Chapter Three

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"I fed the wolf inside my heart with the wildness of my soul. He devoured each and every part and stayed to keep me whole."

Track 3; Full Moon by The Black Keys

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The underbrush of the forest rustled and groaned as three equines trampled the powdered snow on the ground;  A blue roan mare led the charge underneath a girl with red hair. Behind followed a black gelding ridden by Ace and further back was a palomino carrying Marco. All three called out your name, their voices reverberating off of the silent snowy trees. The redhead was Jami, Ace's date to the party that was supposed to happen earlier that night. But since your disappearance, the party had been canceled as others searched for you.

Ace pulled back slightly on the reins to stop his mount, looking down into the thick mud as they reached the bog. "Look, footprints." His flashlight leered down to show the indents in the swamp.

Jami asked her horse to move forwards a little more, only to lean over and snatch something out of the bushes. "Are these her riding pants?" 

Marco's headlamp focused on the (color) trousers. "Yeah, those are hers." He squeezes the palomino underneath him with his legs, asking the equine to wade through the sludge, stopping by the redhead to take the pants from her. He turned slightly to stuff the pants into the saddle bag before continuing on. "Let's go, she has to be close around here."

"What if she got grabbed?" Ace questioned, his grip on the reins tightening slightly. The black horse chewed on the copper snaffle resting in his mouth, heaving a heavy sigh as he followed his companions. "I know these woods aren't as empty as they seem."

Jami shook her head with a soft click of her tongue. "I doubt anything took her." She pushed a strand of red hair out of her face, keeping close to Marco. "When we find her she'll have to ride with Marco, since Rampage is the only horse I have big enough to carry two people. Opal and Shadow won't be able to." She murmured, looking towards the Belgian draft horse. Opal, the blue roan mare, snorted softly and quickened her pace to keep up with the long-legged palomino in front of her. Shadow huffed beside her, soon falling back to take up the rear.

It was silent for another ten minutes in the quiet Minnesota night. How far they had traveled into the property only Marco would know—but even now he was sure that they were way past his property boundaries. They were in the uncharted wilderness, only belonging to the wild animals lurking in the shadows. Since they weren't familiar with this area, Ace—surprisingly enough—had the idea of taking neon duct tape and placing it on the trees to mark the path back home. Getting lost in these freezing temperatures would be a recipe for death.

Ears spinning atop her head, Opal stopped, a leg held above the ground as she turned, brown eyes looking towards something that was next to Rampage. Jami reaches down with a hand to touch her mare's neck, hoping that the young equine wouldn't be startled by something. "You're alright, girl." She soothed before the realization came that they weren't alone, mainly when the usually calm mare took off squealing and bouncing into the bushes, a ninety degree angle to the left of the path that Marco and Rampage had forged.

Taking the reins in two hands, Jami used her thighs and calves to squeeze hard into the saddle, holding her seat as her boots slipped from the stirrups. With sheer leg strength, she barely managed to stay atop of Opal as the equine stopped suddenly. The redhead barely caught a glimpse of a four-legged figure taking off into the underbrush with a snarl, tail tucked between its legs.

"Jami, you alright?" Ace shouted.

Peering over her shoulder, she saw the two headlamps aimed in her direction. "Yes, I'm fine. I don't know what happened, she usually doesn't..." A groan stopped her from finishing her sentence. "What the?"

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