Chapter 29 - Happy Halloween

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Alas, tis the second to final chapter. I finally get to make my dream ending come true. I honestly did not expect to make it this far. Thank y'all! BTW they have their child now, getting ready for good ol hallows eve.

Jonah's P.O.V.

"See anything you like?" I ask Cyrus, as he digs through costumes.

He turns around flashing me a naughty santa costume, "how about this one?"

"You've got to be kidding me," I say with a slight roll of the eyes, making him put the costume back.

Nearly a hour, we have been here, and Cyrus still can't decide on a costume, the crazy part was I swear there are more adult costumes, than kid costumes.

"Cyrus hurry up, this is cruel to her," I tell him, gesturing towards, Jessica who was looking through costumes.

She had already picked out hers, she was going as a pirate, the only reason Cyrus was getting a costume was to take her out trick or treating.
She begged, and begged to be able to go by herself, but Cyrus wouldn't give in.

Just then she turned, and said, "yeah, hurry up we have been here forEVER."

I announce to them, "you know what, we'll go wait in the car, maybe leave you, and go to the arcade, who knows."

With that said, we go pay her her costume, and leave the store, with her asking me, "are we really going to go that stuff?"

"Phft noouh, course not," I tell her making her look disappointed, causing me to add, "course not, without Cyrus."

"You're weird," she told me getting into the car.

"Thanks... I guess."

For entertainment purposes I looked up some funny cat videos, thinking to myself, kids like these right, hopefully, she is ten?

About three minutes into the video without a single laugh she groans, "ughh, what is taking him so long?"

"I don't kn-oh my gosh look at what he gots," I exclaim pointing to Cyrus approaching the car with smile as big as his dinosaur costume.

No, it couldn't be any dinosaur it had to be a pink, inflatable one.

Once Cyrus hopped in, Jessica said, "I can't be seen with him wearing that."

Cyrus turned, looking back at her, "what's wrong with a pink dinosaur?"

"What is right with one?" She asked.

"Oo-who-who, Cy she got you good. Nice one put it er there," I congratulate her, with a high five, before getting going.

Cyrus just shook his head at this act, "she's just jealous that my costume is better."

"Cyrus quit, it feels like I am dealing with two kids, seems to me like she is more of a adult than you are."

"Nuh un," Cyrus says with his arms crossed, acting childish on purpose.

Our daughter said, "yeah huh, maybe you are just jealous."

I tried changing the subject from the two of them, "so Jess, what is your favorite type of candy?"

RIght away she answered, "snickers!"

I laughed just a bit, nudging Cyrus, "ha, looks like she is going to eat all your chocolate."

In a threatening tone Cyrus told her over his shoulder, "if you lay one finger on my-"

"-Okay music time," I said quickly hoping to achieve silence from the two of them.

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