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When I wake up I see Jeremy on his phone listening to music with his headphones on.

I sit up in the bed. He takes out a head peice. I look at him confused. "They put in a case because you broke your foot. When we left you fell asleep in my car. I carried up to my house. I gave you two aspirins and you went back to sleep. It's 4:13. And the doctor gave you a 3 day excused pass me as well." "Ok. Why you?"

"So I can be with you. Make sure your ok." "Awe. Thanks." "Oh and before you get all freaked out. I did change you into my shirt and some sweat pants." I look under the covers and see he did change me. "How?" "I have my ways." He smirks. I throw a pillow at him. "Nasty man!" He laughs. "Nasty man that you like?"

"Nope." I wrinkle my nose up. "Your cuter when you do that." "When I do what?" "When you wrinkle your nose up and close you're eyes for like 3 seconds at the most."I smile. "You notice a lot of things." "Ya the fact that you like me and your just to afraid to say it. Why is that Kit Kat?" "I don't like you!"

"Yes you do. Please just tell me why." "You wanna know why?" "Yes." "You really wanna know why?" "Yes now tell me." "Ok. I like you but all you do is play girls to you're advantage." "Who am I using?" "Kimberly. Don't get me wrong I hate her but God you play people." "I'm not using Kimberly. She said all she wanted from me was sex. Nothing more nothing less. And I agreed until i find someone I like." I didn't say anything.

"See that's what's wrong with people. Always assuming shit you know nothing about. Dam." He hit his wall. I sat there in his bed. "I'm sorry." "You should be! I'm sorry i take it back Kat." He walks over to the bed and sits. "Please stop assuming." I nod. "Ok. I will." He smiles. "I like you Kat." "I like you Jeremy." He leans in and kisses my head. I smile. "Your hungry?" I nod. "Yes." "Good while you where sleep I went and got Wendy's." "Yummy." "You wanna eat here or out there?" "Out there." He gets up and hold put his hand. He pulls me up slowly when I take his hands. He hands me my crutches. We slowly but surly get out the room. We sit on the couch eating Wendys and watching Transformers.

When we finish.

"Your turn for a Netflix movie." "Anything?" "Sure." I pick The Fault In Our Stars as he throws away put trash. "Did you pick?" He says walking back in. "Yep." He sits back down. I sit on the end of the other side of the couch. I place my foot in his lap and he plays with my cast. "The.l Fault In Our Star?" I smile. "Yep." He signs. "Only because it's you. Ok? But dont take my kindness for weakness." "I wont. I promise." I kiss his cheek as the movie starts.

We watch the whole movie. When i look at the clock it reads 8:46. "So am I going home?" "Nope. My mom went on a Girls Week. From now till 2 weeks. My dad says he's on a business trip." "Oh. My mom is on business trip till Friday. My dad is also on a business trip." "Didn't he just get back from one 2 days ago?" "Ya." "Works a lot." "Yours do to." "Our parents both do." "Yep."


I play music out loud as me and Jeremy sing to any we know.

The Guy That Can't Be Moved

Breakeven both by The Script

The All-American Rejects

"Can I ask you a queation?" Jeremy ask looking down and picking at my cast. "Sure anything." He looks up and into my eyes. "When your got gets better will you go an a date with me?" I look at him searching for something in his eyes. There was nothing there that I could read.I think for a while andthe longer the more he looks away. I smile. "Yes I would like that." He looks back up smiling. "Good I have the perfect date." I smile. "I'll be the judge of that."

It's been 4 day now i have a boot to.go over my cast.

I walk to my bathroom and turn on the shower. I put my hair in a bun then I strip my clothes and step in. I let the warm water hit me. It felt great since it was still quintet and snowing.

I wash up and step out. I cover myself and walk to my room.

