Chapter Ten

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"So if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me, because I, too, am fluent in silence."

Track 10; Sangria by Easy Life & Arlo Parks

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The logs in the fireplace were alive with flames, embers blooming as the wood cracked and popped against the heat. The soft glow from the fire left the living room in a calm state. His hands brushed over your shoulders, trailing up your neck and tucking stray strands of hair behind your ears and then back down to your waist. He touched you constantly as he read over your shoulder, only picking up on a few words before you flipped the page of your book.

Reading by firelight was one of your favorite things, and his touch made everything much warmer and feel like home. You leaned back and rested your head against his chest, covered by a thin cotton shirt. His golden eyes shimmered with the illumination of the fireplace as he drank in your details. How your lips would twitch into a smile while you read or how your tongue would poke slightly from your lips as you turned the page, eager to read what came next; the soft blanket resting over your torso would rise and fall with every breath you took.

If somebody who was unaware of the secrets hidden in Whitecap saw you, they'd notice a simple girl just trying to get through her last year of high school, find a job, be in a relationship, and deal with the drama that split her from the rest of her friend group. At the moment you felt very unwanted from those you held close, all except for Law of course. None had spoken to you since the incident at the hospital, and it had been two weeks since Law and Kid had gotten in the fight.

You'd gone back to your routine as normal but people would ask where Gizmo and Kid were when they saw you. Thankfully those around you would steer people away for a different conversation to give you a break from the thoughts plaguing your mind. The redhead was still in the hospital, in better condition but he still hadn't woken up. Gizmo hadn't spoken to you since and when you asked Marco or whoever how she was doing, he'd just say that she was fine.

It was Christmas Eve and you'd just gotten your fingers out of the splint. Thankfully fingers healed quicker compared to the other bones in your body but they still hurt from time to time depending on how you moved them.

Your eyes drifted over each sentence in the book as you drank in the details, occasionally staring at your fingertips as you turned the page. You lived for the quiet moments you had with Law. None of your anxieties would pop up when he was near, it was the best thing you could've asked for at the moment. Law was the calm before your storm, the eye of the hurricane where all was silent and oddly comfortable.

He had his idiosyncrasies which made other people uncomfortable, but you loved each and every one. They made him the person he was and you couldn't ask for anything different from him. You were brought back to your train of thought when his arms wrapped around your waist and he nuzzled into the side of your neck, inhaling your scent and giving a deep sigh after. This was all you needed; this tranquility with your soulmate.

January would be the marker of four months with him; knowing who he was and that you were meant to spend the rest of your life with him. As you pondered the thought further there had been no actual signs of endearment. It was always nuzzles, hand-holding, hugging, cuddling, sleeping in the same bed but no kissing or sex, or 'I love you's' or anything. Perhaps it was too soon for that, but you didn't mind. You were sure that your strong feelings towards him were valid and true, though sometimes you doubted it when he pushed your buttons and irritated you to the max. Gizmo had explained previously that that's what love was about, before the fight of course.

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