Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"She wasn't afraid to be herself when everybody said "be a lamb", she showed her fangs and became a wolf."

Track 28; Alpha by Little Destroyer

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The curtains covering the bay window of your room brushed across the glass when a breeze rolled through the open window. You woke up as the soft summer wind brushed against your face. The ceiling above you looked foreign compared to the one you had opened your eyes to everyday that you were held under lock and key by Doflamingo. A fresh breath of the warm air entered and left your lungs when you sat up in your bed.

Your (e/c) scanned the room as you drank in the details of your decorations. A clock rested against the wall opposite of your bed in the middle of tapestries that lined the cream-painted surface. When your eyes settled on the closet you had walked in and out of for the past few years, you turned to look at the other side of your bed only to see somebody that wasn't your soulmate.

A large white wolf laid next to you, his rib cage rising and falling with each breath he took during his slumber. When you rose into a sitting position the wolf's eyes shot open, revealing a brilliant color of blue that caught you completely off-guard.

That's right. You thought to yourself once the wolf sat up, exposing his canines with a loud yawn. His name's Bepo.

As if on cue, the form-locked lycan gave a soft howl. You gave him a curious look before your head turned at the sound of your bedroom door opening. Law entered wordlessly, but the look on his face told you that he was relieved you were finally awake. The smell of him forced your body to relax, finally understanding that you were safe.

"I feel...different." You muttered, raising your hands to look at them while Law approached your side of the bed.

The mattress dipped slightly when he sat down next to you, taking your dominant hand in his and running his thumb across the scar that displayed on the back of your hand. "That's to be expected after the amount of power you used." He replied softly, bringing your fingertips to his mouth and kissing them gently. His free hand traveled to your face, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.

Images of ripping Doflamingos heart out of his muscular chest filled your brain though most of the scene was blurred and distorted as if your mind was blocking the whole altercation. From what you understood you were officially the top Alpha of Whitecap; that made Law the Alpha male. You were 2000% unsure of what the future held for you before Law rose from your bed and opened your closet door.

What a change of events over the past few months that you'd known him.

"Let's get you dressed; they're waiting for you."

You were curious to know who was waiting for you when he pulled you up to your feet, helping you change into a tank top and shorts that hugged your hips and thighs. When his hands settled on your hips after you were fully dressed, a few words slipped from your mouth.

"I can dress myself, you know." You mumbled against his lips, bringing him in for a kiss.

He hummed against your mouth, enjoying the feeling that he had missed the last few weeks. "I'm aware," he began, pulling away from you slightly. "But let me take care of you. Besides, you might have sudden weakness and I want to be with you if that happens."

You rolled your eyes. He knew you didn't mean it when he kissed you once again and took your hand in his, leading you to the sliding glass door that led you to the backyard. He opened the door for you, letting you step outside before closing it behind Bepo once the wolf passed through.

Directly in front of you at the bottom of your porch was Laws group, looking up at you expectantly. Bepo placed himself next to Shachi, sniffing the lycan before sitting back on his haunches, his blue eyes focused on you. You took the moment you had to scan your backyard. 

Each pack was waiting patiently for your arrival. They were a few feet away from the other individual packs but within their own clusters. You noticed a few subordinate members of Kids pack interacting with others from Marcos. You weren't able to feel any tension in the air with the amount of lycans scattered around your yard.

Mihawk and Shanks sat off to the side, looking a little on edge until you walked out the back door. They were alright getting along when it came to Luffy and Laws' pack, but the remaining two were a different story since they kept looking over there with cautious glances. Thankfully no blood would be shed today. That was obvious due to the fact that they were all on your property; neutral ground.

Off to the side of the porch sat who you least expected to be there since none of them were lycans. Gizmo was sitting in one of your camping chairs with her feet kicked up, conversing with Jami and Kinsey as the blonde scoured through baby names on her phone. Winfrey and Jaxon were standing a few feet away from them having their own conversation, occasionally piping into Gizmo's conversation with suggestions of baby names that you hadn't heard before.

Once Law cleared his throat, the buzzing sound of talk fell silent. You couldn't help but stare into his golden eyes when he gave a squeeze to your hand.

"What now, alpha?"

You took a deep breath.

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words; 962

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