I dry off and put on underwear and a bra. I grab so tight high waisted skinny jeans with a gold crop top. I go and get Jeremy's white leather jacket then puts that on. I get a call."Hey Kit Kat are you ready?" "Hey Jeremy and yes im ready." "Do you need to put on your make up?" "Yes." "Ok I'll be there im 10 minutes." "Ok see you then." I hang up and walk to the bathroom to pit my make up. I put on my make up and get my shoe on. I walk to my living and see my mom sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in her hand.

"Hey mom." I say as I sit on the couch. "Hey Kat you look nice." "Thank you mom." "Do you need your keys?" "No Jeremy's coming to get me." "Oh. I know Jeremy's Mom and Dad." "Thats cool." There's a knock on the door. "Bye Mom." I say getting up? "Bye Kat." She kisses my cheek and I leave. Me and Jeremy get in the car and leave my house to school.

When we get the 3 people rush iver to me. Nick, Melissa, and Tiffany. "Kat!" They say in unison. "Hey guy." I hug and kiss them all. "I haven't seen you 5 days. Where you been girly." Nick says to me. "At his house and mine and the hospital." There eyes widen. "What happen to your foot?" "I broke it." I state like its no big deal. "How!?" "I fell." The laugh. Jeremy gives me a can I leave look. I shake my head no. "People have been talking about you, Jeremy, Kimberley, and Nick." Melissa says. "Oh I really dont care about them. Can you tell me what happen later I have something important to do right now." They nod. I nod to Jeremy and we walk away. "Thank you." He says I laugh. "Your welcome." We walk to our classes to get make up work. All but 2 of our main classes gave up work. We find Raise a really smart girl. When we find her. "Hey Raise." She looks at me confused. "Your talking to me?" "Your name is Raise right?" "Yes." "I need a favor to ask you." "Ok." I look at my watch. 7:36 "Can you teach us everything we've missed in the last 5 days before school starts in about an hour and half?" She thinks. "And i get?" "50 dollars each when we find out what your teaching us is true." "Why after?" "Because we dont want you feeding us fake shit." Jeremy puts in. She nods. "Deal."

She teaches up everything and we give her 25 dollars now and the 75 later id shes right.

We walk to our first class with all of our schoolwork and homework done. Thanks to Raise. We walk into class and sit in the back before the class fulls up. Everything went by fast because before we knew it it was last period. I dont have it with Jeremy because he has art abd i have choir.

I sit in the back so the teacher doesnt notice im back but that failed.

"Kat nice to have you back." I fakely smile at her. "I could say the same to." "Come up here and sing us a lovely song with your wonderfup voice." She wasnt lying my voice is wonderful. I cant say no or she'll fail me so i stand up and walk to the front of class. I type in a song on the laptop and grab a mic and turn it on. The introduction comes on for 18 seconds then i begin to sing.

"You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down." "You, you enchant me even when you're not around. If there are boundies i will try to knock them down. Im latching on babe now i know what i have found. I feel were close enough could I lock in your love."

The art class next door and the english class on tbe other side of us walks in. I see Jeremy sit in the seat i was in. I smile at him as we lock our eyes together.

"I feel were close enough. I locking your love. Now I've got you in my space I wont let go of you. Im so encaptured got me wrapped up in your touch."

He smiles at me.

"Feel so emnamered. Hold me tight within your dutch. How do you do it. Got me losing every breath."

He shrugs. I laugh.

"What did you give me to make my heart beat out of my chest. I feel were close enough. Could i lock in your love. I feel were close enough. Could I lock in your love?"

He nods.

"Now ive got you in my space. I wont let go of you. Got you shackled in my emprace Im latching on to you. Now i got you in my space. I wont let go of you. Got you shackled in my emparce. Im latching on to you."

I let go of my gaze on him and look down as everyone claps. I look at the teacher and she nods. I walk to Jeremy and we hug. "Awwe." Everyone says together We could hear there whispers but we disnt care. Not now anyways. "I sucked?" "Hell no!" He whispers. "It was BEAUTIFUL like you." He says looking at me. He brushed the hair im my face behind my ear. "Thanks." I smile at him and he smiles back.

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