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"The people who consider you weak have not yet noticed the wolf hiding behind your eyes nor the flames inside your soul. Let them think that you are weak and do what wolves and fire do best: surprise them when they least expect it."

Track 0; Golden Eyes by HANNI

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You stood with your hands on your knees, bent in half as your knees shook. Exhaustion ran through your body as if it was the only thing keeping you alive. You struggled to keep yourself standing when you collapsed to your knees, reaching out in front of you and digging your fingernails into the dirt. Your vision was going in and out by the second, leaving the image of the blue-haired woman standing in front of you to flicker behind your eyelids.

Kinsey sighed, running a hand through her uncontained hair. She squatted down in front of you, giving a comforting pat to the top of your head. "I suppose that's enough training for now."

You were immensely frustrated with yourself. So much time had passed—a year to be exact— and you had barely put a dent into learning how to manage your abilities. Becoming the top Alpha of Whitecap was everything but easy. It was difficult to manage Marco, Luffy, Kid, and Law all looking to you for answers on what to do next. You were still a part of a world that you didn't understand completely. The stress tore you apart at the seams of your being when you remembered the amount of responsibility held on your shoulders.

"I swear you're trying to kill me." You panted, casting a glance at Kinsey through the hair that fell over your eyes.

She shrugged nonchalantly like she wasn't working you to your death. "Unfortunately this is how all of this works, alpha."

That title still didn't sit right with you. If anything, Law was more of the alpha of Whitecap than you were. You didn't have as strong of a will as he did nor the leadership skills he had developed through his lifetime. During moments of doubt or hesitation he would step up to take your place. Thankfully the other lycans didn't question his words, seeing that he advised you on every situation that had occurred since you returned home from Doflamingos monastery.

Kinsey helped you to your feet, holding you up as your body swayed back and forth from the beat down she gave you. She hummed a song under her breath as she led you back inside your house, depositing you on the couch before entering the kitchen. You could feel yourself falling asleep due to tiredness when she reappeared in front of you with a glass of water in her manicured hand.

You took it from her gratefully, greedily drinking it until it was empty. You hadn't realized how parched you were until that moment. As your eyes fluttered between open and closed you heard the bluenette gathering her things. You felt her body lean over the back of the couch to look down at you when you let yourself sink further into the cushions.

"I'm gonna hit the road. Marco wants to take me on a date." She informed you, rubbing the top of her head with your hand. The sensation almost put you to sleep when she finished speaking. "Call me or Jami if you need anything, okay? Law should be home within a few hours."

As soon as you heard the front door close behind her, you felt yourself slipping into your dreamland at the sound of the lock turning. You'd given her and Jami a key to your house shortly after returning home from your kidnapping. You didn't give Gizmo one since she'd held onto a spare you had made for her quite a few years ago.

A knock on your front door startled you out of your nap. You sat up quickly, scanning the darkening living room around you as you let yourself fully wake up. You heard another knock and swung your feet off the couch, shivering slightly when they hit the cool wooden floorboards. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." You muttered, knowing that whoever was standing on your porch could hear you.

Your body groaned in protest when you rose to your feet. You barely caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall telling you that it was 6:30 in the evening as you stumbled around the coffee table. You caught yourself on the wall when your legs attempted to give out on you, hissing under your breath. You were deadbeat tired, unable to really process the fact that a stranger was standing at your front door.

Without a sound you unlocked the front door, tired eyes lifting to see the man standing in front of you. "Sanji? What are you doing here?" Your brain was still foggy with sleep as you rubbed your eyes with the palm of your hands, hoping to bring them back into focus.

Suddenly you were smashed against the floor. Your reaction time was delayed due to your exhaustion when you flung a fist encased in gold at your attacker. The impact did nothing to whatever held you against the floor. The smell of a vineyard and apples flooded your five senses, causing you to gag on the taste sitting on the back of your tongue.

Ever since you'd left your own bond mark on Laws neck after your return the smell of another alpha made you queasy. You couldn't even handle the smell of sandalwood that excreted off of Marco without dry heaving even though you'd been around it your whole life.

A heavy paw pinned your offending arm to the floor. You struggled against the immense amount of weight holding you down when you felt a sharp set of canines sink down into your neck—right over the scar Law had bitten into you. You gave out a silent scream, unable to tolerate the pain that wracked through your body when your blood spilled on the hardwood floors of your entryway.

Darkness flashed through your eyes, only catching a glimpse of green hair swept back into a ridiculously large cowlick above you before you faded into unconsciousness.

————— ☾ ❆ ☽ —————

Shachi and Penguin lost their shit when their patrol along the border of their territory with their alpha spun completely out of control.

Law had been walking in front of them, the head of his lycan swaying side to side as he pushed on through the forest surrounding him. His subordinates were following behind him silently, looking around them in case he had missed something that was a potential threat.

Penguin bumped into Law when the black alpha in front of him screeched to a halt. The snarl that came from his alphas lips caused him to tuck his tail and back up, flattening his body to the ground in an act of submission. He heard Shachi's wolf behind him let out what could only be identified as a chortle in amusement.

Before Penguin could truly apologize to his boss, the sudden sound of pain that came from his alpha caused his hackles to raise. He jumped to his feet, prepared for a fight only to see Law clawing at his own muzzle. Black fur was ripped from Laws lycan form as he thrashed against the ground, snarling and spitting in contempt. It almost looked like the alpha was having a seizure as the pitiful cries left his jaw.

Law could feel his body trying to tear itself apart. He was blind with fear when the bond he had with you suddenly slammed shut. Originally he had been able to read your thoughts and feel your heartbeat in his chest alongside of his own. He couldn't identify what was happening to him when the image of you flashed repeatedly in his brain. His legs gave out underneath him without his consent when the figure of you in his head began fading away. Internally he screamed, reaching out for you with both of his hands when the outline of your head turned to him.

He could see tears brimming at the corner of your eyes as every emotion you were feeling hit him like a bullet train. You were being pulled further and further away from him by three sets of hands he didn't recognize. His heart felt empty when you vanished completely from his sights. It shattered into pieces and was set aflame when he realized what had happened.

He couldn't control his actions when he began viciously attacking himself in front of his packmates.

Somebody had marked you.

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words; 1439

thanks for joining me on this journey!
what a rollercoaster, am I right?

it's kind of obvious that there's going to be a sequel thanks to how this ended, huh?

I actually don't know when I'll begin publishing it, but for now stay tuned and check out my other books!


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