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"I have to pee." Jeremy says randomly after of 30 minutes of quite time. I laugh. "Then go pee." He shakes his head. "No." "Why not." "Because I'm lazy." I shake my head. "Oh wow. Lazy ass." He looks at me.

"Shut up before I pee on you." I laugh. "Pee on me and some will 'accidentally' happen it." He gasps. "Did you just threaten my dick??" I nod as he cover it with his hands. "You dirty whore." "I punched it once im not afraid to do it again." I worn. He nods.

We lay passing the tub of ice cream (Cookie Dough to be exact.) back and froth to each other.

We're half way through. "You want anymore?" I shake my head. He puts on the top and puts it on the floor.

We lay there doing nothing special.

"My tummy hurts." I tell him with a pout.

He barley lifts up ne shirt and kisses my stomach. When hes done he kisses my poked out lips.

He lays back down and rubs circles in my stomach.

Soon we're both sleep


We walk into school anand head towards my locker. I hand him my bag and open it up. I take out and put in a few books.

When  I'm done we head to his locker. He does the same and we walk to hang out with his friends.

We intertwine our hands together as he leads me to them.

I say hi to Erin, Carlos, and Zack.

We all sit at the table and I pull out my phone as they talk.

I begin to text Nick

(The Ex)

Hey- Kat

Good Morning laby bug. :)

Good morning. So wyd? - Kat

Nm. Hangin. U?

Hanging out with Jeremy and his friends. -Kat

Cool. How was ur spring brk?

Good. When to go see my big bro. - Kat

That's good how is he?

Good. - Kat


Ya? - Kat

Can I tell you something?

Sure. Hit me. - Kat

Im sorry.

I know you are. - Kat

And I'm still in love with you......

I pause. I stare at the text waiting for it to change. Anytime now. Jeremy looks ovet at me and see my face.

"Did you see a ghost?" I lock my phone. "What? No." He looks at me confused. "Are you ok?" "Ya." I fake a smile and he turns back taking to his friends.

I shove the phone in my pocket and gain in in the boys conversation.

The bell rings and we go to class.

The day goes by quick and soon its lunch.

I wait by my locker for Jeremy but instead Nick shows up.

"You never answered back." He looks sad. "Oh sorry I had to do something." I say not looking at him. "Your lying." I shake my head. "Kat, I know when your lying to be. I know." I sign.

"I don't know how to respond to that." "It's easy." "No it not."

"Yes. Do you love Jeremy?" "Yes." "Do you love me?" I pause. "No." Nick drops his eyes. "Oh.... Ok. Well i got to go to basketball court. So ya see you." With that he leaves.

Jeremy walks over. "What did I miss?" He ask. "Nothing. Can J skip our lunch I wanna go home." "Ok well I'll take you home." "No." He looks confused. "I really want to walk." "Want me to walk with you?" "No im ok."

He nods. I peck is lips before I walk off.


I get home and check my phone. I reach in my pocket and dont feel it. I check my other ones. Still no.

I check my bag but nothing. I begin to worry.

I run out my front door and see Jeremy's car.

He's leaning against it with my phone his hand.

I walk over to him.

He looks at me.

"Do you?" "What Jeremy?" "Do you love him?" I reach for my phone but he pulls it behind him.

"Answer me." "Why?" "Answer me Kat." "I dont have to. Give me my phone." "Do you love him?" "Give me my phone." "Do you love him."

I roll my eyes. "Jeremy just give me my phone." "Answer my question Kat. Do you or do you not love him?"

I wipe my face with my hands. "No you shit head. I told him I love you." He rolls his eyes and hands me my phone. "Well this shit head is leaving." He turns around but before he could go I grab his arm.

"No!" "No?" He replys. "Yes. No. Your not going to ask me if I love someone else and then leave when I give you the answer."

He walks away and gets in his car and drives off.

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