Chapter 42

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CAUTION: Might just possibly be the most action packed update ever.


Liam's POV

And so it begins...the feeling of emptiness when you might never see the person you love most ever again.

It's started. The depression is sinking in,and at the worst time. The people talking,music playing suttely,and the happy birthdays mumbled now and then.

Zayn's 21st birthday is today,he's celebrating with family friends gathered at his place.

At the moment I'm in the large den,where nobody seems to be.

Tonight was supposed to be the night where we all got to forget about everything,where we would all just have a good time and forget about the world.

Well how could we? When tomorrow we're right back to court,differing with Justin and his lawyers.

And right back to checking the hospital every few hours. Ever since they transferred Candie to the closest London hospital I've been checking up on her constantly.

Although people say there's no use... I guess I should explain that. A week ago once I returned to London the doctor from the Canadian hospital called.

He said there is no sign of Candie waking up,that we might as well...let her go.

But I didn't. I had her sent here so she'd be close. I have hope,but right now. I can feel it fading.

"Liam,you okay?"My head bobs up as Zayn walks in the vacant room. "Um,yea I-I'm fine man."I lie hesitantly.

"Don't lie to me Liam,I can tell when you're lying."Zayn sits down on the brown leather couch.

"You know what it is,why ask?"I sigh rubbing my hands into my face. "I'm sorry Liam,you know there's nothing any of us can do to change this. I have only but a glimpse of what your going through,and I can't even imagine it. But stop taking it so hard on yourself."he presses his palm onto my shoulder.

"If you hadn't ran out of there while you could then both of you would've been dead. You did the right thing Liam,not only did you save both yours and hers life,but you kept a promise. And she'll never forget that,that's what she'll cherish."his words leaving me speechless with only tears running down my face.

He pulls me tightly into a hug and I can't help but let the feelings out. I feel like such a baby,like one of this people who let their whole life go after a tragedy.

I also wondered what was going through their heads when that happened...but now I know.

"Why don't you go home,get some rest."Zayn releases the hug still holding on the my shoulders.

"But it's your birthday,I can't."I sigh. "It's fine just go,ya look rough mate."Zayn quirks his eyebrows at me.

I chuckle a little and begin to stand up. "See ya man."I grab my black leather jacket and start walking for the back door.

"Oh and happy birthday!"I shout opening the door. "Thanks,see ya!"Zayn waves and I shut the door behind me,making my way to my teal colored Ferrari.

I hop in and drive onto the empty London streets. I'm sure as heck not going home.

Zayn should know that,honestly he probably did. But he could see the look in my eye,just yearning to see the girl laying in a hospital bed.

In a matter of minutes I reach the hospital and leap out of my car. My cold hand grasps the door handle as I push it open.

Tragedy// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now