Chapter Two

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"She did not know that the wolf was a wicked sort of animal, and she was not afraid of him."

Track 2; Mr. Sandman by SYML

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(E/c) settled on the steering wheel of the ancient Volkswagen Beetle with a simmering glare. It had been your grandmother's prized possession which worked for bumbling around Whitecap. You knew you'd have to part with it eventually. It was somehow still working, the mile gauge had frozen at 234,789 miles a few months ago.

It was only used to drive to and from school, to Nami's for study sessions and picking up Zoro when he got lost—he's lived in this town for his whole life and still doesn't know where the grocery store is.

Shifting your gaze down to look at your watch, then to the rearview mirror, you sighed. School had just ended, winter break was a few weeks away and you wanted to go home. As other students waltzed past your dead car, you dropped your head to the steering wheel. Who could you call to get help? Would Ace come rolling up to help you jump start it? Actually, maybe you'll just hitch a ride home with him, since he lived a mile past your house. There was a knock on your window, and you lifted your head to see the aforementioned cousin with his face pressed against the glass, fogging it up with his breath. Using your left hand to unlock the door, he yanked it open, causing the car to groan in protest.

"Hey! You don't have to crank on my car like you do with your truck. Betty is a senior citizen, so treat her with some respect." You snarled at him, causing the brunette to raise his hands in a submissive gesture and stepping back from the car.

Ace cocked an eyebrow as you got out of the Volkswagen. "Did you forget something in class?"

"No. The stupid thing won't start." You sighed, closing the driver's door.

"I don't have my truck, but I see Marco coming closer."

Soon enough, the blond parked his truck horribly next to your car, getting out and walking. "Oi, what's wrong with Betty?"

"Battery's dead." You mumbled, rubbing your face with your hands.

He rolled his eyes. He'd told you multiple times to trade in the ancient car and get yourself something with four-wheel drive but you refused to listen. As he dug around the cab of his truck for his jump start cables, Ace popped your car's hood open.

"Come over on Sunday, (Y/N)-yoi. I'm sure you're due for an oil change, and it looks like you need new tires, too." Marco spoke up, clipping the jumper cables to your battery, and then to his.

You shoved Ace towards the driver's seat of your Beetle. "I don't want to deal with this mess. You do it."

He made a mocking face when you turned your back, seeing a whisper of red in your peripheral vision. You could always spot Eustass Kid from a mile away with his obscenely red hair, but another mile was possible when his girlfriend was with him—Gizmo. A nickname she'd received in elementary school for her energetic personality, it was hard to imagine somebody so extroverted to have been dating the "thug"—the closest resemblance Whitecap had to one—for the past four years.

The dirty blonde girl came skipping up to your car with a shriek of joy. "(Nickname)! I missed you!" She hugged you, practically squeezing the soul out of your body.

"You literally just saw me within the last hour." You wheezed, peeling yourself out of her death grip.

"I know, but you're just so fun to be around." She squealed, squeezing your cheeks with a bright smile on her face. You couldn't help but partially grin back, her happy-go-lucky attitude was contagious and would rub off on anyone.

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