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Me and Jeremy walk into school. "Ill meet you at your locker I have to do something real quick." He says as he walks away. "Ok." I walk to my locker a few seconds later someone taps my shoulder. I turn around. "Yes." My smile soon fades. "What Nick!?" He looks at me sad. "Kat I'm sorry. I'm messed up." "Hell Ya you did. You cheated on me!" He grab my hand but i quickly take it away. "And I'm sorry but you didn't give me what i wanted." "So you cheat?" "Yes. I mean no. I needed attention." "Ya getting your Dick sucked is a great way to get attention." "It's good attention." "By a slut. Ok. You know I'm glad I didn't give you your "attention"." I turn around at continue to get the stuff I need. "I'm sorry ok i FUCKED up." "And that doesn't make our any better. Nick you had sex with Kimberly. Besides." I say closing my locker. "I've moved on." "To how Jeremy." "Maybe." He steps closer pinning me against the locker. "He's having sex with Kimberly to." I close my eyes. "You're lying!" I yell. "Nope. On new years. He left you and went to have sex with her. Guess you can't please him either." I try to push him away but he won't move. "Move out of my way Nick." He smirks. "Awe is the baby sad?" "FUCK you." I spit in his face. He slaps me hard that a cry a little. "That's one thing you don't know how to do." I hold my face. Jeremy come and grabs Nick.I don't know what happen next I just ran to jeremy's car.

About 10 minutes later Jeremy shows upand gets in on the driver side. Dame I should have locked it. "What happen?" I don't answer. I can tell my eyes are red from the crying. "Nice just act like a FUCKEN 2 year old."I turn to him. We look eye to eye. "Oh so you can FUCK a 2 year old but I can't act like one. Nice." "What the FUCK you talking about?" I look forward. "Nick told me about you and Kimberly." "And why do you care if I have sex with her? You don't like me." I open the car door and tin into the woulda behind us. He goes after me. "Stop running away from things you can't handle Kat. God." He was gaining on me so I took off my heels and that makes me run faster. "Then stop running after me." The worst thing that could happen happens. I fall face first. My right ankel pops out of place and I scream to match the pain. My face was cut by something. Jeremy comes and cradles me him his arms and walks back to the car. When we get to the car he lays me in the backseat. My face was bleeding.

He drives up to the hospital. "How do you feel?" "Like shit." He laughs. "I told you to stop running." He places my heels back with me. "Thanks for getting my heels." "They cost to much to throw away." We arrive to the hospital. He picks me up again and takes me in. He yells them what's wrong and we wait.

Finally at 12:00 they call us in.

We explain what happen. "She was running in the woods and fell." The doctor looks at me. "Is this right? Did he hit you madam?" "No he didn't hit me." He looks at the slap mark on my face. "You can tell me. Did he also and cut you?" "No he didn't hurt me sir. He saved me more our less."Ma'am you can tell me." Jeremy steps up. "Sir I did not hit her. Her ex boyfriend did." I nods. "Yep." He looks to see of Jeremy is telling the truth. "Ok. I'm going to look at your xrays. I'll be right back." He leaves the room. "He thought I hit you." I laugh. "What you think it's funny?" I laugh and nod. "Yes." He starts to tickle me and that make me laugh harder."Stop I'm sorry." He stops and hugs me. "I'm sorry i got mad." "Don't worry about it. Now i know you like me." He smiles wide. I look up into his eyes. He leans in to kiss me. "Miss Kat?" The doctor walks in. Jeremy steps back. "Yes?" He pauses. "You broke your leg." "Oh."

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