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Hi im Kat

Im 16 years old and live in California

Im a sophomore at California High School

Im Miss. Popular

My favorite color is Green

My favorite number is 44

I live at home with my wealthy drug addicted mom

I hate school

I have 2 tattoos

One of a heart lock with a key that was on the side of my left arm

The other was black rose and the stem turned into the word sexy on my right hip.


Hey Im Jeremy

Im 16 years old and moved to California

Im a sophomore at California High School

Favorite color is Black

Favorite number is 1

I live with my mom and dad.

I despise school

I have 2 tattos

One of a pink kiss on my neck

Last i have a tattoo on my chest that says "Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE."

THIS BOOK IS COMPLETE. I'm editing it now

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