Chapter 27

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We walk into the Giant Museum,uhhhhh boringness. "Let's go watch a Seminar!"Justin says. "Ughhh."Zayn moans. "Come on!"Justin drags us to the Seminar place. "Harry come sit by me!"Justin says. "Ok."Harry smiles. "Harry's been brought to the under world."Louis says. "Well I don't know about you but I'm not sitting through this. "Let's go in the Simulator!"Lousi says. Yea let's go."I say. Niall and Zayn already sat down so...whatever.

We walk and get in line. "Your up."a young kid says. We walk in and sit down,it's tiny and supposed to be like a rocket ship. "3,2,1."A voice says. The door closes and a big screen comes on showing outer space. "Let's take a journey throughout space."it says. "Ooo I'm excited."Louis says. "Now examine your surroundings,Mars is also know as the red planet,as it's outer ring glows making it look quite red and big."The voice says. "Your freakin kidding me."I say. "No!"Louis says. "I thought it was a fun fast simulator."I say. "Ten more minutes of boring."Louis says.

I moan and lean my head back and doze off. I wake up to the chair shaking really fast. "What he heck."I yawn. "Lou wake up."I say. "What?"he yawns. "Its finally getting fun."I say. "Omg this is a-a-awesome."Louis says while the cahir is shaking. "Meteor!"I yell. "Ahhh."We scream. "We're going upsidedown!"I yell. "Ahhhhhh!"Louis screams. "Ride is over."the voice says. "What!"Louis exclaims. "Get out."the guy opens the door.

"That was boring."I say. "The end wasn't."Louis says. I nod. "So what now?"he asks. "Seminar I guess."I say. We start walkig towards the door to the Seminar when tons of people come running out. "Whats going on?"I ask. "T-there's a guy w-with a gun in there."A man says fleeing from the primise. "What!"I yell. I start to run but Louis grabs my arm. "Liam no,we cant risk going in there."Louis says. "But what about Zayn,Niall,and Harry."I say. "We cant."Louis frowns.

"We have to Louis!Your always so stupid and immature and when it comes to a time like this you decide to act even more stupid and be mature! What's wrong with you!"I yell. His eyes begin to water and his expression changes. "Sorry Louis,I didn't-" "Ya know Liam your right I am stupid and immature!"Louis says running into the Seminar room. "Louis wait-pow. "Louis!"I scream. "Louis."my voice cracks. "Don't touch him."a man says pointing a gun from behind.

My eyes start watering. "W-what are you d-doing?"I stutter. "Stand over there."he says leading me in front of a big screen. Zayn,Harry,Niall,and Justin are also standing there back towards the man. "Do what I say or you all die."he says. I sob quietly trying not to be too loud. "You. Blondie."he says. Oh please no. "Go bring me that broom."he says. Niall slowly stumbles to the broom. "W-what now?"Niall asks. "Go back in line."he hits Niall in the face with the broom,and Niall limps back to us.

"Who wants to help your friend?"he asks. "I will sir."I say. "Go."he says. I quickly run to Louis' side. "Louis?"I whisper/cry. He's motionless. I start to sob a little,as I tare open his shirt to get to the bullet wound. "No escaping or it's all your friends."he says.

I have no idea how to do this,it's a bloody mess. I cry even more trying to figure out what to do. "Faster!"the man says. I turn around and Harry's loading his gun. "Load it faster!"he yells. I turn back to Louis. When are the cops gonna be here? "Can't you do anything right!"he yells at Harry causing him to drop a bullet. "I-I'm sorry."Harry stutters. His eyes are red and puffy. "Put your hands in the air."the police comes in. He puts the gun in shooting position. "Put the gun down."the police says. "No."the man says. "Sir it's the easy way or the hard way."the police says. "I'll shoot everyone of them in here."The man says. "Sir please you don't wanna do this."police say. "Yea and I will."he says.

By this time I'm full out sobbing,and so is everybody else. "Please don't."the police says. The man starts to pull his trigger,shooting both police before they can shoot. My heart literally breaks into a million pieces. How could they be so stupid? He quickly runs and locks all exit doors. "You get over there!"he yells at me. I run over to the rest of the boys.

He walks over to Louis and pulls out his gun. "W-what are you doing!"Harry asks. "Putting him out of his misery."he says. "No!"we all yell. "Please don't!"I scream. "Sorry boys but-"the intercome interrupts him. "John Carmicheal?"the voice asks. "Who are you!"he says looking around. "I'm Agent Emily,and I understand you just lost 4 sons in a car accident 2 months ago."she says. "How do you know?"he asks. "Now how do you think these boys fathers will feel if they lose their sons?"she asks.

"Shutup!"he yells. "If you let the boys go now,we can talk it over."she says. "Never!"he exclaims. A small pause is there until we hear a male voice. "Hello John I'm Agent Rossy,how would you like to make a deal with me?"he asks. "What kind of deal?"John says. "If you let the one of the boys go we'll send in a Parametic for that partner of yours."Rossy says. "How do you know I have a partner?" He asks. "We have cameras,we saw that man kick twist his leg."Rossy says. "Why just one go?"he asks. "One is better than none right?"Rossy asks. "Fine."he says.

Moments later a Parametic comes in. "Who wants to go?"John asks. "Let him."I say pointing at Louis. "He can't walk to get out."he says. "I'll set him outside the door."I say. "Are you sure you wanna waste your freedom for someone who's practically dead already."he asks. "Y-yes."I stutter. "We'll come carry him out."he says. "I pick him up getting blood all over my arms and shirt,not that I care at the moment. John watches me closely as I open the door and set Louis down outside,and close it back.

"You did good John."Rossy says. "Now tell me,why do you want to kill these poor teenagers."Rossy says. "Trying to talk me out of this?"John says. "No I just need an answer."Rossy says. "Because it happened to my boys."John says. "What happened to your boys?"Rossy asks. "They died!"John yells.

"Sir put the gun down."An FBI comes in slowly with another at his side. "No I'll shoot you like I did the others."John says. "Sir I don't think you wanna do this."The FBI says. John pull the trigger,but the FBI shoot him first,I guess the police aren't as trained. I immediately run out,along with the boys. "Are you alright are you hurt?"An FBI says as I walk out. "I'm perfectly fine,where's the guy that was laying here?"I ask. "They took him to the emergency room."the FBI says. "Which Hospital?"I ask. "The one right down the road."She says.

I run outside and the boys follow. "Liam! What are you doing?"Harry asks. "I have to see Louis."I say. "Me too."Harry jumps in the car. "Wait up!"Zayn,Niall,and Justin run and hop in the car. I get there as fast as I can even though it's like right down the road. "Where's Louis Tomlinson!"I say running in. A lady starts talking at the desk. "He-"

Please don't hate me! I promise I'll try to update soon,but no guarantees. Please tell me your honest thoughts. I need to know,it helps. I won't be affended,I swear. Vote,comment,share! Jesus loves you lots!<3

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