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Malo takes off her pants and slips into a black bikini. She does the same with her top half as she wraps around a bra,not doing the best job at holding her overwhelming breasts.

She takes a look at herself in the mirror: Front,back,and sides. But she sighs unsure,as she turns back around to her front.

She hears a knock on the bathroom door,followed by Anaheims voice

"Malo!,does that one fit?".

Malo sighs,"N̡o!".

Anaheim checks out the 2 bathing suits in her hands. "Well I have these.. And then I have this one that I bought..". Anaheim walks towards the couch in the rooms main area as Malo creeks the bathroom door open. "Anaheìm͜..?,is ̢i͝t ͡w̧e̸i͝r͟d̵ t̀ha̧t̴ I̧ ́f͞eél ̡uǹc͞omfor̢t͡a͏bl̶e̛ ̴w͠e͘ári̷ng ͠thȩs̀e?,I̛ ͝m͘ean͠ I͠ h͝a͜ve been̨ ͡ǹa̡ķed̢ ͡arou͡nd͝ (Y/N) be͘for͞e but ͠s̡t̴ìll..". Anaheim takes a bathing suit off the couch arm,folding it on her right arm. "Well.. I think you've just been getting so comfortable with human style that you feel uncomfortable in your own". She walks back to the bathroom door. "I've been there,but just don't worry about it,you'll get used to it quick. I promise. Besides,its not that populated down there,so you and (Y/N) can have your own little space". Anaheim hands Malo the swimsuit. "Here,try this one on". Malo nervously takes the swimsuit from Anaheim and closes the door.

She checks it out,and seems to be pleased with it.


Malo views herself in the mirror again after she puts it on,more confident this time. This helps,and it shows as she looks back at her self with an assuring smile.

"Malo!,I'll be at the elevator kay?"

Malo turns around to the door behind her,"O̸k!"


You were outside walking along the pool as you waited for Malo and the others to come down. It surprisingly wasn't that populated,with a smaller amount of people then you would have imagined present on the chairs,and an even smaller amount in the pool.

When you thought what Malo would think,you guessed she wouldn't really care either way since she was so up for it. Though then again,when you left the hotel room and gave her a goodbye,she did seem a little hesitant. You didn't think too much about it though and just thought it was something else,and went ahead and walked over to the bar area to sit as you waited.


Malo puts on a white cover-up to go over her swimsuit,and then walks to the hotel door. She opens it up,walking through it and slowly closing it back. She speed walks down the hall while holding closed her cover-up with her left hand,turning left as she reaches the end,now walking down the hall with the elevator where Anaheim was waiting. She spots Malo,and smiled as she approached. Malo stops in front of her,smiling back. Anaheim tilts her head,"Ready?". Malo nods.

The two enter the elevator as it's doors open,with Anaheim pressing the first floor button once they have fully entered. The doors close,and the elevator begins to descend to the first floor. Anaheim takes a look at Malo and smiles.

Female SCP-1471 x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now