"And Jimin? Is there news?" Namjoon inquired.

"Tae said it isn't looking good." Hoseok looked down, "I don't want to believe it. We can't lose Jimin, too..."

Everyone stared at Yoongi in silence. He was still sleeping, his tears dry on his cheeks. He looked peaceful...if only he knew the hell he'd have to face soon.
"That's his baby?" Jungkook stared through the window of the hospital's nursery.

"Yeah, that's him." Jin stood next to Jungkook, beside them was Hoseok and Taehyung. Namjoon decided to stay with Yoongi, in case he woke up.

They all stared at the tiny baby in the incubator. He was connected to various machines, a moniter showing his heartbeat and oxygen levels. The outside of the incubator had a small label that read "Baby Boy, Min" along with his date and time of birth, and weight. Jin had ensured that Yoongi's name was associated with the child, as Yoongi was now the only legal guardian.

"He looks like Yoongi." Taehyung muttered, earning a scoff from Hoseok.

"Taehyung, he's like an hour old, how can you tell who he looks like?" Hoseok glanced over at Taehyung, who only shrugged.

"Family of Jimin Park?" A doctor's voice came from behind the group. They all turned around, their hearts squeezing as they prepared for the worst.

"Us." Jin stepped up immediatly, "We're Jimin's family. What's going on?"

"Jimin's surgery was a success." As the doctor spoke, everyone breathed a big sigh of relief, "He is out of danger, the injury wasn't the problem. It was his condition, leukemia. It made it difficult to stop the bleeding, but we've got everything under control now. Jimin will be just fine."

"Can we see him? Where is he?" Jungkook stepped up beside Jin, his eyes filled with worry.

"He's in recovery. I'll let you know when he's awake." The doctor took his leave.

"We didn't lose Jimin." Jin said, though there were tears in his eyes, he smiled. Jin turned and used one arm to hug Jungkook, the other pulling Taehyung in. They hugged for a while, sharing their small moment of joy.

Hoseok watched them, a small smile on his own lips. The phone in his hand began to ring, he glanced at the screen and saw it was a call from Namjoon.

"Hello?" Hoseok answered, "Oh, he's awake? How is he? Calm..okay. We'll be right there." He hung up.

"Is Yoongi awake?" Jungkook asked.

Hoseok nodded, "Namjoon said he's calm, I think now is the best time to tell him."

The group silently agreed. They began to walk to the elevators. Jungkook took one last glance at his nephew before jogging to catch up to the group.
"Jimin's okay..." Yoongi closed his eyes as he sighed in relief after hearing the news. Jungkook was sitting beside him in the bed, Taehyung and Hoseok pulled up chairs beside the bed, and Namjoon and Jin remained standing.

"Yes, the doctor will let us know when he's awake." Jungkook layed his head against his brother's shoulder. He glanced up at Jin,  it was his turn to deliver the next news.

"Also..." Jin cleared his throat, looking down at the bed, "Your baby boy is here, he was just born."

"My...my son?" Yoongi's smile turned into a small frown, his brows furrowing in confusion, "He shouldn't be here yet...he isn't due...what  happened? What's wrong?" 

As Yoongi began to panic, Jungkook slowly slid his arms around him, a restraint disguised as a hug.

"The doctors had to deliver him, it was an emergency. His mom...Kirang..." Jin choked up. As a doctor, he'd delivered this type of news a few times. But this time, it was much more difficult.

"What's wrong with Kirang? Is she okay?" Yoongi's scared eyes darted between the faces in the room. Jungkook tightened his grip, closing his eyes.

"She didn't make it, Yoongi. She died from her injuries." Jin finished quietly.

"No...No..." Yoongi breathed unevenly, his broken sobs shaking his whole body. Jungkook held him tighter, tears filling his own eyes as Yoongi cried.
"She can't be gone..." Yoongi said through his tears. His eyes were red, puffy from crying. But he was more calm now, though still shocked from the news. It had been at least an hour.

"I know it's hard." Hoseok said softly. He was sitting beside Yoongi now, "She passed away in peace, Yoongi. And she left you a beautiful son."

"How is he? Is he okay?" Yoongi used thw back of his hand to dry his tears.

"He's premature, they have him in a special incubator. But over all, the nurses are saying he is very, very healthy. Congratulations." Hoseok lightly patted down Yoongi's hair, placing a little kiss on his temple. The corner of Yoongi's lips pulled into a tiny smile.

There was suddenly a knock on the door. It opened, and a young nurse poked her head inside.

"Hello." She smiled, "I was sent to inform you Park Jimin is awake, you can visit him now." She provided his room number and then  excused herself, closing the door.

"I want to go." Yoongi said. He was already trying to stand.

"We can go, but you aren't walking." Jin walked over to where a wheelchair was. He unfolded it and wheeled it over to Yoongi's bed, Hoseok helped him sit in it.

Namjoon held the door open for everyone, and they headed to Jimin's room together. He held it again as they arrived, Yoongi, who was pushed by Jin, was the first one in the room.

Jimin was laying in the hospital bed, the all too familiar sound of hospital moniters was annoying. The blinds in the room  were open, allowing sunshine in. Jimin closed his eyes, the sun was hitting his body just enough to warm him from the cold room.  He heard the door open, but didn't open his eyes.

"Is he sleeping?" Jimin heard someone whisper.

"They said he was awake...should we come back later?"

"Don't leave." Jimin muttered, "I'm awake." He turned towards the door and opened his eyes. As he saw his friends and his lover, Jimin smiled warmly, "Hi."

"Jimin." Yoongi wheeled himself over to Jimin's bedside. Immediatly, they held hands, their fingers intertwined.

Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook, and Hoseok stood back, allowing them to have a moment for themselves.
Jimin took the news about Kirang better than Yoongi. He had tears in his eyes, but remained calm.

"You're an idiot,  you know." Yoongi frowned as he lightly brushed Jimin's hair out of his face, "Why would you go after my father like that?"

"I wasn't thinking straight. " Jimin sighed softly, "I thought maybe...I could save you guys...but I didn't. I got myself hurt and couldn't save you...or Ki--"

"Shh." Yoongi pressed his finger against Jimin's lips, "None of this is your fault. You did what you thought was best. You bought us time. If you hadn't, we'd probably all be dead. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I should've listened to Jungkook..."

"Let's not blame anyone anymore." Hoseok said from his spot, "Blaming isn't going to change the way things are. It's not gonna bring back the dead, or heal wounds. Rather, we can bask in the knowledge that eveything is finally over, and while we lost someone very special...we gained someone, too."

Yoongi and Jimin both nodded, knowing very well Hoseok was right. Mr. Min was dead, Mr. Park was in jail. The sources of their misery were gone. They could live happily now.

"What are you going to name him, Yoongi?" Taehyung asked. They all knew what he was referring to; the baby.

"Kirang wanted Haru..." Yoongi said softly. He squeezed Jimin's hand lightly, "So...His name will be Haru. Min Haru."

No matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow.

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