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Everyone is there and dressed.

The girls have on simple floral dresses and my Father, Nick, and Jeremy have on tuxs. My Mom has on a black dress that really looks good on her figure.

"You look beautiful Babygirl." Jeremy says and everyone agrees with him. We all walk outside and get in different cars. Jeremy & I in one. Melissa, Diamond, & Nick in another and My Mom and Dad in the other.

After everyone pulls off me and Jeremy drive off in a different direction then everyone else. "Where are we going?" "To my house." Was all he said. I knew if I asked again he wouldn't tell me anymore.

We drive for about 15 minutes and arrive to his house. He gets out and walks to me side. He opens the door and lets me out. As we walk up to his house he pulls me around and I fall into his chest. "I love you." I smile and peck Jeremy's lips. "I love you too." He places his chin on top of my head avoiding my tirana & we both put our hands around each others waist.

We walk inside and go to his room. Both his parents are gone. "I noticed something." He says as he pulls me in his lap. "What's that?" "We've never talked about our future." "What do you mean?" "Like our future together after High School and all."

I turn to face him put im still im his lap. "Want to talk about it now?" He nods. "So are we going to have a future together?" I nod. "I would hope so." He smiles. "Kids or no kids?" We both think. "Yes." He finally says. "But in like 5 to 8 years?" He nods. "Yes."

"Girl or boy?" I ask. "Girl." He says. "Boy." I say. He laughs. "Why?" "Cause girls are hard to take care of. Which remembers me. You need to start wearing comdoms." He laughs then sees im serious. "Seriously?" I nod. "In.less you want Jeremy Jrs. or baby Kat's running around sooner then possible. Ya." He signs. "Really Jeremy Jrs?" I laugh. "I dont know."

"If its a condom you want a comdom you will get." I smile. "Thank you." "You wanna know something." I tell him as he nods. "Ya?" "I have always wanted to adapt." "Really?" "Ya. Have one of my own and adapt the other." Jeremy smiles.

"That makes me love you even more." I kiss him. "So yep, I want 2 kids. You want?" "4." "Not happening." He kisses my neck. "I could change your mind."


It's 6:30 and I have just arrived to my party.

When I walk in the door the music stops amd everyone claps. When I finally sit down everything goes back to normal. My Mom shows up. "Happy birthday Kitty." "Thanks Mom."

My song for Me to dance with my Mom comes on and we dance to Beautiful Mistake by *Unknown* When we sway to the song and next its my Daddy's turn.

It Wont Be Like This For Long by *Unknown*. I put my head on his chest and mentally sing the song as tears fall down my face.

It wont be like this for long. One day you'll look back laughing at the week you brought her home.

When the song stops I look at my Daddy and more tears fall down both our faces. "I love you Daddy." He hugs me. "I love you too Princess." "I never want to grow up."

"I never wanted you too. I remember when you'd lay in my lap and I'd watch you sleep. For the first 2 weeks of you life you were never out of my sight." I smile. "I know you tell me all the time." "Because I never want you to forget."

The party goes perfect. I barley saw Jeremy and when I did I would get pulled away. It was tge best party ever. Jeremy left early and soon more people left. I cleaned up with the help of my Mom and Dad then we all left.

Currently I am walking my room. I take off my crown and place it next to my 17 glass roses my Dad gives me for all my birthdays. I take off most of my make-up them get a text.

Jeremy: Hey come over to my house. The front door is open.

I text back.

Me: Ok im on my way.

I get my keys and leave, but not before telling my parents bye. I drive over to Jeremy's house and walk into the house. There is shattered red, pink, and white rose petals on the floor leading to the stairs.

On the stairs is more petal and a lit candle on each, leading all the way to the door of his room. I open the door where there are more petals on the floor and bed.

Jeremy is standing there with a lit cupcake.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to my babygirl. Happy birthday to you."

I smile, blow out the candle, then hug him.

"Thank you." "You're welcome." He hands me the cupcake. I take out the candle and hand it to him. He throws it away. I take off the wrapping and bite into the cupcake.

Jeremy takes frosting from the top and puts it on my nose. I try to get it with my tongue put it fails. I smash the rest of the cupcake on his face.

"You have a little something on you face." I say to him. He takes so frosting on his fingers. "Here?" He points to his forehead and puts some there. I giggle. "No."

He does the same to his cheek. "Here?" I giggle again. "No." "Here?" He places some on my face. "Yep." He laughs. "Good."

Yours (COMPLETE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें