Chapter 9 - Untold Misfortune

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So it has been a while since I have updated this story. Umm that is about it, so here is chapter nine. Wow almost ten chapters already.

Jonah's P.O.V.

I looked around the room.

It was just me and Cyrus.

Why am I here?

What happened?

I tell Cyrus "Cyrus. What happened?".

He walked and sat in the chair next to me.

"You had a panic attack and slipped into a coma, it has been about a week, it is Saturday. I thought you were dead".

I felt so bad for scaring Cyrus like that.

"I, ah umm" I was cut off by Cyrus.

"Relax Jonah you need to take it easy. A lot has happened that you do not know about" Cyrus said calming me down.

I just nod to him.

'CRACK' Another loud snap of thunder, shaking the Earth.

I got scared.

I have had a secret fear of storms ever since I was a kid.

Most kids grow up and stop being scared, but I never did.

"Like what?" I said with a shaky breath.

"Are you alright" Cyrus asks concerned.

I was going to lie to him, but that would not end well, I have to tell the truth from now on.

"No, .... I'm scared" I say while wrapping the thin blanket around me tight.

Cyrus moved his seat closer to me and said "I am here for you. You can tell me anything".

I knew I could trust Cyrus with my secret so I told him, "I have a fear of storms".

To my surprise Cyrus grabbed my hand and looked straight at me and said "I will protect you. I do not want to lose you again".

I squeezed nice soft hand every time there was thunder.

"What all went down?".

"This might take a while" Cyrus repositioned himself, in his seat.

Cyrus tells me all about Buffy and Andi.

Just when I think it is over he starts to cry, and tell me about his parents.

In a quick attempt to get Cyrus to stop crying I tell him about my mom leaving home.

All this new information, it was hard to take it all in.

It felt like none of this was real, or really happened.

As much I wished this was fake, it just simply isn't.

Cyrus let go of my hand and was breathing pretty hard now.

Cyrus's P.O.V.

I have never been this scared in my life.

I have to tell Jonah now that I love him before someone else does.

Problem is this could ruin our friendship.

I don't know how he will react.

Luckily there is a way to find out.

I take a huge breath and stutter out "J_Jonah I, .... like y_you".

Jonah replied back "I like you too, man", clearly not getting it.

"No, I uh l_like like, ... y_you".

Jyrus - Jonah's ProblemHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin