Chapter Twenty-One

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"Your deep dark secret can't be held for much longer. Your red silk hood will only keep you hidden for so much time. That big bad wolf isn't hiding in your closet, that big bad wolf is hiding in your mind."

Track 21; Sing to Me by MISSIO

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Law looked over his shoulder at you with a peaceful smile across his lips. He turned and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against him. You felt his lips touch your forehead and his hand titled your chin up to face him. He expressed a distressed look, and you reached up to cup his face in your hands.

"What's wrong, Law?"

"I promise, hela, I'll find you."

You woke up with a jolt, your skin burning and crawling with goosebumps. His touch felt so real and left an empty feeling behind as your heartbeat slowly settled and your breathing returned to a normal rate, your hand over the bite that ached with an unfamiliar sensation. It took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the darkness and that was when you realized that you weren't at home. At first you thought it had been a strange dream and that you were going to wake up to Law's golden eyes piercing through the shadows of your bedroom.

The faint sound of dripping water caught your attention and you looked to your left to see a small puddle of water forming from what fell from the cracked ceiling. You subconsciously curled your fingers, recognizing the material as a crummy twin mattress that was stained with blood. You scrambled off the bed with a quiet gasp and pressed yourself against the far wall, shivering as the coldness from the concrete seeped through your shirt and into your skin. You took a moment to yourself to scan your surroundings and realized that everything was covered with blood, some of it obviously fresh and it made you wonder if it was your own. You took note of the fact that you were in a cell when you touched yourself all over to see if you were bleeding anywhere, but the dull roaring headache smashing in the back of your head reminded you that you were lucky to only get a concussion.

Before you could fully express your terror and slight relief that you were still alive, the cell door was thrown open and bounced off of the concrete wall with a bang. Had you still been sleeping it would've frightened you awake. Chains wrapped around your wrists and torso and you pulled back automatically against them when your fight or flight mode kicked in. When the user realized you were trying to fight back, he yanked you to the ground and knocked the breath out of your lungs.

"Every attempt at escaping or fighting will just give me another reason to torture you." He hissed, dragging you out of the cell.

While you regained your breath you examined your captor and what you saw startled you. He laughed at your scared expression. He was a tall man with pale white skin that had a blue undertone. His eyes resembled frozen ice but they were a flaming blue. His cheeks were sunken in and every bone in his body protruded slightly from his pale skin. There were footsteps from your other side and you looked to see another man who looked exactly the same. The next thing you saw was another corpse-looking man except this one was riding a skeleton horse.

You were unsure of how to react at that moment but stayed silent. Not putting up a fight would be your optimal survival strategy no matter what they did to you, and the sickly looking guy holding the chains had mentioned torture which was something you weren't interested in. The rest of the escort was short after you were yanked back up to your feet and you eventually approached two large black doors. The way to these doors had seemed like a maze, as every hallway looked the same. The doors held a multitude of skulls across the finish, all strung-up and tied together with a sort of red string. When the mounted man approached the doors, they opened with an uncanny silence that made you nervous.

It opened to a large ballroom with black marble flooring and walls that had the same skulls with red string as decoration. Large chandeliers that appeared to be made out of bones hung from the dark oak rafters, lit with dark red candles and the same blue flame that was held in your escort's eyes.

At the far end of the ballroom sat an obscenely tall man on a dark red plush throne. Concubines wearing skimpy clothing crawled across his lap and stroked his face, purring in delight as they fawned over him. The sight made you sick to your stomach when you realized the women were humans like you. The man on the other hand, was definitely not human.

He stood at least ten feet tall with short blond hair topped off with white sunglasses. He had a disgusting grin across his large mouth and he wore an orange shirt with intricate black designs, a large pink scarf that you probably could've used as a blanket draped around his shoulders and pants that cut off just above his knees. "Ah, look at that. Little (Y/N) has finally arrived." He purred, thrumming his fingers against the plush armrest of his throne.

"Who the fuck are you?" You replied with a hostile tone.

"My name is Doflamingo Donquixote. I'm the one who assigned your capture."

Immediately you wanted to fight him. "You won't get away with this. My family will come for me."

"Silence!" The man who controlled your restraints shouted. He kicked the back of your knees, forcing you to the ground.

Doflamingo's grin got even wider, if that was physically possible. It was as if his face was about to split in half when he spoke up again. "Good, that's what I want. Well, I want one of them."

"Which one?" You inquired, making sure to not express any emotion on your face.

"Why your little 'Outlaw' of course." He crooned, uncrossing his legs and leaning forwards in his chair. "Do you know why he has those tattoos?"

"Yeah, he paid for them dumbass." You argued, rolling your eyes. You felt the chains around your torso constrict as possessive pheromones began spilling from you at the topic of your mate.

"Wrong." He hissed. "Those tattoos display my immortality, and now I don't have it." His sickening smile dropped into a frown, "because that little bastard with the help of his father killed me." He rose up from his throne after waving the concubines away with his hand. He ignored the steps as they scattered away and sat on plush cushions, giggling and talking with each other.

"If they killed you, why are you still alive?" You inquire.

He was in front of you within a second and his hand was suddenly wrapped around your throat, long fingers brushing against the base of your ears. All he had to do was squeeze and he could pop your head clean off your shoulders. You groaned in protest as his tongue lapped against your cheek. He pulled away with a grin, still uncomfortably close to you.

"Because the men of mine who survived found me and I became a Lich. Do you know what Lich's are?" He rumbled softly. You struggled to pull away and his grip grew tighter, almost crushing your windpipe. "We're the undead that take the lives of others to continue on. And my, my, don't you just have a delicious life. After I kill Law, I might just take you as my own."

"Go to hell." You hissed, building up the courage you needed to spit in his face.

Doflamingo's grin faltered to a smirk and he used his free hand to wipe his cheek clean of your saliva. "Oh I've been there, and might I say it's mighty fine."

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words; 1347

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