Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You can't go out now, the werewolf is roaming the forests."

Track 24; Deeper by Valerie Broussard & Lindsey Stirling

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You'd practically memorized the books Doflamingo had given you as reading material. You leaned back against the wall of your cell and dropped the book at your side off the mattress. It echoed when it hit the cold concrete. You decided this would be a good time to take a nap and began to doze off, a hand covering your bite mark as it pulsed like a heartbeat under your touch.

You awoke with a jolt when the door of your cell rattled meaning that it was being unlocked. You sat up, expecting Vincent or Droy but this was one you didn't recognize. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and concern. He was wearing a hood that shrouded his face in shadows; you could barely see his mouth. There was a familiar aura around him that temporarily soothed you to ease your anxiety.

You rose to your feet and stepped out, understanding your destination when he turned and escorted you down the halls to the showers. Every time you'd been able to bathe you had thankfully always been alone due to Doflamingo's strict rules. Nobody would break them unless they had a death wish—hopefully.

You stopped when your escort did as he glanced around the area. You looked up from counting your steps as you stared at your feet and tilted your head. What was he doing? Was this guy a newbie? Did he get lost? You couldn't blame him if he was—this place was a maze. His gloved hands rose up to his head and he gave a sigh of relief before he dropped his hood.

You could recognize the blinding blue hair anywhere. "Jaxon? What are you doing here? How the hell did you get in?"

"Faerie magic." He replied with a shrug of his shoulders, not caring to go into details. "I'm sure you're scared, but they're taking better care of you than we thought." His heterochromatic eyes would glance around as he spoke to you. "I'm sorry this has been taking so long, nobody wanted to agree on a plan and we had to deal with your psychotic mate." He rolled his eyes before shaking his head. "Anyways, all of us will be back in three days to get you out of here."

"How long has it been?" You inquired since you weren't physically able to keep track of time without any windows.

"Four weeks."

"How's Law?"

"He was alright when I left." Jaxon shifted his feet, obviously on edge. "He's had a few moments where he's lost control but thankfully his pack has been able to reestablish that sensibility of his. We can't wait any longer though, or else he's seriously going to lose it and there's no guarantee anybody can get him back."

Before he could continue, there was incoherent shouting from further down one of the dark corridors. You only managed to identify 'the prisoner has escaped'.

"Shit, my cover's been blown." Jaxon swore, flipping his hood back up. "I've got to run, be careful and stay safe." He disappeared in a swirl of blue and black smoke.

Whatever trace of him that was left was gone before the Lichs arrived, but it still temporarily blinded you when it made you cough and your eyes began to water.

Your arms were suddenly trapped against your torso when a chain wrapped around you. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm going to punish you for trying to escape." You threw your chin over your shoulder to look and you felt bile in the back of your throat when you realized another Lich you didn't recognize was your captor. He had a vile look on his face which made you shudder and pull against the chain.

"Release her at once, you damn idiots!"

They stopped dragging you backwards against your will when they noticed Winfrey stomping in their direction from the corridor you'd come down. She was wearing a dark green tunic with black leggings and leather ankle boots, her hair in twin Dutch braids over her shoulders. "I was escorting her to the showers! The King knows exactly where she is; I informed him earlier."

"M-Miss Winfrey," one of them stammered, the chains wrapped around you falling limp to the floor. They retreated quickly back to their user and they scurried away like rats. "Our apologies!"

"Winfrey, how did you know where I was?" You asked, rubbing the skin the chains had bruised with a wince.

"I'm going to help get you out of here." She stated, ignoring your question. She wrapped her arm around yours and continued to lead you to the showers.

"Let's get you cleaned up, shall we?"

————— ☾ ❆ ☽ —————

Three days passed torturously slowly .

You were in the barn once again. At this current moment you were filling the water buckets for Opal and Rampage when you felt Winfrey radiate her happiness behind you. You turned to look over at her and put down the water bucket. She was bouncing excitedly in place, her hands hiding her mouth.

When you opened your mouth to ask a question she cut you off by throwing her hands down and smiling brightly.

"They're here!"

Once again before you could say anything, there was shouting and growling from the back alley at the same time the mark on your neck lit up like a flame. It was a quiet echo but it was easy to locate since it was getting louder the longer it was there. The closer the disturbance for the hotter the bite burned. There were a few panicked snorts and squeals from the skeletal equines in the stalls, loud bangs following after. It was suddenly silent before you heard something coming towards you. Your knees almost buckled with relief when the searing pain shifted into a euphoric sensation when the smell of cinnamon and pine reached your nose. It made you whirl around to see a large black wolf sprinting down the alley.

You were tackled to the ground, a few sniffs going over your tense body before a large, wet tongue dragged across your face.

"Oh dear god please don't lick my face." You giggled and attempted to push him away with your hands. Thankfully he stopped and you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in his thick fur. "Thank you for coming for me. I missed you so much." You had to fight the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You didn't want to tell him that your lack of sanity made you think he wasn't coming.

Suddenly the neck of fur turned into skin and he pulled just far enough away to help you put on his trench coat. Unfortunately you were in a pink long-sleeved shirt and pink leggings thanks to Doflamingo's given wardrobe—it didn't even match. It was the only clean clothes you were granted today and Winfrey apologized since she couldn't do anything to help you.

"I'm sorry I let this happen, hela." He murmured, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you again. He pressed you against his chest tightly as your legs subconsciously wrapped around his waist. "I should've known he was going to make an appearance eventually."

He pressed his forehead against yours. "I was just so distracted by loving you that I forgot all my fears in the world."

Did....did he just say he loved you? It wasn't the exact words you were hoping for but nevertheless that sentence filled you with so much happiness you felt like you were going to burst.

Your lips quivered and you couldn't hold back the tears. You held his face in your hands and smiled. "It's okay, none of this is your fault. I love you too."

Every time you kissed him it felt like the first time, but this one was heavenly.

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words; 1327

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