Chapter Nine

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"She must be a descendant of wolves; because her skin smells as though it is pure moonlight."

Track 9; Burn The Witch by Shawn James

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Snow fell outside the sterile, cold room. A heartbeat monitor echoed off the walls with a sickening aftertone that left you feeling as uneasy as before. Bouquets of flowers littered the windowsill, some already wilting and dying as if the hopelessness in the room plucked their petals. You refused to stay in the room any longer, pushing yourself off the door frame with your uninjured shoulder and entering the hospital hallway. A few rooms down and across the walkway from the nurses station was Law's room.

He was sitting up in bed, a bored expression across his face as he switched channels on the television since he found nothing that caught his interest. Half of his chest was bare, bandages wrapped diagonally across his torso. His left shoulder was covered as well along with his right bicep and forearm. A scar ran vertically down his right collarbone, puffy and swollen from the stitches used to close it.

His golden eyes met yours as soon as you stepped through the doorway and the usual cold expression he carried softened as he shifted slightly to the side in silence, opening up more space for you on the bed. He knew that your body was running rampant with emotions; you were heartbroken and devastated. He felt like shit for what happened, but he had lost complete control after you stepped in between the two of them.

You approached his left side and crawled under the soft blanket, one you had brought from home since he complained about how scratchy the hospital blankets were. You carefully placed your head on his chest to not irritate his wounds and your pointer finger traced over the tattoos that weren't covered by the bandages. You gently took his left hand and held it close to your face, writing out the letters that spelt DEATH across his knuckles and flexing them for your own entertainment. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat and breathing lulled you to sleep, eyes glazed over in utter exhaustion.

When your breathing went lax, he knew you'd fallen asleep and his mind drifted from the current moment as he stared at the ceiling. Would you have been better off if somebody else imprinted on you? This never would've happened if he hadn't been there, the fight, Kid's comatose state, your injuries. He was mad at himself, he was the one who caused this. If he hadn't been a snarky asshole and didn't push Kid's buttons—he knew the alpha had a short temper—none of this would've occurred.

Kid would be alright, Gizmo would be fine. You would be uninjured and going about your daily life. Maybe you were better off without him. His heartbeat began to accelerate and unconsciously his body began shaking as your screams from that night echoed in his mind. He unleashed his pheromones subconsciously. This woke you slightly and you squeezed his hand, softening your grip when he squeezed once in response. You sat up and adjusted yourself, pulling his head to your own chest and running your fingers through his hair.

You were wearing his sweatshirt; it smelled of you and him and your calm scent soothed the madness raging in his mind. It reminded him of who he was and how he had to stay, he couldn't live without you at this point. He'd already come so close to losing you and he wasn't willing to give fate a chance to scare him like that again. He had to stay strong, you were using him as a buoy at this point barely able to keep your head above water. Yes you had others that were closer to you that were there to support you, but you didn't want them. They didn't soothe you like Law did.

But underneath the sweatshirt your dominant shoulder was wrapped in a thick layer of gauze to cover the thirty seven stitches starting from the slope of your shoulder and leaving a trail down your inner arm, skewing off to the side at the halfway point of your forearm. It was a jagged line that would haunt everybody who saw it and knew the story for the rest of their lives. He nuzzled his face into the jacket and inhaled deeply, leading you both to sleep.

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