Chapter 22

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I don't know about you,but I'm feeling 22! Get it? Cuz it's chapter 22. Haha Ik I'm stupid. Sooo it's gonna be written from Liam's POV most of the time. Sometimes it will be Candies POV,they'll switch off. Guess who got the question right? JACI! That means she'll be in the chapter:) Hope you like this chapter!

Candie's POV.

I wake up and stretch my arms,I look around the room trying to remember why I'm here. Then it clicks,I'm at the boys new flat because I'm there maid. It's 7:30 so I get out of bed and wake Olivia up. We walk downstairs to start making breakfast,but too my surprise Liam was making breakfast. "What are doing?"I moan. "Making breakfast!"he pipes. "But-"I start. "No buts,today's your day off,and we are going to lazer tagging!"he exclaims. "That's nice and all,but this is our first day."I say pointing to Olivia. "Yea now go get ready!"Liam says swatting us out of the kitchen. "Dress casual."he yells.

I strip from my pajamas,and put on skinny jeans,with a white long sleeve crop top that has an American flag on it. I walk into the bathroom joined to my room,and brush my long blonde hair. I leave it down and straighten it. I brush my teeth,and slip on some tall brown boots.

I walk out of my room and Olivia is already out of her room and dressed. "I made heart shaped pancakes!"Liam smiles as we walk into the kitchen. "Well,I sorta see it."Olivia chuckles. They are pretty terrible shaped pancakes. We finish up eating when the rest of the boys come down,all dressed and ready. "Let's go."Harry says. We get up,grab our jackets and head out the door.

It's freezing cold outside,so I hurry to the car. We get in and Zayn decides to drive. "Wew! It's cold out there!"Louis says warming his hands by the car vent. So where are we lazer tagging at?"Olivia asks. "Um don't know the name but I know where it's at."Zayn replies. "Ok."she replies. "I think we should eat at Nandos for lunch."Niall says. "Agreed!"I quickly shout. Everybody gives me weird stares. "You like Nandos too!"Niall asks. "Yes!Who doesn't!"I say. We laugh and sit back till we get there.

Liam's POV.

We finally arrive and all pile out. We walk in and luckily not very many people are here. Harry walks up to the counter and pays for our game. A tall brunette walks over toward us,and of course she's checking Harry out. "Right this way."she says leading us towards a dark room.

"The theme is mid-evil times,as you can tell. Your gonna have to split up into 2 teams. The guns are over there."she says pointing towards a wall of blue and red guns. "Me,Zayn,and the girls!"Louis quickly shouts. "Ok then it's me,Niall,and Liam."Harry says. "Uh oh,there's an odd number...guess I'll have to play!"she cheers and stands by Harry. "My name is Janie!"she smiles.

We all head to the guns and put the vests on. "We are the Sorcerers!"Louis yells. "We are the Olympians!"Niall yells. "Ok,now when I turn the guns on run into the room."Janie says pointing towards a door into a dark neon room.

"Now go!"she yells. We all run into the room looking for places to hide. This place is awesome,and huge. I run up the creepy looking stairs and hide behind a wall. I'm blue,so I have to shoot the reds. "Shh. They might hear us."Zayn whispers to somebody. Mahaha,perfect. Right when him and Louis turn the corner u shoot,but Louis already shot me. Gosh he's fast. I run off before he can shoot me again,but luckily I have 5 seconds to regain power.

I run into Niall and he jabs his gun into my gut. "Owwww!"I screach. "Shhhh!"he says looking around. "Great they've got us,sorry mate."he say running off leaving me on the ground clutching my gut. "Noo."I reach out. Before I know it Candie,Louis,Olivia,and Zayn are all standing over me. Clearly they heard me scream. "Awww poor little baby got hurt."Candie jokes. "Get him!"Louis yells. They shoot me and run off. "C,mon Livy this way!"Candie says running off with Olivia.

I get up and run down the ramp. There are barrels on the side so I look closely before I go down. I hear whispering from behind the last one. "Ew get away I'm hiding here!"Harry says. "But I wanna be where I'm safe."Janie flirts. *Gag* I run down and head towards the middle of the whole arena. There's a big whiches pot and fog everywhere,it's pretty awesome.

Soon Zayn walks by and I shoot him,then Livy,then Candie,then Louis. So now my spot wore out. I run into Janie. "Where's Harry?"she asks. "I don't know,leave him alone."I say. "But,what if-"I run off before she can finish her sentence.

I shoot more people and then the game is over. "Everybody out!"Janie yells. We all walk out,and hang up our guns and vests. "Let's look at the scores!"Janie says walking to a desk and going to the computor. A big tv screen lights up with scores.

Blue team:
Liam:30 points

"Harry's gorgesenous distracted me."Janie pouts.

Red team:
Louis:36 points.

"Wow!Louis!"Harry screams. "I am undefeatable!"Louis yells. "So I guess it's clear who won."Niall says. "Team Red."Janie says. Let's celebrate with some Nandos!"Niall says. We all cheer and walk out of the room. Few fans are in the main arcade room. "Oops."Janie says snowing us her phone that's on twitter. "Couldn't help but tweet about this amazing game!"she smiles. We give her the death stare and start to make our way through the suprisingly tame fans.

We all get in the car and drive to Nandos,because I am starving. "Great job everyone."Candie smiles. "Ugh I would've got a better score if it wasn't for that Janie creep."Harry scowls. "It's okay Haz,you did better than her."Livy says. "Yea..."Harry frowns. We pull into Nandos and get out. The air smells like it,and you tell. By looking at Niall's face. "Niall,calm yourself. It's inky food."Louis says. "Just food?"he shakes his head and runs inside. We all sit at a big booth and the waiter comes to take out order. She looks a little bit familiar. Like one of the orphans.

Ok sorry Jaci wasn't in it,she will be in the next one I swear! Ok so Sophia is not pregnant!YAAAAA!!!!!

Hope you liked it:)

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Jesus loves you:)

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