Chapter Twenty

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"So tell me little wolf, do you want to punish those who have wronged you?"

Track 20; Like You Do by Joji

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Law shuffled through the back door late that night, making sure he took off his boots to not track mud into your house. The melting snow meant that everything outside was turning to mush, and he knew that you would yell at him and kick him out for the night. You'd done it before, and he knew that you would do it again.

His eyes shifted in the darkness and he immediately knew something was wrong. The house was cold and quiet. When he came home late he always found you sleeping on the couch with the television on an infomercial and the fire was low. The kitchen light was always on when he arrived, no matter how late it was.


He was unable to locate you in the house by your scent since the place reeked of you. There was no point in trying when he already knew that you weren't home. He palmed his phone out of his jacket and the first number he found was Jami's. It rang and rang until voicemail. He became irritated with the fact that the redhead didn't pick up her phone, she always did. He considered calling others before he decided to search the house in case he was just overreacting, perhaps you'd just fallen asleep somewhere.

He looked everywhere; the office, the kitchen, the spare bedroom, your room, the bathroom, even the damn garage. He was beginning to feel unsettled and stuffed his feet back into his muddy boots. He almost fell over his own feet as he rushed to get outside to check the covered parking area where your Beetle always sat.



A flurry of panic rushed over him and he held his phone with a death grip and found the next number on his list; Kinsey. No answer just like Jami, so he tried Ace. It went straight to voicemail so he tried Gizmo and Kid, the same thing happened. He snarled, those were the few numbers he had in his phone besides his pack and Luffy's, though he knew that you didn't hang with the Strawhat Alpha unless you were with Nami and Robin. To you Luffy was that annoying cousin that you didn't want to interact with unless you were forced to.

The last number he had was Marco's and no matter how much he despised the blond alpha, he knew that something was wrong and this was his last ditch effort. "If you don't answer I'll kill you myself." He hissed through clenched teeth, his free hand uncoiling and making fists repeatedly as he paced the front porch.

It rang twice before Marco picked up. "Yo."

"Is (Y/N) with you?"

"No, why?"

"She's missing."

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Within the next half hour the four packs that took residence in Whitecap were tearing the entire forest to shreds trying to find you.

"Her car's at Holden's Market." Kid announced once the packs had met at the rendezvous point after scouring for hints on your location.

"The engine is completely dead, it must not have started when she was done getting groceries." Gizmo added.

"Hey, guys?" Jami called out. She had arrived a few minutes later than the expected time, Ace close behind her with an unreadable expression on his face. She was holding some grocery bags in her arms. "We found these on Mirage Road right after the turn off from Rainier, and this." She handed your broken phone to Law.

"Alpha," a voice chimed in from his other side, slightly out of breath. "We've brought him."

He looked over his shoulder to see Shachi, Penguin, and Jean Bart standing on either side of a large white wolf that had long, fluffy fur and bright cerulean eyes. Law pulled your favorite beanie from the pocket of his trench coat and held it out to the wolf. "Do what you do best, Bepo."

As a juvenile he had befriended Bepo, a lycan unable to change back into his human form because of some unknown cause. There was a high chance he had been cursed for the sins of his ancestors, but not even he knew the answer to that question. Bepo inhaled the scent off of your favorite beanie and his eyes dilated from saucers to narrow slits, much like a cat's eye. He burst through the standing lycans and humans with a determination that even Law could not comprehend.

"Follow him." Law ordered, letting the shift into his wolf form come naturally. The rest followed behind him, that being Kid, Killer, Heat, Wire, Marco, Ace, Thatch, with Shachi, Penguin, and Jean Bart covering the tail. The remaining lycans lingered at the rendezvous point, forming a protective circle around those who couldn't shift in case whatever took you came back.

On human feet it would've taken them maybe two hours to reach the point where you disappeared, but by paw it took them only thirty minutes max. Bepo reached a dead end when your scent stopped where you had collapsed, and he paced around to see if he could pick up the scent again. The only thing that remained of you was your sunglasses. Law shifted back to his human self and crouched down to pick up the sunglasses when he remembered something that he hadn't thought of in eight years. It was him, that's what his instincts were screaming. He had originally thought it was just history, but the past always seemed to haunt him.

"I know what you're thinking, Law." Kid said, rising back to his original height after he transferred back. "Don't act like we can't smell it, too. We all have the same thought in our head but we need to go back and discuss this with the others. We're also going to need the Duo in on this if we want the plan to work."

"He could kill her!" Law snarled, his eyes leaving a glare of gold in the darkened forest.

"If he's doing what I think he's doing, he won't. He's using her as bait. He wants you to run straight in to get her, which is why you can't do that." Marco added on.

"Then you'd end up in the same predicament that she is. Except I don't think he would treat you as kindly." Ace said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I promise you'll get her back. All of us will." Kid finished.

Those weren't the words Law exactly wanted to hear, but he knew they were right.


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words; 1105

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