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Malo on her phone.

Its early in the afternoon. Malo is waiting for you to come home from helping at your job for a little. She looks around her phone on her bed when you text her that your coming. She smiles and tilts her head.

"Ok ☺".

"We̶l̸l̛ ͡I͡ sh̕ould p̨r͟o͡b͏a̷bl̶y̷ ge͡t ready". She gets off the bed and walks to the closet. She searches for her clothes she was gonna take on the hike. She finds them: Jeans and a t-shirt,along with a parka if she needs it. Malo pulls up her pants over her panties. "G̷ood th̷ing t͡he̢sę ̨are̸n'͟t t͠oo t̕ight.. B̀ut̢ st̴ill,h̡u̢ma̢n͠ ͟c̕l͞o̡t͟he̕s̨ are̶ a l̕ittĺe ͜uncomfor̕t̷a͝b͟l̛e ̕at͡ tim̕es͏". She puts her shirt on,then grabbing her backpack and going downstairs. She heads to the kitchen to prepare everything.

She grabs some water bottles,makes sandwiches,and gets some snacks. "Hopef͘ưlly̶ im̢ n̡ot̀ ͠ov́er͞d͡oin͞g͡ ̡t̡his̡.. ̢W̨ell̕ ̛a̡c͠t́ua̧l̡l̀y,th͏i͠s l͢o̷ok͢ş pe͡rfec̷t̕!". She places the backpack on the counter,which is neatly packed with everything she got.

You walk through the front door,already in your clothes for the trip. Sits on the couch with her bag. She looks at you and smiles. "I̡'ve gót ́e͢v̶e̷r̵yt͠h͠ing ̸re̕ady̶!,so ̛so ͏we ͢c̛an g̨ǫ ̀whe͟ne̴v̷ér͡". You start to stretch. "Alright,I guess we can go now so it doesn't get too late". Malo jumps up with her bag,swinging it over her back. "Then̕ let'̢s̷ go͡!".

In the car

Malo pulls up her backpack onto her lap and opens it.

"S̛o̷ i͟ ͟go̶t͡..́ Wate͡r ͠bǫt͞tl͡e͏s̕.͏.͝ San̵d̴w̧ich͘e̸s̡.. S͟n͡a̛c̷ks͜ like ͢cr̕ac͡k͘e͘rs͢ ̸a̵nd ͟b͜a͞nàn̵as͞ m͜a͝yb̴e if̧ ́wę ̧ge̡t a ̀littl̵ę hùn͘g͟ry". You chuckle,"Wow.. You really got our shit set up in that bag..". Malo giggles,"Wel̵l͡ ̧i ̧fi̴gur͝ed̡ ̛th̷at ̶we̷ r̶eal̀l̢y s̛h̸ould͞ ̴be̴ p͟re̢par͢e̴d,Y'k̶n̷o͜w̵,̵ju͜s̷t in̴ ̶c̶ase". The road slowly starts to go into a forest area. Not exactly that much of complete surrounding of trees,but just enough to give a relaxing feeling. You start to see beautiful mountains coming in through the forest and in front of you. It view looked amazing,and driving more towards it really started to give you a great feeling about the hike. You looked over to Malo,who you could tell was pretty memorized herself.

You turn into a small road more surrounded by trees,which then comes to a small,surrounding lodge. It was a bit popular,which probably makes sense due to its placement. You pull into the parking lot,and find yourself a spot.

Malo gets out of the car first,then you as she walks slowly around to the back of the car while looking around. "Wow.. Th̴i͞s̀ rea̶l̛ly̛ doe̸s ͘l̀o͜ok͝ ̀per͠fe̸c̸t!". You close the door as Malo slowly walks off. She turns to you,smiling with her fists up to her neck. "Y̷ou̸ ̴e͠xcįt́ed̡?̢". You smile,both at the the hopes of the trail and just at the fact of how happy Malo seems to be. "Yea of course I am,but you don't need to get to excited.. Its just a trail Malo". Malo was a bit,too excited,like she was a child at a waterpark. "Yea͏ ́I ͞kn̵o͜w.. ͟B̴u͏t stiĺl̢ t̢h̵e e͝nti̷r̨e t͟ra͡i̵l͞ ͟ju̕s͢t l̛oơk͡s so gr̡e͜at!,I c̡a͏n̡'̴t ͝ẁait ͢t͝il͝l̷ ̸w̶e͟ ͏g̛e̶t͞ t͜o̡ ̷one ̧of̶ ̶th͡o̷se cl̷i̷ff͟s͜ ̢tha͟t͟ ́ex̵t̵eņd o͝u͟t ̸f̵r̕o͞m th͟e m̶oun̵t́ain̢s". You look down at her feet and noticed her bare foot. "You sure you don't need shoes or something?". Malo looked down at her feet. "No ͟it̕s̸ fi͘ne,͘t̢he͞ ̵pad͘s o̷n m̛y̴ fe̕e͡t̸ ́st̴a͠r͜t ̛t̶ǫ h̶arde͢ń ͘f́or͞ ̢this͜ ͏ty͢p͏e òf t̕hi̸n͢g̡.. ̷S̶o ̵i̡ p̸ra͡c͢tical͠l̛y͞ ͞have ̀n̵a͜t͢ural͏ shoe so͠le̸s͡". She says as she stands one of her feet on its toes,exposing the grey pads that covered most of her foot.

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