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"You guys did it." Lacey says smiling. "We didnt because he saw the bruises I had on my stomach." Lacey nods. "Can I see?" I lift up Jeremy's shirt and show her the bruises. She looks like shes going to cry. "Awe. Im so sorry." "Its not your fault Lacey." I smiles to reassure her. "What happen next?"

Anna says. "He kissed them all. It hurt but it was nice." They smile. "Awe. You have really changed him." I smile. "He was a case." They laugh. "We know."

Axl, Ale, and Jeremy walk into the 2nd living room where we were and sat down. Jeremy sits on the arm next to me and Axl and Ale sit on the other couch. "What you girl up to?" Ale asks while sitting down.

"Just talking." Anna answers. "So after dinner were going to have a bomfire." Axl says. "And go swimming in the ocean." Says Uzeil in the door. "So we decided to have a hawaiian dinner.

Jamie and William are at the store getting grass skirts, lais, coconuts, and flower crowns." Jeremy continues. "Kat you have to let me do your hair." Lacey says. I nod. "Sure." "Hey tell them to pick up hair dye." "There outside." Axl says. Lacey grabs his arm and in a flash there gone.

I move over so Jeremy can sit down next to me. He pulls me to his lap and I rest my head on his chest. "Who would have thought that Jeremy would have the perfect relationship?" Uzeil ask. Everyone shake there head.

Jeremy's rubs circles on my flat stomach with one hand and holds my hand with the other.

"I did." Haylee says. I begin to get unease and so does everyone else. I wanna run off crying but Jeremy wont let me. "Shh." He whispers in the side of my neck. I close my eyes as Jeremy kisses my cheek.

Anna sits by my feet so Haylee couldn't

Uzeil looks over and mouths. "Are you ok with her being here?" I shale my head. He stands up. "Kat, did I show you the pier?" I shake my head. "No i haven't had time to do anything." He holds put his hand. "Come on I'll show you." Jeremy kisses me and I stand up. "Ill come too." Halyee says.

Jeremy pulls me back into his lap by my waist. "Ill just show you later then Kat." I nod. "Will do." "Whore." Haylee couches. Jeremy tightens his grip on my waist and I whine in pain. "Im.sorry." He lets me go. I stand up and everyones eyes are me.

I walk over to Uzeil and bend into his ear.where no one can here. "I will hurt a b**ch. But I'm going to walk away.and go to Jeremy's and I room. Dont say anything to her. Please?" I looks at me for a second and then nods.

I stand back up and with my eyes tell Jeremy to wait for while then go to the room. He nods. "Anna will you come help me with something?" She smiles. "Sure. Ale do you wanna come with?" He stands up. "Yes." They grab hands and we walk out. "Where to Kat?" "The pier." They smile. I run back to the room and change into a pair of skinny jeans and my cutoff Mickey Mouse long sleeve sweater. I shows off my bruise stomach. I put on flip flops then brush out my hair.

When I open the door Jeremy is leaning against the wall. When he sees me he holds out his hand. "Ready princess?" I nod and take Jeremy's hand. "You look crazy beautiful by the way." He spins me around. "Thank you hun." He pulls me into a hug. "If you dont wanna deal with her then we can leave right now." I shake my head. "She will ruin this for none of us." He smiles. "Thats my girl." I kiss him. We walk hand in hand to the pier. We get there and everyone is there.

Axl, Anna, Lacey, Ale, William, Molly, Haylee, Uzeil, Jamie, Max, Jeremy, and Me.

When we walk up Uzeil is trying to avoid Haylee and all the other couples are taking. "So what two couples are 4 people are cooking today?" William ask. "We will." Jeremy says. I nod. "Then so will we." Lacey says. "Ok now go feed us." The four of us walk back to the house.

We sit the table. "What are we making?" Axl ask. "I say spaghetti." Everyone agrees with Jeremy. "Spaghetti it is."

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