I'm drunk.


"Uh." I moan, trying make out what's in front of me. All I can see his flashing lights and a blurry window. "Oh he's awake." A female voice says. I look around to see 3 woman sitting beside me, then I realize we're in a limo with the privacy wall up. "W-what." I moan sitting up. "Hellooo Liam." One girl with dark brown hair winks moving closer to me. "W-where are we?" I ask, rubbing my face.

"Oh, your friend Louis set us up." A girl with bright blonde hair and brown roots answers while smiling creepily in my face. "And we're in Julie's limo on our way to MY house." The third girl twirls her long gold hair. "You kinda passed out once you got in the limo with us, oh! By the way I'm Julie." The dark haired one says. "I'm Rachel." The bright blonde says. "Xenia." The golden haired says.

"Listen I-" I start but am cut off by Rachel. "No need to talk honey." She smiles. Her bright red lips and cheesy check bones cause her to look 50 at the youngest, not to mention her over the top eye makeup. "So, Liam." Xenia leans in close to me face. "I want out." I blurt out. "Pardon?" Julie looks taken back. "I, I don't want to go to your house." I stutter.

"Uh!" Xenia crosses her arms. "Ok then we can go to mine." Julie puts her tan tattooed arm over my shoulder. I shrug it off and reach for the window in the privacy wall. "Please stop the car." I ask holding my stomach when I feel a flash of sickness. "Sorry, the girls didn't ask." The old man shrugs.

"Uh oh." I moan leaning over and coincidentally throwing up all over the floor and on the girls shoes. "EW!!!!" They all scream at once, throwing their hands in the air squirming all over the place. "Stop the car!" One yells causing us to swerve to the side. Evidentially they still sit their whining until the driver comes and opens the door for them.

After being trampled by whiny girls I fall out of the limo and once again throw up on the side of London streets. "Ew, let's go!" Rachel huffs. I slowly stand up and dust my self off. And of course their waiting for the dirver to clean up to mess.

I roll my eyes and walk off, leaving them alone for the night. "Call me!" Julie yells. "Ooh and me!" Xenia calls. I wave a hand back to them and keep walking until I find a hotel and walk in. "Hello." I say to the girl at the front desk. "Hel- OH MY GOSH YOU'RE LIAM PAYNE!" She screams. "Shhh." I say. "Oh, sorry." She frowns. "Um, so I'm assuming you had a long night at the club and need a room." She replies.

I laugh. "You guessed it." "Ok well you'll be in room for 433, 7th floor." She laughs. "Here's your key." She smiles handing me the card/key, and I begin to walk into the elevator. "Oh and just making sure but the name goes under Payne right?" She asks.

"Uh, make that Tomlinson." I Smirk. She raises her eyebrows and then the doors close. He got me into this mess, he can pay for it. 7 floors later the doors open I step out, searching for my number. "431, 432, 433." I stop and unlock the door. I walk in and admire a big open room with a huge balcony.

"Wow." I smile, walking around the fancy hotel room. It's actually the most beautiful hotel room I've seen all tour. Chandeliers on the ceiling, golden door knobs, even a huge kitchen. But the best thing here is the bed.

I quickly slip my shoes off and jump onto the kind sized bed. Curling into the white fluffy covers I picks up a small menu reading 'Room Service'. "Might as well have fun with this." I grin while dialing the number in. With the lady on the phone I practically order everything on the menu. I hope this place is expensive because Louis' a dang idiot.


So I have a question:) Should I bring

(a) A random girl
(b) Sophia
(c) Jade Thirlwall,
(d) no one

Into this story? Just comment the letter and that person might just be in it! If not I have no clue what's gonna happen next haha, I need kelp. Whale tootaloo my frands:)

Jesus loves you:)))))

Tragedy// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now