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My phone starts to ring at 10 o'clock in the morning. I answer it.

'Hello?' I say half asleep. 'Kat are you up?' 'Now i am.' 'Good get dressed ill be there in 10 minutes.' 'Ug. Do i have to rush.' 'Yes now be ready cause im leaving my house now.' 'Jeremy.' I moan through the phone. 'Just get dress im on my way.' Before i could protest he hangs up.

I drag myself out of the bed and go to my bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I run a brush through my hair. I walk back to my room. I get a Apple Bottom Jeans shirt with tight neon pink skinny jeans.

I grab my peach hoodie and put it on also. I only put on mascara and lip gloss. I grab plain white converse with black socks. There is a ding at my door. I grab my phone and go.

I open the door. "I should rush you a lot more." "Hush up." "Ready for your day full of fun?" "Sure let's go." "Great spirit Kat." "Thank you." I walk out my door and close it then lock it.

He has a different car this time. Its a black mustang. "Cool car." "Thank you. So todays your fairytale. What do you want?" He asks as he opens my door. I get in and he closes the door. He gets in on the driver side.

"A day full of fun then right before midnight we go to the fallen Cheery tree and watch the New Years Parade." "Ok besides the Parade what day fill of fun stuff do you have in mind?" "Something special you wanna do then something special I wanna do." "Ok what is something special you wanna do?" "Go to Bay bridge." "Ok so we're going to do nothing you just said because i have the whole day planned."

I was curious to see what was in store so i went alone with it."Ok." "He pulls our of my drive and were off." I put my head on the car door resting my hand as a pillow. "If you want you can lay down in the back because it's going to be a 3 hour ride." I nod my head and climb to the back and lay down. Soon my eyes are heavy. I let sleep take control of me as I slowly drift away into a nice sleep. Before I was fully out Jeremy stopped the car and covered we with a blanket.

When I wake up Jeremy is leaning against the hood smoking a cigarette. He has his leather jacket over his shoulder. I get up and open the door. He turns and looks at me. "Hey gorgeous." He smiles. "Hey bad boy." He chuckles and rolls his eyes. "So you ready for your fairytale?" "Ya." He points to the woods in front of us. "What?" I asks confused. "Go into the woods and follow the path of sunflowers." "No." "I said to trust me. I'm not going to let anyone or anything hurt you. Now Kat trust me. I'm going to say right here."

I sign but follow the path of sunflowers. I'm taken to a tree stomp with a wooden picni basket on top of it.

I open the basket and pull out a White strapless dress that was a little puffy at the end with swirls. Under that is a pair of cherry red heels with a note inside it. I open the note.

Put on the dress and heels. Put your clothes in the basket and take you and the basket back to my car.

I look around to see of anyone was there. When i see no one I take off my clothes and put on the dress and heels. I fold up my clothes and put them in the basket. I put my hoodie back on.

I walk back to the car with the basket in my hands.When i get there there is no car with him. I shrug. His eyes widen when he sees me. I blush. I could feel my cold cheeks heating up. "You'd look better without the hoodie." "Well it's cold." He takes another leather jacket and hands it to me. "That's why i brought this." I take off the hoodie as he wraps the jacket around me and takes my hoodie. It was so warm since our was on his heated car. "I made a good choice with that dress and those heels." He says putting on his jacket and smirking. He hold out his arm for me to take it and i do. "My Princess." I laugh but go along with it. "My Prince." We walk a different path. When we reach our destiny I see there is a white horse. He walks up to the horse and pets her. "Come." He waves me over. I walk over. He picks my up on the horse facing him. "Stay like this." I obey. He hands me a rope to hold on to. I grab it. He unties the horse from the tree. He walks with me and the horse behind him. It's about a 30 minute ride. "Ready?" He asks as we come upon a cabin. "Sure." I smile.

When we get to the cabin he helps me of the horse. Slowly setting me to the ground so i won't hurt my feet. I grab his arm as we walk in. It's not an abandon cabin. It was nice. You could see the lake behind you. There was a party at the other side of the lake. "What do you think?" "It's nice, I like it." There was 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. "Are we staying tonight?" He nods. "Yep we have a while cabin to ourselves." He smirks. "Don't try anything." When i said that I saw his emotion change. He sat on the couch and turned on the television. "I'm sorry Jeremy. I didn't mean it.".He doesn't even look at me. "Jeremy." He still won't look at me. "Jeremy." I step in front of the TV. "Your not mad of glass you know. So you can move out the FUCKEN way." He says looking at me. When me sees the hurt in my eyes he exhales. "I'm sorry. It's just i want you to trust me and the more I try the less you trust me." I sit next to him. "I do trust you. I believe you when you say you'll protect me. I trust." "I'd go to the end of the world and back to protect you." "Ok. But why?" "Because you need someone to count on. Someone to trust. To like and love. Everyone does. Ever since I saw you I knew you where something special." "But you saw me week ago." "No I meet you a week ago but I saw you 3 weeks ago." I nod my head. "Oh ok." I stand up. "So the whole weekend or just one night?" He smiles. "The whole weekend."

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