Chapter Twenty-Five

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"But in the light of the moon the wolves will always call you back."

Track 25; Wolves by Sam Tinnesz & Silverberg

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"Alright, quit sucking faces and get ready to fight." A calloused voice called out.

Breaking the kiss and shifting your gaze over Law's shoulder, you saw Kid and his pack plus Marco leading his own and Luffy doing the same while Law's crew tagged on the side. Law's group happened to be with the Duo, which surprised you.

Mihawk was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. He wore a long trench coat with no undershirt, and a cross hanging from his neck. He wore simple black plants which were most likely slacks and what appeared to be military edition boots.

Shanks had short red hair that stopped just above his chin. His skin was littered with scars that weren't hidden well by his unbuttoned white shirt. He wore brown cargo shorts and boots like Mihawk's. He was missing an arm, but you didn't care to look twice since that meant nothing of his capabilities if he was one of the Duo.

"(Y/N)!" Your name was called from the left of the two but suddenly you were yanked from Law's lap and up on your feet. Gizmo was crying when she threw her arms around you. Shortly behind her was Jami and last but not least, Kinsey.

"Why are you crying, Giz? I'm alright, you know." You reassured her, rubbing her back with your open palms.

"I missed you so much." She sobbed once into your shoulder. "And pregnancy hormones are a bitch."

"Jaxon told me what happened, did they hurt you?" Kinsey asked.

"No." You shook your head. "Winfrey was there to save me." You motioned over your shoulder to the blonde who was standing happily, infecting others with her happiness though her hands were behind her back. "Anyways, what's the plan?"

"Well," Law spoke up as he rose to his feet, slightly irritated that you'd been yanked from his grasp. "Our plan was to sneak in and get you out before anybody noticed us, but—" he was cut off by shouting back towards where he came from and he gave a pointed look in that direction. "Luffy was a damn idiot like always and got us caught by a guard and now the castle is going into lockdown. They're also planning on killing all of us, including her." He motioned towards Winfrey. "Nice to see you, sister."

"I thought you wouldn't recognize me after all these years." She teased.

"Just because you have two legs right now instead of four doesn't mean I don't recognize your smell." He chuckled under his breath.

"Are you telling me I stink?!"

You laughed. You'd never seen him playfully banter with anybody else besides yourself. You supposed it was to be expected. He seemed like an annoying brother.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but there's no time for family reunions." Marco interrupted. "Those guards are here." He said, his blue eyes looking down the alleyway where the sounds of a large group were echoing.

"What's the plan now?" Ace inquired, standing defensively.

"We'll swarm them and clear the building. Then we'll take down Doflamingo. He won't let us out of here alive. Even if we did live, there's no chance he would leave us alone." Law explained, turning towards the group. "Each pack will take a corridor. All of them eventually lead to the ballroom. We should be able to surround him before he sees us but I'm sure he'll be waiting for us." He started towards the main doors. "Keep an eye out for his favorites. You'll know them when you see them. Don't fight them alone for your own sake." He stopped a few feet away from the door and turned back again. "The girls will stay with Winfrey, I know she'll keep them safe."

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Kinsey snorted, emoting with her hands.

"Yeah, yeah, we all know you can defend yourself. Let's get to work."

"What if we let these weird horses out?" Luffy asked, looking over towards Law with wide, hoping eyes.

Your soulmate looked towards Winfrey, and the blonde put her hand on her chin for a moment. As Doflamingo's men got louder with their hasteful approach, she let her hand fall back to her side and she nodded. "Sure. They'll stay in until I allow them to move."

Law looked over towards you and the group of people who couldn't shift. "All of you open the doors, the rest of us will stand by the opening to take down what remains."

Lycans moved towards the open crossroads of the barn and those who couldn't quickly flipped the golden locks on the mahogany doors and threw them open, standing back by Winfrey when it was done.

It was perfect timing; the Lich's turned the corner towards the alley your group was in to have a stampede of skeletal horses run them down. Most were left dazed which left the shifted lycans to end their short lives.

Law shifted back to his human self, rolling his shoulders and popping his neck as Kinsey herded you towards him. The loose Tikbalangs slowly began moving towards their individual stalls and Winfrey, Jami, and Gizmo closed the doors after they were in.

"Law, you must take her with you." Kinsey instructed the lycan.

"No, she'll be in danger." He responded and glowered.

"She'll be in more danger otherwise." The bluenette retorted. "You've gone too long without seeing her and another minute could turn you into a Loveblood. I'm coming with you, obviously. I'm not letting you out of this."

He expressed his displeasure with a growl but swallowed it short when you gave him a glare. "Let's get going. We're running out of time." He shifted back to his wolf and led his pack down the front alley.

Since his group was the smallest the Duo followed behind, taking up the rear with you and Kinsey in front of them.

"Why haven't you shifted yet?" You inquired over your shoulder towards the two.

"We do not find it necessary unless you are directly in danger, or something happens to your pack." Mihawk explained.

"Uh, they're not my pack." You responded.

Mihawk opened his mouth to speak but said nothing when Shanks elbowed his bicep and spoke up instead. "What he means is that we're not gonna shift unless something good comes along." The redhead laughed.

Mihawk scowled at said ginger with a glare.

You already liked both of them. Mihawk evaluated every circumstance to figure out the quickest solution as well as the worst outcome. Shanks was lighter on the other hand—or paw? He cracked jokes and had a good humor to lessen the stress of an ordeal. You appreciated both ideals.

Before you could crack a joke that would surely make Shanks guffaw, you bumped into the wolf in front of you. You almost fell but Kinsey's grip on your right forearm as well as Mihawk and Shanks' grip on your left kept you steady.

Law was unrecognizable. He stood with his legs squared to his hips and shoulders with his head lowered. His hackles were raised as well as the rest of his fur. He was frozen in time almost as if he was a statue. You were quick to notice the rest of his pack doing the same.

Things are about to get really messy.

You thought to yourself when you realized they were all in a battle stance.

Mihawk and Shanks moved you and Kinsey behind them when you faintly saw the silhouette of a tall man further down the hallway.

It was Diamante.

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words; 1281

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