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Sharing and laughing, the girls are being healed. The healing blood of Jesus was lovingly washing soul wounds from lies of rejection. The warm glow of His glory shining in the dark places of fear. Illuminating the lie and renewing with the truth of His love.
Hours pass with laughter and joy at being together again. It's different this time. This time competition; the lies of not measuring up, inadequacies from fear of failure. Doubts of being unlovable vanish. Chased far away by His precious grace.
  Goodbyes are said, and Nicole takes her young ones home. Dinner needs to be prepared. Baths need to be taken. And little ones put to bed. Sarah's heart is full. She is bursting with gratitude for her Lord. Healing the cracks and mending the fence with her daughters." Girls, can I fix you anything to eat?" she asks.
   "I think I'm going to go to bed early," Lace says. Hugging her Mom and sisters, good night. Putting on her favorite pajamas, she crawls under the covers. Sighing as she rests her head on her pillow and relaxes into sleep. In the next instant, she is in a dream. Sitting next to Jesus by a large pool of water, in a lush green garden of flowering trees and bushes. Adjusting to the change and at her, Lord sitting beside her. "Well, hello," she says happily. His beauty was breathtaking, his love radiating. "I have missed you, my Lord."
  "As I have missed you, my daughter. You and Emerald have been very busy. Thank you, Lace, for your willingness to yield in obedience. It has not been easy going into some of these situations. I desire that all My children were as obedient as you. In time many will be.
    Lace, I want to introduce you to some of your family. You saw them when you and Emerald took the baby and left her with Gram. They were in the crowd of introductions. First I want to introduce your Great Grandfather, he is Grams husband.
    She recognizes him by pictures she had seen at her Grandmothers house. And by the Lord's introduction in the meadow. He is young and good-looking. Her Uncle Cliff resembles him in looks and size. He is tall and broad-shouldered. Hugging Lace tightly." It's a pleasure to meet you, Lace. We have watched and interceded for you and the rest of the family."
   "Thank You; it's good to meet you in person. When I was little, did we meet? You seem familiar to me, like we've spent much time together."
     "We have spent much time together. Before you were born, I was privileged to be a part of your life here." Her Great Grandfather said. I requested permission to talk with you. Our Lord has graciously granted my request. May I sit?" The Lord had excused Himself. He sat where Jesus had sat. Leaning forward, he began to share parts of his life on earth.
    "I like you attempted suicide, but my attempt was successful. When I was nineteen, I enlisted in the military. Like most young men back then, it was a way to see the world and have some adventure in my life. It was not so glamorous after a while. We were stationed in Korea. I'm not going to go into all the details. A person is never prepared for the horrors of war. Many young men then, like now, came home with 'Post Traumatic Stress. It had no label back then. Our Lord has educated many since then.
     The trauma from war let fear in like a flood. The demonic came in when fear opened the door. They terrorized my family. I had never made Jesus Lord of my life. When I was a child, we went to church, and I accepted Jesus as my get out of hell ticket, but I never made Him Lord of my life. I drank heavily to escape the voices that come with fear. I worked continually till I was exhausted. That was the only way to sleep. I kept to myself and consequently had very few friends. I pushed my family away. Like you, the voices were relentless. I eventually isolated myself. Little did I know I was playing into their hands. The anxiety became overwhelming. The medications didn't help. If, anything they made it worse for me. I had tried to reach out for help to my family, but I had hurt them, and their trust was exhausted. I listened to the voices when they said, what does it matter? Who cares. They won't miss you. They'll be glad your gone. They never let up if I had only listened to Jesus. He was the only voice of sanity.
     In the very end, the voices won out. They got quiet for a while when I finally decided to kill myself. I began to put my affairs in order. I knew it would be hard on everyone. I wanted to lessen their pain as much as I could. Those last days I became obsessed. I needed to silence the voices, and they were relentless. I just wanted peace. Little did I know that the peace I needed only Jesus could give me. And all I had to do was ask and believe. I am so thankful I had chosen Jesus those many years ago because He was there waiting for me. I did follow His voice. His love, His acceptance, right into His welcoming arms.
     Lace, others in our family made the same choice as you and me. They, like me, were successful in their attempt. It would help if you saw that this ugly thing is a generational curse. I would like you to meet my younger brother." Lace shook his hand when he stepped forward. She had not noticed the crowd of people gathered around them.
     And he said, "My wife died, and I believed the lie that I would never get over her death. That somehow, I had failed her. The pain of her loss was overwhelming," He hugged her and stepped back.
     A teenage boy about seventeen stepped forward. "I'm his nephew, as he embraces Lace's Great Grandfather. My father was a very wounded man. I believed the lie that he did not love me and would never be good enough to receive his love. So I rebelled and became a homosexual. I could not handle my father's condemnation. And the feeling of disappointment and failure. My father's rejection was very painful. I chose to listen to the lies of the devil. And I too took my own life." He stepped back.
     "I'm your Great Great Grandfather, your Great Grandmother's father on your Grandfather's side. I, too, was a widower. And could not live without my wife. I asphyxiated myself. And left all my children, orphans," He too stepped back.
     A beautiful long red-haired woman stepped forward. "I'm your Aunt L.T.'s aunt on her Mom's side. My husband left me for another woman. I believed the lie that I couldn't live without him," She stepped back. The crowd was growing as each one stepped forward. Another one was there to take their place.
     The Lord came forward. "Lace, Do you understand the power of My love. My love could have stopped each one of these dear saints. I came to destroy all the works of the devil. You are so dear to me. Beloved. I did My part, and I destroyed his works, rendered him powerless. Each of you must do your part. I gave you the authority in My name to keep him down. Learn about that authority. Exercise, build strong muscles of authority. The devil is terrified of you, dear one. He now knows that you know." Be as relentless as he is in destroying his kingdom. Go, my precious one. Sleep in My peace."

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