Chapter 8 - Stormy Miracle

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I'm not sure how often this will be updated since I am starting up school again. I'm not sure what to do after this is finished. Should I do another Jyrus fanfiction? NOTE: I will never have anything to do with Tyrus I think it is the worst, if Disney makes that a thing I might stop watching.

Cyrus's P.O.V.

Today is not only Friday.

It is also the last day of my hope that Jonah will recover.

He was supposed to be awake by now.

Andi is at the I.S.S. room with Amber, leaving me with only Buffy at school today.

The bullying at school had died down a considerable amount.

There are occasional shoves, and no more getting hit.

On the other hand, the verbal abuse was worse now that Amber has also told them about my mom being dead.

The only reason she knew was, because I told her thinking it was Jonah.

Lunch today was pretty depressing with no real conversion happening.

Until this one kid was walking by to dump their tray, and he *accidentally* tripped spilling it all over me.

Milk was dripping down my hair onto the floor.

The kid got up, grabbed his tray, put it away, and went back over to his table where they all started laughing at me.

Buffy got up from the table.

Before she started walking I said "Buffy, please don't do anything. It will only make things worse. I am fine it is just food".

She sat back down, and said "Okay whatever you want".

I get up, dump my tray, and tell Buffy "I am going to try and get most of this off".

I head into the bathroom.

I used lots of paper towels scrubbing the food remains off.

I even went as far to soak my hair with water to clean the milk out, then dried my hair partially with the hand dryer.

After lunch I went to my locker to get my jacket.

I wore my jacket for the rest of the day to cover up the stains on my shirt.

As for my pants there was not anything I could do for them.

Getting home is different for me now since my mom used to pick me up.

Now I ride the bus home, luckily my stop is pretty early.

Riding the bus is not anything new to me since I still ride it to school every morning.

I got off the bus and walked into my house.

I still have not got used to this house.

There are not any recent pictures of me on the walls.

The house had some boxes of junk scattered throughout it that were previously in what is now my room.

I wish I was still living in my old house where I felt comfortable.

I barely go into other rooms of the house, I just hide out in my room.

Also this house is not nearly as big as my old one.

My room is smaller than I would like, and I don't got my own private bathroom anymore.

My parents don't really talk to me, making me feel like I do not belong here.

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