Chapter Six

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"He looked at me like I was something to eat, with his dark eyes and his sharp teeth. And I must admit... I kind of liked it."

Track 6; 909 by EDEN

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Two weeks later the morning was brisk. Winter break was next week which meant Christmas and shopping for everybody. Snow was still falling, much like always, and it wouldn't stop anytime soon—at least not until the beginning of March. That was the downfall of living in Minnesota.

You sighed, watching your breath leave a fog in the air before it dissipated as you adjusted the coat around your shoulders. It was Laws, which isn't something you were surprised about. You had given it back to him multiple times and he would gladly take it since it was covered in your scent. As soon as the smell faded though, it would appear in your car after school or after you got groceries.

You tried locking your car once to officially keep him out of it. He had a habit of putting things that belonged to him or had his scent on it somewhere in your car. You locked it one time before heading into school, only to come out and discover that you couldn't get back in. Marco was miffed when he had to pull a new member of his pack out of her class to come pick the locks, and he told you to never lock it again.

Perhaps Law was watching the entire time and that's how he knew, but he'd never tell you. There was no controlling him anyways.

He still wasn't allowed inside your house when he was a wolf, as you didn't want to sweep up all the hair he shedded. Not to mention that it would be a difficult squeeze with the size of him, he'd knock everything off the tables like a cat if you gave him the chance. The few times he listened to your nagging and shifted back into his bipedal form, he'd wander around the house following you like a lost puppy. He'd wait outside the bathroom door like a weirdo and he'd sit with you on the couch, supposedly watching tv but you knew that he spent a majority of that time staring at you.

When you called him out on it, he'd smirk and look back towards the television for about five to ten minutes before he started staring again.

Speaking of the devil, he pounced on you and sent you falling into a snowbank just out of your front door. Thankfully he was in his human form and wasn't crushing you, but his dominating aura screamed for an answer on why you wouldn't let him in the house last night.

Your hands met his chest and you pushed him but he didn't move. "You know exactly why you weren't allowed in the house last night."

"I would've changed if you had let me in." He replied emotionlessly.

"That's a lie and you know it. You refused to change outside like you always have. Those are the rules." You insisted.

"I would have been naked." He lied again.

"You're a horrible liar, and if that was the truth then I really don't want you in my house." You rolled to your left, managing to get out from underneath him—only because he let you. You brushed the snow off of your clothes as he rose to his own feet, towering over you.

"Why not?"

"I don't need a naked outlaw in my house." You retorted, brushing by him and walking towards your Volkswagen.

"You would've liked the view." He purred with a smirk on his face.

You fake gagged. "In your dreams, Alpha." You placed yourself in the driver's seat and sighed when he got in on the other side. "Get out."


"Nobody's gonna be happy seeing you." You turned on the car.

"Town's neutral ground, they don't have to be happy."

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