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I stare up at the ceiling playing with my hands and the air as I listen to music.

Jeremy and I decided that we would take a day for ourselves.

Jeremy's hanging out with Axl, Ale, Uzeil, William, and Max while im with Tiffany, Melissa, and Diamond are coming over so we can hang out.

The door rings and I get up to answer it. I open the door and see them. I smile.

"Kitty!!!" "Kitten!!!" "Kat!!!" I laugh. "Dia!!!" "Tiff!!!" "Minnie!!!" They come in and we go to my room.

"So...." I trailed off looking at Tiffany. "The details please."

She smiles wide. "Okay so what happen was Ian told me that Isaac liked me. I told Ian i liked Isaac back." She started.

"Ian went and told Isaac I liked him and told me to wait 5 minutes before me and Diamond came over. So we waited and we walked over there."

"After I gave her a huge pep talk." Diamond includes. Tiffany rolls her eyes. "Whatever."

"Anyways... I went over there and Ian pulled Diamond with him and told me to talk to him."

"I sat down and i said 'Your Brother said you liked me. Is that true?' I asked like 10 times and each he said 'I never said that.'

So i asked if he liked me and he said no." She kinda frowns. "So i got up and walked away. Ian went to talk to Isaac and came back....

And told me Isaac was going to ask me to homecoming. Isaac came over and asked me. Got cussed out by Diamond and Ian. Then I told him yes."

I smile when she finishes. "Aweee. He told me and Melissa that he was going yo ask you."

She smiles.

_ _ _

I curl into a ball and was about to fall asleep till i heard music.

I go to my window and see Jeremy holding his phone up with the song All about us by He Is We.

I open the window. "Its hasn't been 24 hours yet." "Okay since your not going to say it then i will. I missed you."

I smile. "I've missed you too." "Good." He pauses the music. "Come on imma kidnap you tonight."

I nod. "Just come as you are." I climb out the window as Jeremy walks towards me.

When I reach the ground I immediately go into his arms and we hug.

"My babygirl." He carries me to the car and puts me in.

I buckle up as he gets in and does the same. We begin to drive away. "Where to?"

Jeremy smiles. "Remember the first place I took you?" I nod. "The cabins." "To them we go."

I smile. "What's the reason?" "I wanted to relive some of our best moments."

I laugh before laying back in my seat and falling asleep.

Yours (COMPLETE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें