38 | Kids These Days

Start from the beginning

       But Jungkook's too stubborn when it comes to girls. No matter who asks him, it's always going to be a no. The boy shakes his head.

       "Pretty please?" Yoongi blinks fitfully, his pout transforming into a sad frown, "She's had a stressful week, and I think spending some time with you would really cheer her up."

      "A hard time?" Jungkook snorts. Since when did the freaky silver chibi ever have a hard time? All she's done all week is cuddle with Yoongi hyung and eat Jin hyung's cooking! The fear burning in Jungkook's veins makes him bolder than usual, and he childishly sneers at the second oldest member, "All I've seen you guys do is spoil her. How the heck do you call that 'having a hard time'?"

      The soft look in Yoongi's eyes vanishes into thin air, replaced by a coldness that sends shivers down Jungkook's spine.

      Maybe I took it a little too far.

      "First of all~" Yoongi growls out, growing visibly angrier by the second, "She was freaking terrified to meet you all. She didn't want to leave my room, but I convinced her by saying I'd murder you all if you didn't treat her like a princess. I didn't expect that I'd actually have to do that."

      "Second of all~," The hard lines of Yoongi face sharpen even more, "You haven't spoken so much as a word to her. How would you know whether she's had a hard week or not?"

      Well... he might have a point there.

      "Third of all, I'm pretty sure she and Taehyung were verbally harassed at the mall yesterday," The pale rapper bluntly reveals, his hands clenching into dangerous fists. Tae pales a little bit from his place at the end of Jungkook's bed, but Yoongi plows onward, "I'm especially worried because Taehyung dances around the subject as if it were a fairy-tale. But Byeol-ah refuses to tell me what happened, and I can't force her to do something she's not comfortable with. What kind of brother would that make me?"

        Taehyung and B were... verbally harassed? Jungkook's rebelliousness tames a little at the new information, but not enough to the point that he's willing to bend to the other members' will. But that wasn't my fault! So why do I have to be the one "cheering" her up?

       "And last of all, B had a-" Yoongi suddenly cuts himself off, a heated debate flashing behind his eyes. The older boys glances between Jungkook and Taehyung, a frown etched on his face. When Yoongi finally comes to a decision he stands rigid, his entire body tense with the weight of the words he's about to say, "Taehyung... Jungkook. Your other hyungs and I decided not to tell you this but... do you remember a couple days ago? When Hobi-ah got those purple and black bruises on his face?"

       "Yeah!" Taehyung pipes up first, "Hoseokie hyung told us that he picked a fight with the dance studio floor."

      "And lost." Jungkook adds, rolling his eyes, "Which is stupid! How could you possibly lose to a floor? It can't even punch back!"

       The ridiculous story Hoseok told them had obviously been conjured out of thin air. Jungkook thought that it was probably a cover story to hide the real embarrassing cause of the injuries.

      Lost in their own thoughts, the youngest two miss the concerned look that Namjoon sends Yoongi.

      "Well, that story was a lie." Yoongi deadpans, "The truth is... I- I did that to him."

      The two maknaes gape at him, their eyes as wide as saucers.

      "I might've overreacted a bit when Byeol-ah ran back to the dorm in the middle of a mental breakdown." Yoongi continues, wincing at the memory, "I didn't know that it was all a misunderstanding, and I thought that Hobi had upset her, so I took it out on him. I learned later that none of it was Hobi's fault and I deeply regret taking my own frustration out on him, but that doesn't change that fact that Byeol had a mental breakdown."

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