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What the hell! I never though that my stomach will get even worse than this. I'm alone at this class because the girls need to go somewhere. That café I guess. Since our class is special we will start at different time with other class. We will start at 10 am today while other class already start at 8 a.m. They asked me to go with them but I can't bare the pain so I decide to stay at class. Moreover I need to tell EXO that we will make an event for someone and we need their help. I try to act I'm fine when EXO entered the class one by one but there is something strange about them. Half of the member show an anger face. Maybe they pissed off with somebody. I can see 4 people haven't entered yet. Its Kris, Lay, D.O and Chan Yeol.

"Morning Miss head class," Kai said and kick my table.


What the hell is that for?

"Hey ugly... Haven't you put make-up on your face? You look like you are sister of Ju-On."(Su Ho)

"No I think she look like over-cooked steamed bun." Guess's him..the chubby oldest member..Xiu Min...I still can bare it. I think I don't have strength fight with them. My stomach start to growl. Cool Se Ra....It's a prank...Cool...don't erupt now. You will look like a weak lion if you fight. I felt someone played with my hair...Alright this is over my limit.

"Did you wash your hair? I think I smell something gross right now. Like rotten-dead-meat." (Baek Hyun)..all of them laugh..not all actually. Half of them.

COOl Se Ra...It's prank.

"Yahh...did you just farted? It's gross..."(Chen)

"You smell like expired milk you know!"(Se Hun)

"Where is your fussy friends?"(Tao)

"Yeah...That babycry girls."(Lu Han). Okay all of them had talked.

"Come on at least we can make them our slave in this class."(Su Ho)


"THEN ALL OF YOU JUST SOME OF SERIAL RAPIST OUT THERE, STUPID CRAZY BASTARD, YOU ALL SMELL LIKE PIG AND ACT ALMIGHTY LIKE YOU ARE SOME OF PRINCES BUT ALL OF YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT DOG!!!!!!!" I screamed and throw my desk in front. They all shocked....!!! Okay...they the first person that succeed to summoned my beast soul. I stared at them one by one...They just stand at their place like statue for a second...


"Hahaha..guys look the over-cooked steamed bun mad."(Xiu Min)

I'm going to hit your face so you will lose one of your speciality, your cheeks Xiu Min.

" she look like Nang Nak, the thai movie."(Tao)

I should put a lot of powder today to scared him.

They continue laughing there. I looked at my desk. It's already broken. They are lucky person because I'm going to punch them one by one.

"Yahh..expired look like stupid woman."(Se Hun)

"Really then taste this expired milk punch," I punched him right away. It's Se Hun. Twice. Then my next target is Kai who has interrupt my day..He got three punch on his face and stomach..Su Ho,Baek Hyun,Chen and Xiu Min..twice..then Tao and Lu Han whom had insulted my friends really made me mad...I guess six? Maybe it's more. They all laid down on the ground..Speechless..Hurt...

"Stand up...who the hell you think you are? A prince charming?" I asked...


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