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“Our scheduled had been cancelled,” Kris said as all of them I mean the M member come into our dorm. That’s mean EXO-M will stay here and they will not go to Beijing today.

“So what should we do now?” I asked them.

“Let’s discuss about Se Ra now,” our oldest Baozi told us.

“Yeah!” Se Hun shouted like the matter is some kind of exciting thing. Well as for me it’s kind of exciting thing too. We need to know how will we accomplished our mission as Guardian of the south. There’s so many things we should know. Is Se Ra have something that become precious to guardian of the north? Why she have the same present with the master of guardian of the south? God! The more I think the more I get headache.

“All of you can discuss it together but I have to go somewhere,” Kris said as he exited our dorm again.

“No choice. Let’s just practice guys. We will have our comeback about two weeks from now,” I said to them.

“Ishhh. We should have our comeback last week,” Kai said and pouted.

“Kim Jong In! Our country had to face the most critical situation because of the Sewol incidents. Please watch your words,” I said to him.

“Okay, I’m sorry. Let’s practice for our first concerts.” Kai said.

Kris POV

I have met Genbu Kaiden. You must be wondering who the hell is this weirdo right? Let me tell you. She is the controller of all power from all masters. She will tell anything that you curious about the masters and the guardians. Well only if you are the masters or the guardians from one of the region. Well if you want some additional information.. she also the one that took care of me when I was 10 after she discovered a strong power appear from my body. She trained me with my power and other thing as one of the guardian. After two years trained me in Vancouver, she had gave an emblem on my right shoulder that declares me as the main Guardian for my master and told me that none of the guardian from the past and present generation receive that emblem. When I asked the reason she give me the emblem, she told me that my master have a very strong power that he/she can’t control. He/She need a really powerful guardian to control that power. You must be wondering about her power right? Her power is also weakness for him/her called LOVE. At first I almost burst out my laugh when Genbu told me that. How come a man got weak by love? Genbu almost killed me when I said that. She told me that my master is a girl and it’s natural for a girl to get weak when it comes to love.

            After I finished my training Genbu sent me back to my biological parents and she disappeared after that. I managed to met her when I sense her presence at the main hall of ICOK. She told me everything when I asked her about the guardian and my master. She told me that she appear at Seoul because she worried about me, the only guardian that hold the emblem. She need to tell me something regarding the matter about Se Ra and other member of EXO. I still remember what Genbu told me at the end of our met.

“Yi Fan, sometimes we need to let go something we treasured so much in order to protect the most precious one. You have to realize it before you lose the one you love so badly.” That’s what she told me.  I think I understand what she meant.

Suho POV

It’s been two days. I don’t think I can hold my mad after heard what I don’t want to hear the most. The representative of SM entertainment busy prepared a press conference about this issue. All of our fans had gathered together at the main building after the unexpected thing happened here. How come this thing happened now? Why?

____Flashback to two days ago____

“Where the hell did he go?” I asked them about Kris.

“I don’t know. Tao have tried to call him but he didn’t answer the phone."-sehun

i look at tao whom crying like a baby on the floor. Lu Han and Lay tried to comfort him

"Kris-hyung.. I want kris hyung. How will i get bath if he wasn't here to wait for me outside the toilet. i want him," tao said and continue sobbing. 

After practice for our concerts, we sit at the dance practice room for the next 2 hours when suddenly….

“Hyung what’s the matter?” Se Hun asked our manager as he entered the room with his serious face.

“Guys I have something to tell all of you. So listen carefully,” he said.

“What is it?” Tao said.

“Guys be patient and calm okay. I want to tell you that Kris..” he said and stopped a moment.

“What’s the matter hyung?” I asked in worried tone.

“Kris is leaving EXO and already left to China an hour ago.”


EXO : Guardian of LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя